Home > The Guzzi Legacy : Vol 1(167)

The Guzzi Legacy : Vol 1(167)
Author: Bethany-Kris

Valeria moved in, too, whispering against his lips as she kissed him, “Both.”

She kissed him hard, and fast, the sharp flavor on his tongue from the rum he’d been nursing earlier blooming across her palate. His fingers drifted between her thighs, his hard lines crowding her to the mirror when he came closer. He stroked her over the line of her lace panties first, making her hips rock into his touch with each soft swipe.

“There, yeah? You want me there?” he asked, his lips ghosting over her cheek. “That’s what we need to do, Val. Wake up your pussy first, little by little, and then when you’re nice and wet from this, I will treat you like a feast.”

His words, and the way they sounded coming out of his mouth, lit up a fire inside Valeria like she had never felt before. His fingers flamed it as they worked between her thighs, now slipping under the gusset of her panties to stroke her bare flesh and the short-trimmed hair above the hood of her clit.

“Jesus,” she breathed.

Chris chuckled. “Wait, it gets better.”

She didn’t doubt it.

Valeria couldn’t imagine how.

This was already more than she understood—more than she experienced before. Overwhelmed. Sensitive. Her body became a live wire snapping with every encouraging, tantalizing touch.

“I bet you’re pussy tastes as hot as you are on my fingers,” he told her.

Valeria’s head tipped back to the mirror as she dragged in a hard breath. “Oh, my God. Keep doing that.”

He did; his two fingers stroking in and out of her sex before coming up to circle the tight bud of her clit. A rhythmic, perfect beat. Her legs trembled as she lifted them higher out of a deep need to spread herself wider for him.

She bet she was quite a sight.

Spread open.

A man between her thighs whom she had not spoken vows to ... even if her husband had broken his vows to her more times than she was aware, and in more ways than she would ever care to count.

Begging like she did.

“Please, please, please,” she heard herself say.

Although for what she asked for, Valeria didn’t know. For the building need to continue, but for it to become more. For him to give her it because he had to see she needed relief. Or for things she didn’t understand.

She would beg for it though.

All of it.

Chris pressed one quick kiss to her trembling lips, his own tugging into a sinfully wicked smirk that had her gulping, before he lowered between her thighs. The beat of his fingers thrusting into her wet pussy before coming back up to rub at her clit stopped.

Only for his tongue to take the place of his fingertips on her clit with a faster, harsher beat than before. Those two fingers in her sex became three, filling her deliciously as his tongue moved back and forth from licking at her clit to lapping at his fingers fucking her and covered in her cum.

She had to watch.

Chris looked like a man enthralled—eating her while he watched her, and his fingers worked her pussy until she teetered on an edge like never before. Valeria hadn’t been ready to fall, then, hadn’t known what it would be like when it wasn’t forced, and she craved it—willing to let a man have her like this.

And then she fell.

Her bliss became a cliff.

She stifled the noises crawling from her throat as the orgasm tore through her core and rippled across all of her nerves. Shouting into the heel of her palm as she watched Chris replace his fingers inside her still-pulsing sex with his tongue to lick her essence right from the source.

Valeria never saw anything hotter.

Never been higher.

Chris caught her when the trembling started in her legs, his tongue drifting from her sex to lap at her inner thigh before he raised up. She didn’t even think about it, just seeing his mouth wet with her arousal made her want to taste herself on his lips.

So, she did just that.

Valeria didn’t know who this woman was—this person here, doing this with him. This man who came into her life without warning, saying things to give her hope, and terrified her to death at the same time.

She had no clue who she became around Christopher Guzzi, but she liked it.

That was a dangerous thing.





“Where did you go off to?” Jorge asked.

Do not look that woman’s way, Christopher.

He could feel Valeria’s stare burning into his back from across the backyard. She exited through the rear of the home, but he decided it would be smarter if he didn’t take the same way back to the party she did.

Better not to play with fire.

Hadn’t they already risked a lot?

Chris thought so.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Chris came closer to Jorge, making sure his posture was light, and easy. “Fireworks always give me a headache, so I took a walk. Thought it might be nice.”

“Ah, yes. They bother the horses, too. You’ll make friends with those beasts.”

Had he compared Chris to animals?

Well, whatever.

Chris took the clipped cigar Jorge offered him but used his own lighter to get it smoking. Jorge turned his back to Chris for the moment, watching the men who had gathered in a slight circle, and the two in the middle who were sharing punches. A bareknuckle match, it looked like.

Another time or place, and Chris might have joined in just because. Not here, though, and not with these men. These people weren’t his family or friends, and he could not afford to forget that fact.

This job was already dangerous before he came here and got stuck in his head about a woman he needed to get the fuck out of this place. Now, he couldn’t get her out of his head, and that made it worse.

Emotional attachments were bad.

Even if they felt good.

Speaking of which ...

Chris could still feel Valeria’s stare on him, and with Jorge’s back turned, it allowed him to check her way. Sure enough, she watched him from her position on the porch, looking no better or worse than she had before their little encounter in the house. Frankly, looking at her wasn’t any good for his side of things, either.

The woman was a siren.

She called to him.

He didn’t know what to do with that.

Knowing he should turn his stare away from her before someone noticed his attention, he gave Valeria a quick nod, and looked away. It was all he could do although he wished he didn’t have to do that at all.

She needed someone to care. That much was painfully obvious with her. The woman was strong as hell, no doubt about it. Look at all she had gone through and was still dealing with regularly. No one could ever say she hadn’t done all she could and still held her head high while she did it.

Simple as that.

Valeria was still human though. And very much a woman. Her mind, heart, and soul needed things, whether she craved it or it felt good. Affection, touch ... attention. All of it, those were basic human needs. He knew she wasn’t getting those things from the man they forced her to marry, and he wasn’t sure what to do with the fact he wanted to give it to her instead.


This was a mess.

A dangerous one.

“What’s next, hmm?” Chris asked Jorge.

He needed to get his thoughts away from Valeria, what had happened in the house, and how he felt about her. If not, someone would notice his distraction, and he doubted it would take them long to put two and two together to make four.

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