Home > Mistletoes and Apple Pie(4)

Mistletoes and Apple Pie(4)
Author: Lynn Hagen

“See if your cat will come when you call it.” Because Miller’s cat sure as shit wanted to rub all over Payton. His skin felt tight, and he was determined not to let his canines descend. As hard as Miller fought not to think about it, images of Payton bent over a couch, his ass exposed, plagued Miller’s mind.

It was the pull, that million-year-old evolutionary drive that had Miller hard and needy. Thank fuck he had some self-control, or he would have been all over Payton by now.

“Bilbo,” Payton said in a gentle voice. He made a kissing sound that wasn’t helping Miller’s partial erection. “Come here, you bad boy. Come to daddy.”

Nothing. Not even a meow. At least not from Bilbo. Miller’s jaguar was ready to “come to daddy” and make Payton the one who purred as he… Shit, he needed to stop thinking about seducing the guy while Payton was trying to rescue his pet.

Payton pulled a small container from his coat pocket and shook it. Miller realized the plastic container had treats in it. Smart move.

His mate shook it like the treat container was a maraca, but Bilbo still refused to show himself. Payton looked at him. “What am I going to do if he doesn’t come out? I can’t leave that step open. It’s dangerous, and some strays might try to find warmth in there.”

“I got an idea.” Miller walked to the passenger door of his truck and let Loki out. The German shepherd climbed down and stayed at Miller’s side as they walked back to Payton.

“Um, what are you doing?” Payton shifted his slight weight from one leg to the other as he stared from Loki to Miller. He frowned and moved slightly, as if to block Loki from going anywhere near the steps.

Miller hunkered down and scratched Loki behind his ears. “The space is too tight for me to climb in, and I’m not letting you go in there because of safety precautions. Loki will find Bilbo and bring him out.”

“But don’t dogs and cats hate each other?” Payton looked worried as he stared at Loki. “I don’t want him eating my cat.”

“Nah.” Miller stood. “Loki is a retired rescue canine. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He’ll get Bilbo out without harming him.”

“If he kills my cat, I’m… Sorry, I don’t mean to threaten you when all you’re trying to do is help me. It’s a flaw of mine I’m trying to work on.”

Miller wasn’t sure what to think of the redhead. One moment he was docile, and the next, he looked as though he would neuter Miller and Loki if Bilbo were hurt.

“Isn’t Loki the god of mischief?” Payton smiled, and damn if that wasn’t a gorgeous look on him.

“He came with that name, but he can get into mischief from time to time.” Miller turned to his dog. “Loki, seek.”

The German shepherd worked his way inside the large gap and crawled out of sight. Miller grimaced when he heard the cat hiss. “I think I should be more worried about Bilbo hurting Loki.”

“Well, he’s a bit bossy and, at times, pissy,” Payton said. “I guess animal and owner do start acting like each other over time.”

“I think that should be that they start to look like each other over time.”

Payton snorted. “Not in this case.”

His mate bent toward the gap, sticking his head inside. He jerked back and yelped. “There’s a ton of spider webs in there, and spider eggs. Oh my god. I wish I hadn’t looked. Now that’s all I’m going to think about, an invasion of spiders under my house.”

Moments later Loki stuck his head out of the hole, a very ornery cat dangling from his mouth. Loki was carrying Bilbo by his scruff, and Bilbo was swinging his claws, trying to get free.

“Thank god!” Payton wrapped his terrified cat into the small blanket and curled him to his chest. “Are you okay? Let’s get you something to eat and drink.” He turned to Miller. “I can’t thank you enough. Would you like some coffee?”

Miller didn’t usually drink coffee at this later hour, but he accepted. He would have accepted an invitation to anything Payton had to offer just as long as he was able to spend more time with his mate.

“And if I had a doggie treat, I would give you one.” Payton patted Loki on the head while Bilbo hissed at the dog.

Miller wasn’t sure if the cat was just scared or if he really didn’t like dogs. He followed Payton into the house, thankful for the warmth. “You really don’t have to go through any trouble.”

“Nonsense. You rescued my cat. I owe you. I mean besides paying you for a house call. I just want to show my appreciation.”

Miller looked around, but his gaze kept landing on his mate’s backside. “I have a soft spot for animals.” He took a seat at the table, Loki resting at his feet. It hadn’t gone unnoticed that, even though it was close to Christmas, Payton didn’t have any decorations. Not a single one. Didn’t he believe in the holiday?

In truth, it was Miller’s favorite time of the year. There was something about the holiday that made things seem so magical. He was glad he’d found his mate, because now he didn’t have to spend the holiday alone.

“I can see you have a soft spot. Your dog is very well trained.” Payton started the coffeepot, Bilbo still tucked in his arms. “You said he used to be a rescue dog?”

“Yep.” Miller scratched one of Loki’s ears. “I used to work for the NYFD. I retired about a year ago.”

Payton set the cat down, and Bilbo ran to his food bowl but kept an eye on Miller and Loki. “Retired?” Payton was bent over, but looked over toward where Miller sat. “Aren’t you too young to retire? Oh my goodness, were you injured? Is that why?”

He didn’t want to lie to Payton, but Miller wasn’t sure if right now was the time to tell his mate the truth. He’d “retired” because he’d been with the fire department for over a decade, and while others aged, Miller hadn’t. He’d loved his work, had been passionate about it, but if he hadn’t left, people would have started to get suspicious.

“I misspoke,” he said. “I didn’t mean to say retired. I just decided I needed a change of pace. Maple Grove seemed the perfect small town to settle down in.”

That wasn’t a lie. Miller loved this town, though he did miss the action of a big city. Now he worked with Russell Hughes doing odd handyman jobs. Not that he needed the money. He just didn’t want to sit around on his ass doing nothing, so he’d talked with Russell and loved using his hands as a carpenter.

“So you came here and decided to work as a contractor?” Payton poured two mugs of coffee, set them on the table, and then went for cream and sugar, bringing them back with him as he sat.

“I wouldn’t say contractor. I just help Russell around town.” Miller took a sip and winced. He usually liked his coffee stronger, but it wasn’t that bad, just a bit weak. “What do you do for a living?”

“I think I have some cookies around here somewhere.” Payton got up and started searching his cupboards. “They always go perfect with coffee.”

Hmm. Now Miller wanted to know why Payton was avoiding his questions.


* * * *


Payton was sure he didn’t have any cookies, but he didn’t want to answer Miller’s question. He’d inherited some money from his nana, and he didn’t want Miller interested in him for that.

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