Home > Christmas Carol (Mistletoe Montana #15)(15)

Christmas Carol (Mistletoe Montana #15)(15)
Author: Jordan Marie

“There’s no going back now, my beautiful Carol.”

“I never want to,” she gasps. “I never want to be without you, Cyrus.”

Her confession fills me with as much happiness as her body filled me with pleasure.

My Carol really is a Christmas miracle.

I go to the restroom to dispose of the condom and come back with a warm cloth cleaning her up gently. I place a small kiss against her swollen and well-loved clit, then toss the cloth across the room and crawl on the bed beside her.

“Are you okay, mi corazón?”

“I’m so good. I’m really tired all at once, but I’m scared to go to sleep in case it was all a dream,” she confesses.

“Take a nap and when you wake up in my arms, I’ll prove to you that none of this is a dream, sweetheart.”

She hums her answer, but she snuggles into me. She falls asleep quickly, proving I’ve worn her body out. I lay awake listening to her sleep, thinking that it took a fuck of a lot of years, but somehow Carol has made life…. Good.






“I’m stuffed,” Cyrus groans, as we pull out on the main road. We’re just leaving my sister’s after sharing a great Thanksgiving feast. It was the best holiday that I can remember, and I know the reason for that is the fact that Cyrus joined in. He had fun too. We even made him help with the cooking—well, things he just had to heat up in the microwave. My Cyrus is a man of many talents, but not at cooking.

My Cyrus.

I smile at the thought. He is mine. Since that night in my house where he made me his in every way imaginable, we haven’t spent a night apart. These last couple of weeks have been magic. We’re living in my house and I love that when I wake up he’s there. I even love that his toothbrush is beside mine on the bathroom counter. I really love that he’s been getting me daisies every Friday for no other reason than he just wants to make me smile. I love everything about Cyrus.

“Earth to Carol,” Cyrus teases and I look up at him. He’s smiling at me and gives me a playful wink, before turning his attention back to the road.

“Sorry, I was thinking.”

“About what, mi corazón?”

“How perfect the last couple of weeks has been. And even Thanksgiving. It’s all better this year. He brings our joined hands together and kisses the top of mine and I grin at him, so happy that tears sting my eyes, but I hold them back. “Oh! Take that road, Cyrus.”

“This one?” he asks, staring doubtfully at the graveled road on the right.

“Yep!” I command, excited to share something special with him. It’s a pipe dream that will never happen. It’s definitely silly, but I still want to show him. He takes the exit and I do what I always do when I get on this road, I lose myself in the long trail of holly trees that line the road, and the rolling fields on each side.

“What is this place?” Cyrus asks, looking around.

“My dream home,” I breathe.

“Carol, mi corazón, it’s empty fields and a graveled driveway that leads nowhere,” he laughs. “There is no home.”

“There could be,” I argue. If I win the lottery before someone buys the property. “Can’t you just see it, Cyrus? A big farmhouse with lots of bedrooms? There’s lots of space for planting and raising your own vegetables and fruit trees. You could even have your own pond. I’d never admit it to Krissy, but I love her pond. I’d want swans, though. Every pond should have swans.”

“You’ve thought about this a lot,” he says with a smile stopping the car. We get out almost at the same time and the minute I close the car door and stand up outside, I take a deep breath, bringing the air into my lungs. For some weird reason, the air always seemed cleaner here.

“Yeah, I have. I haven’t shared it with anyone, though. It’s a silly dream. I love my house, but this has definitely become my happy place.”

“Maybe, I should show you my happy place and we can share each other’s together,” Cyrus suggests.

“Where’s your happy place?” I ask, wanting to know. My question turns into a squeal as he lifts me up and sits me on the hood of my car. We had to bring my Toyota Rava, because it’s able to handle the snow on the roads. Cyrus really needs a different vehicle at this point.

“Cyrus!” I laugh. What are you doing?” I didn’t need to ask though, because Cyrus is already unbuckling his pants.

“I think that’s pretty obviously, mi corazón. Hurry and take those sexy leggings of yours down,” he orders, his cock already out and he’s stroking it—like it’s not thirty degrees out here.

“You realize it’s cold out here right? Your dick will probably turn to ice,” I warn him.

“Don’t worry about me, Carol. I’ve got a much warmer place for my cock to be,” he purrs, making me giggle. I’m thankful I have a long coat on, because at least I can make sure my naked ass is lying on it and not the cold metal of the hood. I yank the coat off—even more thankful for the thick sweater I’m wearing—and do as Cyrus orders, because I’m not about to turn down making love with Cyrus.

“I love you, Cyrus,” I whisper up at him, as he rubs the head of his cock against my center. I’m already wet, I seem to stay ready when Cyrus is around.

“Mi corazón,” he groans. “My own Christmas angel,” he adds as he slides deep inside of me. “You make me believe in miracles, because you’re my own personal one.”

“And you’re mine,” I tell him. “Does this mean I’m your happy place?” I gasp as he sets the pace that will bring us to the edge, and then hurl us over.

“You’re more than that, Carol. You’re my own personal heaven,” he moans, his cock sliding in and out of me in a steady, forceful dance that allows me to let go and let my man take charge—exactly how we both like it.






“Sam, I know the appointment went well. I need you to work that to make sure it gets me off the shit list.”

I sigh. I can’t help it. Listening to Cyrus talk to his agent about getting transferred out of Mistletoe makes me nervous. Our time together has been wonderful, and I think he’s happy, but I also know his lifelong dream has been to play ball in the Major League and I want him to be happy. What I don’t know is if he plans on us still being together when he makes his move back to the big teams, or if he just views what we have as something temporary. Krissy told me that I just need to point blank demand to know what his plans are, but I haven’t.

I lack the nerve to ask him.

Luckily, my sister is too preoccupied right now to question me about my courage.

“Okay, Sam. Let me know how the meeting with Arizona goes,” Cyrus mutters, hanging up the phone.

We’re at Mistletoe Christmas Tree Farm to get a tree. My sister has her own trees, but I always like to pick out the perfect tree for the town here. I know Tyson and have for years. He’s a great guy and I like to support local businesses. He’s just recently started dating Eve, but he’s practically claimed her from the moment Eve moved to town. They’ll be married soon, because word about town is they’re practically living together now. Of course, they’re saying the same thing about me and Cyrus and here I am wondering what’s going to happen when he changes teams.

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