Home > Hold Her Close (A Standalone Romance)(16)

Hold Her Close (A Standalone Romance)(16)
Author: Penny Wylder

“Things are going through the roof, Sadie. The story has been picked up by all the affiliates, and the social media response is absolutely off the charts.”

“That’s great, Alan. Thanks for giving me the opportunity.”

“Who’s that?” Alan points to Georgie, who’s sitting by my desk. Jon insisted that he come with me to the studio after the security team arrived, and honestly I’m glad to have the company.

“This guy?” I say, leaning down to give him a few scratches on his neck. “He’s rescue dog who belongs to my friend. He was actually rescued from a dogfighting ring similar to the one in the story.”

Alan looks shocked. “Sadie that’s brilliant. We can do a spot tonight about adopting the dogs that are rescued, featuring this one. That’ll keep the momentum going. It’s the perfect angle.”

Nerves swim in my gut. I wouldn’t directly be reporting on Jack, but still, it could anger him. Despite what I said to Jon this morning about not being intimidated, I can’t shake the unease that last night’s threat left on me. I want to do a good job and take this story farther, but I also have to admit, I’m scared. But Alan’s expression is so eager, and I can’t let him down.

“Sounds great. I can reach out to the rescues. I’m sure one of them will be thrilled for a reporter with a cameraman to come by and get some footage today. I expect they’ll receive an influx of applications by the morning.”

“Great. People love animals, and a good story. This pup here will help put a hopeful spin to your story yesterday and keep people invested.”

I smile. “Perfect.”

He ducks out, and I go back to work following up on the story while one of my stoic bodyguards stands outside the door. They’re nice enough, stationed at various places between me and the entrance to the studio. Now that I’m here, it seems like a little much. Especially since I’m still the new girl in the office, and I hate to think my colleagues think I’m a diva. But I do feel better knowing that there’s someone watching my back.

I call around to various rescues, and they’re all excited we’ll be doing the story. I arrange for one of our junior reporters to get some footage, and work through the questions I want her to ask at the rescue. The entire morning I receive emails with cute pictures of dogs and their profiles. I struggle to pick the few that we’ll feature, and I hope the ones we don’t feature will still benefit from the exposure tonight. Once I have my copy written, and coordinate the graphics with the production team and approve the final edit of the video we’ll be running, with Georgie by my side, I head into the studio to start the show. It’s been a chaotic day but he’s been a champ. Snoozing for most of the day at my feet.

I take my place behind the giant stage desk and place Georgie beside me. “Sit, boy.”

He does, looking up at me patiently. Honestly, he’s the sweetest dog. They all are. I know now why Jon rescued all of them. Reporting on the dogfighting ring was gruesome. I couldn’t have imagined the unbelievable cruelty people were capable of inflicting on such helpless creatures. I have to look away from sweet Georgie’s face before I start crying and ruin my makeup before we start rolling.

And Jon…he is amazing. He let slip that he might love me this morning, and it hadn’t terrified me the way that I thought it would. Because it is fast. Really fast, but all that I can think about is the way he cradled me and carried me to bed last night. When I was at my most vulnerable and needed him, he was there. Without hesitation or conditions, he made me feel safe and loved and so much more.

“Good job,” Bill says, joining me at the desk with a grin. “I think it took me almost two years before I got my first death threat. That you got one on your first story out of the gate means you’re doing something right.”

I give him a courtesy smile, choosing not to correct him. This was very much not my first story. Not by a long shot. The station has used plenty of my stories and research, this is just the first time they let me, rather than Bill, do the on air reporting.

“Also, that’s a good play with Lawson. The guard out there told me he’d hired the security for you. I guess you guys really it off after that interview.” He leers at me and I feel sick. “I really underestimated you. I hadn’t pegged you as being ruthless. But you use what you’ve got, and I respect that.”

“What?” I can’t believe what he’s insinuating.

“I can do the same research you can, sweetheart. I looked into your story to make sure it was solid, just so I could be sure we wouldn’t need to make any corrections. And while I was doing that, I saw Lawson’s name. So I can only assume that he’s the one that gave you the tip.

“It’s a good play. But don’t use him for too long. Move on when he’s no longer useful for the story. It’s easier that way. You got what you needed from him. Pursue other sources. Don’t get hung up on him.”

I stare at him as if he’s grown horns from his head. How dare he talk to me this way! I feel nauseous. Not only because Bill assumed my reporting needed his double-checking, but also that he thinks I’m having a relationship with Jon just to use him as a source. That is exactly what I had been afraid of when I gave away Jon’s interview in the first place.

I hold out my hand to stop the woman who’s trying to mic me, and I leave the desk briefly and approach Damon, the member of the security team who is keeping an eye on me in the studio. “Damon?”

“Yes, Miss Crawford?”

“When it’s time to leave, I’d like to go to a hotel instead of Mr. Lawson’s house, if that’s okay.”

He nods. “Of course. We’ll make arrangements.”


I’m called back on the set, and five minutes later, cameras are rolling. We save the segment about the rescue dogs for last, and Georgie falls asleep at my feet, softly snoring as I introduce the evening’s stories. When it’s time for the last segment, I lean down to scratch his head, and he perks right up. I walk to my mark with Georgie at my side, wagging his tail.

“Tonight we are pleased to offer an update to our investigative reporting on the local dogfighting ring that was disbanded,” I say. “The dogs that were rescued have been placed with foster families, and they’re being screened for health and behavioral problems. While the Nashville Area Last Chance Rescue will not have the dogs who were rescued recently available for adoption for another month, they do have many adorable and lovable dogs looking for homes today, and they are accepting applications. Take a look.”

For the next three minutes the tape rolls with scenes from the shelter and the volunteers training the dogs. The video department did a great job editing the footage, and I just know the rescue will receive lots of applications by the end of the night. When the video comes to an end, I’m back on.

“It’s natural to be hesitant to adopt a dog that was a part of a fighting ring, but we have a special guest here to show you why you should consider adopting one of these special dogs. This is Georgie,” I say, looking down on his cute little face looking up at me. “He was rescued from a fighting ring just like the dogs we featured in our segment last night. And I can honestly say that he’s one of the sweetest dogs I’ve ever met. With a little love and training, these dogs can be outstanding pets for any family.”

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