Home > Whiskey Holiday (Mistletoe Montana #11)(11)

Whiskey Holiday (Mistletoe Montana #11)(11)
Author: Crystal Daniels

"Give it to the big guy here with the scowl. I'm pretty sure it was named after him," the biker with long blond hair smirks.

"Shut it, before I shove a poinsettia up your ass," the big bearded biker growls, then takes the green cocktail from me, handing it to the beautiful blonde sitting beside him. I smile at their banter, grab the two White Christmas Martinis from the tray and look around the table, and a petite brunette smiles at me.

"One of those is mine." I pass it to her, and she takes a sip. "Oh, my God. This is so good." She sets her glass on the table. "I'm absolutely in love with Mistletoe. Christmas all year round? I'd never get tired of waking up to all the lights, trees, and Christmas music every day." Her eyes light up as she gazes around the bar. "I can't believe I've lived in Montana all these years and never been here before."

"Well, I'm happy you finally found us. How long are you staying in Mistletoe?" I sit the two pitchers of beer in the center of the round table, along with empty glasses, and the men begin pouring themselves drinks.

"We leave tomorrow, so we will be home with the kiddos for Christmas eve." I feel a hand on my hip and know without looking it's Tannon's. The petite brunette looks past my shoulder at him and smiles. "This must be your husband."

I look over my shoulder at Tannon, who doesn't correct her. "Oh, um, no. We aren't married." I tell her.

"Yet," Tannon states with confidence, and the men sitting around the table chuckle.

"What is your name, brother?" the older biker asks him.

Tannon steps to my side and extends his hand. "Tannon."

"Jake," the biker shakes his hand. "Why don't the two of you join us for a drink?"

I glance around the bar. Business is beginning to taper, and we will close soon. Tannon looks at me, and I nod. Hell, why not?

"I'll be right back," I excuse myself. Stepping behind the bar, I make a couple of old-fashioned Christmas cocktails, making Tannon's a bit more traditional than mine. After making sure Brinkley and Danny have things covered, I join the Polson crew at their table. Instead of pulling a chair out for me, Tannon pulls me to sit on his lap.

For more than an hour, we sit with our new friends from Polson, who happen to be an MC, The Kings of Retribution. They tell us all about Polson, and we discuss my hometown. We are from different aspects of life. They seem to be rough around the edges and probably have seen more than I care to imagine, while I've led a relatively sheltered, simple life here in Mistletoe. But we are similar in all the ways that count. As I watch them interact with one another, I take in the love each man has for his woman and a strong sense of family at the root of it all.

"What are your plans for the rest of the evening?" I take the final sip of my drink.

"Our women would like to attend the tree lightning later tonight." Logan pulls Bella from her seat onto his lap and places his hand between her knees.

"It's a big event. There will be lots of food and rides," I tell them, and all the women smile, looking at their men.

"Winter has the honor of flipping the switch this year." Tannon rubs my knee. I try to act like it's not a big deal, but I'm bursting with excitement inside.

"You had me at food," Quinn says, then stands and pulls Emerson out of her seat. "Feed me, woman."

Tannon's phone rings and he pulls it from his pocket. "Hello. Perfect." The call ends quickly. "I have a surprise for you." His eyes twinkle as his smile takes over his face.


"Yep," he says, and I slide from Tannon's lap and stand.

"I need to close the bar," I tell him.

"Already taken care of. Danny is going to lock up."

Everyone else sitting at the table rises as well and begins to bundle up in their coats and hats. We collectively walk toward the front door, and my best friend hands me my jacket and bag from behind the bar.

"I'll see you later." Brinkley smiles, and I smile back.

"It was good meeting you all," I tell our new friends from Polson. "I hope you come back for another visit."

"You too. Let us know the next time you find yourselves in our neck of the woods," Jake says as Tannon pushes the front door open, and we step outside into the frigid night air.

The jingle of bells draws my attention.

My mouth gaps open as I stare at the horse-drawn sleigh sliding to a stop before us. Tim, who is one of the drivers for Jingle All The Way, tips his head and grins at us.

Tannon grabs my hand in his. "Ready?"

"This is my surprise?" My tummy flutters again, and I hear the women aww behind me.

"Hell, man. You're making the rest of us look bad," Reid, who is standing at my right with his woman, Mila, says.

"This town inspires me to want to write a small-town Christmas romance," Alba gushes.

"We have got to ride on one before we go home." Bella looks at her man. I watch Logan lift his woman's feet off the ground, bringing her lips to his.

"I'll give you something to ride," he tells her, then gives her a passionate kiss that makes me blush.

"Maybe we'll catch you later," Jake waves goodbye as their crew walks across the parking lot.

Tannon helps me onto the sleigh, then settles in beside me. He throws a heavy blanket across our legs before wrapping another around our shoulders. I snuggle close to his side, seeking his warmth as we start to move. We travel around the town square and along the trail near the frozen lake where families are ice skating. I soak it all in. It feels like I'm looking at the world around me through someone else's eyes. Like I'm experiencing the magic of Mistletoe for the first time.

Sometime later, the sleigh ride comes to an end, pulling up to the towering spruce decorated in beautiful red and green colors. I look around at many familiar faces in the crowd gathered to see the tree lights come on. Tannon steps down, then takes me by the waist, setting me to my feet. "Are you ready to flip the switch?" Tannon brushes the loose hair blowing across my face.

Snowflakes fall onto my face, getting caught on my lashes as it begins to snow. "Kiss me first," I tell him.

Tannon palms my cheek, and I lean into his touch and close my eyes. "Where have you been all my life?" he whispers.

"Waiting for you," I confess. Christmas music playing in the background feels like it's moving through me, keeping a steady rhythm with the drumming of my heart as Tannon kisses me.

This kiss is different.

It's whispering a thousand wishes and promises.

Like long lost lovers, our souls speak to each other.

When I open my eyes, I see more than Tannon gazing upon me. I recognize the father of my children—my future husband—my forever.






The following day after the town festival, Winter and I drove out to Mistletoe Tree Farm. Once we arrived, she insisted I try Mrs. Morgan's famous hot apple cider that Mrs. Morgan serves every two weeks leading up to Christmas. I have to admit, the apple cider was, in fact, the best I had ever had.

"I love this place." Winter closes her eyes and breathes in the strong smell of pine surrounding us. "My dad brought my brother and me here every year growing up. He would tell us to pick out whatever tree we wanted, then cut it down for us to take home and decorate." Winter breaks off a piece of the green sprinkle covered sugar cookie she is eating then slyly sneaks a little bite to Duke. I smile because she does this a lot when she thinks I'm not looking. "Before going home, we would stop at Mrs. Morgan's booth for a cup of cider and a sugar cookie." Winter lets out a satisfied sigh. "The tradition doesn't feel quite the same this year."

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