Home > Sweet Little Lies (Dirty Little Lies Duet #2)(2)

Sweet Little Lies (Dirty Little Lies Duet #2)(2)
Author: J.D.Hollyfield

I’ve made a lot of bad decisions in my time. I’ve taken things from people and crossed the line in more ways than I’d like to admit. But nothing tops the thoughts jumbling in my head right now—my plan to seduce a man entirely out of my league. A man I’ve fantasized about being under for most of my adolescent years. Everybody has their own addictions, and my drug of choice happens to be him. I always knew our age-gap was an obstacle, but rules would be broken no matter what.

So I waited. Watched. Flaunted my taut little self in front of him until it was time. Finally, I was eighteen, ripe, and of age. And now, with time ticking frantically away until I go to college, I know I’m ready to commit the sin of a lifetime and take on the burden of the downfall.

It’s now or never.

The question is: will he bite?

I sure as hell hope he does. Literally and figuratively.

Becoming bored of the view before me, I get up off the bench, and start walking to my car. When I pass the cute little family, I can’t help but bend down and whisper to the little girl. “For the record, Ring Around the Rosie is about a plague that killed a lot of people. And the ashes? Yeah, that’s everyone dying. You should really do more research into your nursery rhymes.”

Straightening, I wink at her daddy and walk away.





The blazing fire in the sky beats down on my porcelain skin, giving it a sun-kissed glow. Today, I decided on my skimpiest white bikini. One that forces anyone to take a second glance. One I know he’ll willingly notice. The water glistens at my toes as I sunbathe along the pool’s edge, knowing he’s inside with my dad.

Gabriel Walker.

A man who’s been starring in my dreams for as far back as I can remember. I can’t specifically pinpoint the time and day my thoughts started to change about him. Was it during the many dinners he came to? The late-night drinks with my dad where I would interrupt and insist they entertain me until it was time for bed? Or was it the same time I realized he was also noticing me?

Gabriel was a man of extreme control. A cut-throat businessman—just like my dad—but with bigger fangs. Nothing about him intimidated me, though. Being around him was just pure excitement. His deep voice, always laced with intent. His thick biceps creating this sensation between my thighs whenever he brought his scotch to his full lips. And the way his smoldering eyes washed over me, seeing through me, yet not seeing me at all.

He was dangerous and out of my league—in more ways than one—and I wanted him with every sense of my being.

Yeah, it was risky. A risk that may finally push my dad over the edge with having enough of my antics. But maybe it will pan out. I’ve spent my entire summer fantasizing about his best friend. Now that I’m heading off to college in a few weeks, it’s now or never. I need to dangle the bait in front of the beast and see if he bites or move on.

But I don’t plan on making it easy for him to walk away.


The afternoon heat becomes unbearable. I get up and walk inside, allowing the brisk air-conditioning to chill the sweat across my chest. My bare feet hit the marble tile as I make my way to Dad’s office. Even though I know they’re neck-deep in talking business, a text from earlier gives me a reason to bother them.

I adjust my hair, make sure my breasts are perky and right where they need to be, and enter his office, acting oblivious to his company. I don’t need to turn my head to know Gabriel’s sitting on Dad’s couch sipping his scotch, the other hand holding a Cuban cigar. “Hey, Daddy! Guess what—”

As expected, he holds up his finger, silently telling me to hold on while he finishes up his call. I count to three before slowly turning to face Gabriel, admiring him in all his divine male glory, casual and relaxed, one leg draped over the other. “Oh, hey, Gabriel.” One, two, three. I count in my head, trying to keep my composure as I admire him from head to toe—his pristine suit, expensive shoes, and clean-cut hairstyle. Everything about him screams money, but it suits him. Just like my dad, he’s filthy rich. When you have more money than you’ll ever know what to do with, I guess you spend your fortune on your good looks. He wasn’t just good looking, though. He was more comparable to a god. He may even hit the gym more than my dad—if that’s possible.

Getting lost in his aura, I nibble on my bottom lip. “I’ll be leaving for school soon. Gonna miss me?”

His full lips wrap around his cigar as his eyes penetrate through me, undressing me inch by inch. Something electric passes between us, stealing my breath and forces me to look away. My palms brush up and down my arms, trying to get rid of the buzzing sensation layering my heated skin.

Gabriel takes a deep puff of his cigar, the cloud of smoke recapturing my attention. He continues to sit in his relaxed manner and has yet to stop focusing on me. The deep blue of his eyes accentuates his wicked smile. My cheeks flush, suddenly feeling like this was a bad idea. Embarrassed that I’m folding so quickly, I start to ramble. “I…uh, just needed to speak to my dad. College stuff. Didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Your interruption is very much welcomed.” He inhales another tug of his cigar and sits forward. “And it seems you were due for a break. You’re starting to burn.”

My eyes drop to my chest, only to realize I’m as red as an apple. “Oh, shoot. You’re right.”

Gabriel chuckles, the sound waking the nest of butterflies in my belly. “You should make sure your boyfriend applies sunblock next time.”

His suggestion is a question. One he asks regularly. He wants to know if I have a boyfriend. And he waits for the same answer he always gets. “Gabriel, you know I don’t have a boyfriend.”

I love it when he fishes for information. I feed off the satisfaction in his eyes. As if he’s glad no one has me.

I let his penetrating stare allow me to believe I belong to him. It’s been years since I started seeing him as more than just my dad’s friend. Thoughts that were once innocent have now ignited like a blazing wildfire of burning hot desire. He’s taken control of my thoughts. Captured my dreams. A man who would split me in two if my fantasies ever transpired into reality.

“So, what are you and Dad up to now? Getting into trouble as always?” I turn on my flirtation.

Again, with his stare. It’s subtle, but there’s desire behind his steely gaze. He slowly stands, walking close to me. The air in the room shifts, and my heart thunders. “Depends on what you consider trouble, little bird.”

A layer of goosebumps wrap around my body at his pet name for me. Little bird. The nickname he’s secretly called me since this strange connection between us began.

“Where are you running away to so late at night?”

I whip around at the sound of his voice. His deep baritone sends a wave of heat between my thighs. “Out. I’m going out.”

His eyes light a fire inside me, one that threatens to burn my entire world to ash if I allow it. “Aren’t you too young to be sneaking away in the night? Someone might steal you and keep you for themselves.”

My chest rises and falls in short pants. “You sound like my dad. He can’t keep me caged in here forever. I’m a big girl now.”

“And what if that’s what’s best. A little bird like yourself can get lost in the big world. Taken advantage of.” My heart races. As if he senses my nervousness, he takes a step toward me, leaning forward and clasping my chin. “Maybe it’s best you stay caged.”

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