Home > Nic's Candy (Mistletoe Montana #14)(5)

Nic's Candy (Mistletoe Montana #14)(5)
Author: Mila Crawford

“What about your dad,” I asked, not sure why Nic had to be the caregiver when they had one parent still left.

"My father completely shut down. He became despondent. He loved us, I know he did, but it was as if my father lost hope without my mom. You see, my parents really loved each other. I mean the kind of love that books are written about, the stuff of stars. That kind of love isn't found easily. Losing my mother meant that my father lost his heart. The only thing he wanted was to sit in that old workshop and carve. He would spend hours, sometimes days there, just carving image after image of my mother's face. That's when Nic really learned to carve. He'd go in there just to make sure my father was okay and would sit and carve with him in silence just so the old man knew that he was still there."

I sat there listening to Sarah as she talked about her brother and everything he had been through from a young age, and my heart ached for him. Nico Rudolf was nothing like I’d thought he was. He was so much more.

"My brother is a good guy," Sarah said as if reading my mind. "He's the best person I know. Anyone who finally captures his heart is gonna be lucky.” She beamed at me, a sweet smile plastered all over her soft face.

"What are you two knuckleheads talking about?" Nic asked as he walked out of the back room toward the front desk.

"I was just telling Candy how horrible you are," Sarah said, winking at her brother.

"Sarah, you better not be spinning tales," Nic warned.

"Who me?" she teased before a mischievous smile formed on her lips. "Well, I got to run. I have to pick up those two hellions of mine from school. Don't forget about the girls’ Christmas pageant next Friday," she said as she slid off the chair and got up before turning to me. "You should come too. Nic will pick you up."

"I don't want to impose," I said, avoiding Nic's eyes.

"She'll be there," he said, kissing his sister on the cheek before turning to me. "Still on for tomorrow?"

"For the woodworking lesson? Yes, I'm looking forward to it," I said before zipping up my bag. As I went for my coat, I noticed Nic holding it. He walked over to me, closing the distance between us. I couldn't help thinking how tall he was and how good he smelled, like pine, and snow. It was intoxicating. He opened my coat for me, and I put it on before lifting my bag and gently placing it on my shoulder.

"Instead of tomorrow, would you like to come over now?" he asked, his voice just a whisper hovering between us.

I was taken aback by his question, unsure if I should say yes or no, but as the seconds of silence ticked between us, I knew that there was only one correct answer. There was only one thing I really wanted. To be near him. I wasn't sure what it was about Nic, but these weeks with him had been happy for me. It may not have started like that, but that was what it had become in a short time.

"Sounds good," I stammered, his nearness making me nervous beyond reason.

"I'll drive," he said before putting on his own jacket. He placed his open hand on the back of my neck. Even through the thickness of my coat, I could feel the heat radiating from his skin. Once outside the store’s entrance, he dug his keys from his coat pocket, locking the shop up tight. We walked to his car, parked just to the side of the store, and he opened the passenger side for me and waited until I had buckled myself up. When I glanced up at him, he smiled and closed the door before going to the driver's side.



His house was breathtaking. I felt like I was looking at a picture.

"This is where you live?" I asked, my eyes roaming the beautiful landscape. A long winding driveway led to a sizable two-story cottage-style home with a large wraparound porch. The house was hidden behind giant evergreens that surrounded it.

"Yes. I know it's a little much. It was my parents’, and when they both died, I took it over. I offered it to Sarah, but she wanted a new build closer to town since she is alone with the girls so often."

"Why is her husband away so much?" I felt for Sarah. She was practically a single mother raising two kids with one on the way.

“He is in the military. High up. He is basically living in DC. He isn't a bad guy. Sarah could move to the city, but she wants the girls to grow up with the secure feeling of the community. Mistletoe has some kind of magic that you really can't find anywhere else. Who doesn't want to live Christmas, three hundred and sixty-five days a year?”

“I have to admit the town is pretty magical,” I said, glancing at him.

“You haven't even seen half of it yet,” he said as he pulled in front of the house. He jumped out of the car and rushed to open my door.

“What a gentleman,” I teased. “So, where's the workshop?” I asked, my eyes wandering the vast space surrounding the house. “Or do you work inside the house? Sarah just made it seem like there was a shop.”

“It's behind the house,” he said.

I grabbed my bag and started to power walk toward my destination, when two strong arms pulled me back, holding me steadfast.

“Relax. We have plenty of time. I thought I would feed you first,” Nic said, his strong arms still caging me to his solid body.

I turned slowly in his arms, my face meeting his chest. I was too scared to look up and see his eyes. My body felt like it was on fire, a strange sensation that I had never experienced before. I wasn't the type of girl who lived in the clouds. My feet were firmly placed on solid ground. I didn't dream or have silly fantasies. But at that moment in Nic's arms, surrounded by the soft blanket snow on the ground and the magic of everything in Mistletoe, Montana, I was enchanted. Slowly, I raised my head and saw him peering down at me. He was so tall, and at that moment, I felt so small, which was fitting with how vulnerable I felt. I licked my lips, realizing that I was thirsty all of a sudden. Felt like I was burning up in the desert, and only he could save me. Without a word, he bent his head until his lips barely touched mine.

"I'm going to kiss you now," he whispered before his lips brushed mine. His lips felt like soft rain on a summer's day, gentle and warm at first, allowing me to get used to him until we found our rhythm. The heat rose in me, consuming my body as his hands roamed my back, bringing our bodies closer together. Our tongues brushed against each other, hot, electric, and completely combustible. Just when I thought I would go mad with the passion, he pulled away, his eyes blazing into my own.



Chapter 5





Christ, she was incredible. I wanted to stand there kissing her lips for eternity. My dad always said that the one would make you climb out of your skin and set a calm over you simultaneously. I wanted to sear her in my memory, her beautiful face tattooed there forever. I didn’t want to scare her with my thoughts, my needs, and my uncontrollable desire. I knew all the way down to the marrow of my bones that she was meant to be mine.

“That was nice,” she whispered. “Why did you stop?”

“There is plenty of time for all that,” I said, getting lost in the beauty of her eyes. God, she was cute, so damn pretty, like a work of art. “Besides, if I didn’t stop just now, I might have you naked on the snow-covered ground, and I’m thinking frostbite wouldn’t be a pleasant memory of our first time for either one of us.”

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