Home > Let's Go Play at the Adams'(31)

Let's Go Play at the Adams'(31)
Author: Mendal W. Johnson

next. He had to do what he was doing.

Barbara, too, was thinking. Paul was glad he didn't know what. She still didn't seem very

much afraid-though she understood it well enough when he hurt her-and she was still

angry. But there was something else. She kept looking at him as if she just couldn't

understand any of this, as if she were trying to look inside of him and figure it all out. He

bore this


uncomfortably while he regained his normal breathing: she was spoiling things. Then he

had an inspiration.

Going to the chest, he opened the drawers one after another until he found the one with

her own things in it. As he had hoped, there were several summer scarves neatly folded

and stacked to the side. Taking one and laying it on the bed, he refolded it from corner to

comer and then again and again until it was no wider than a belt. He had a blindfold.

Barbara saw him coming and would have no part of it. She shook her head no-no and

twisted away from him violently. Nonetheless, by putting the blindfold under her chin and

trapping the back of her head against his skinny chest, he was able to work the cloth up

over her eyes and tie it in place. It took several tries and some struggle, and when be had

finished, they were both breathing bard again. The change in things, however, was


Instead of Barbara's put-down looks, there was nothing. It was as if she bad left the room.

The prisoner was anonymous-like the ones they used to do things to down in the woods:

nonexistent-and the taboo over her was gone.

Taking his knife again, Paul McVeigh reopened his game, this time pressing in here and

there as if daring himself to break the skin and draw blood. Now. That ought to hurt for a

change. He even touched her breast. When lightning did not strike him dead-like John, he

rather saw lightning as the all-avenging blast that evened justice out-he put the point of his

knife on her breast and ran it luxuriously down to the nipple. Hers were bigger than his,

bigger even than Dianne's, and they had little bumps in the pink part and he bad a long

time to go yet, and so he toyed with his knife point.


John, too, was half-afraid when it came his turn to guard Barbara. Though be felt himself to

be the leader in most things, be was all the more shy about saying what he wanted done

with her. It would be like a pane of glass-everyone would know then-and he almost


let the whole thing pass. Then he called himself coward, and faced the whole matter down.

"I want her back in bed. Like she always is." "OK," Paul twitched. He had just joined them

on the kitchen steps. He seemed pale and a little breathless.

"It's too early," Dianne said logically. "We'd only have to go to the trouble of getting her up

again to eat. And then put her down again."

"Yeah. Anyhow, that's no fun," Bobby said. "It's my turn to say."

"OK. All right," Dianne sighed and got up. The rest of them followed her.

This time Barbara resisted. When they released her from the chair and got her to her feet,

she refused to move, and when they pushed her, she knelt down on her knees and doubled

up and let them choke her with their halter. When they grabbed her upper arms and tried

to lift her, she squirmed free, rolled over and shot out her hobbled ankles, hitting John and

nearly knocking him down. Blindfolded, she continued to kick out in all directions until they

finally caught her bare legs and pinned her down. In the end, it took all five of them to drag

her up onto the bed and tie her wrists and ankles to its four corners again. Bobby and Paul

got knocked back several times; Dianne got scratched; and John nearly lost his hold on her

once or twice. When it was over and the other kids had left, he sat down to catch his

breath and think a moment. The fact was that he was still afraid of what he had dared

himself to do.

There were so many Barbaras in his mind. The first one, the one he had met when she first

came to sit for the Adams kids, was busy, athletic, and bright. She ticked him off the way

she whipped the Adams kids around in the station wagon as if she owned it. She wasn't

anywhere near a grown-up, and yet she acted more like a mother than Mrs. Adams did. She

ticked him off the way she let the old ladies at the church make over her and take her in.

Barbara could swim better, run as fast, manage twice as well, talk better she knew

everything-and all the time that she was


being so smart-ass and bossy, she knew that she was pretty and that all the guys were

watching her out of the corner of their eyes. Even the old men. She had that look-and-eat-

your-heart-out manner. It made it easy to want to take her down a couple of notches-as,

indeed, they had-but remembering that girl did not make it any more easy to approach her.

Then there was Barbara the first day after they captured her, not stuck-up and busy

anymore, but finally silent, gagged, helpless, and bewildered. She was still recognizable,

but it was an improvement.

Yesterday there had been a friendlier Barbara. He now realized that she had been putting

him on with all that talk about his school and his girl and all-what did she care anyway?

That was all kid stuff to herbut, in fact, he had enjoyed it. He wished now that he had

kissed her when she gave up: he wished now that he dared ungag her and talk to her some

more, but her kicking around said enough for her mood.

So that he got down to Barbara today, naked for him to do anything with that he wished,

and he was still scared, actually scared. John Randall was also disgusted with himself.

When Dianne had cut off Barbara's nightgown this morning-I ohn, of course, consenting-he

had thought he would go blind. She was so pretty. A kind of blankness came over his mind;

he hardly seemed able to look. His legs were all sort of weak on the insides: he thought he

was going to do it again, right then and there. Did just looking at a girl do that to you?

Nobody had ever told him about that before, and he felt a little betrayed. It was unfair that

women had that advantage over you. It had dismanned him the rest of the day, right up

until now.


He swallowed with some noise.

Just now, as a matter of fact, he would have liked to get up and go out of the room, but he

couldn't. He was trapped. On the one hand were the rest of the kids who would laugh at

him: on the other there was the reason for it all-Barbara. OK, he managed to look at her

long and steadily from where he sat, and while he



still felt a little bit of that heady, half-blindedness, he found that he had some self-control.

He even found, at length, that he could stand-a better view-and that he could walk as if in

a dream, half stuck to the floor, half gliding. He found that he was able to move to the side

of the bed and sit down on it beside her and endure that, too.

At such close range, he felt he was in the path of some kind of death ray. Something was

happening inside him. He was irresolute: it was difficult to breathe. Very hesitatingly, he

touched the inside of her calf and moved his fingers up her leg-John Randall enormously

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