Home > Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(49)

Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(49)
Author: Erin Osborne

Fox and I will be meeting up with the women in a few hours. I’ve got a few things to do before then though. The first stop I have is the jeweler to pick up a few things I’ve had custom made for my woman. And our babies when they get old enough to wear them. See, I have a gut feeling I’m going to be blessed with little girls this time around. I’m not sure why my gut is telling me this, it’s just one of those feelings people get. As usual, I’m going to trust what I feel. Soon, we’ll be able to find out what they are. I can’t wait.

Do I necessarily want my children to be girls first? No. I’d rather have a boy who can help me watch over his siblings and protect them when I can’t be around. However, I’ll love whatever we have unconditionally and without fail. They won’t know how it feels to not feel loved or only good enough for what you can do for your so-called parents. To think their only escape is the military or ending up in prison. My babies, however many Gwen gives me, will know how much they mean not only to me but their mother as well.

After picking up my things at the first stop, I make my way to grab some new clothes. Gwen is going to have the best I can give her today and that means wearing what we’ve already talked about. Fox will be too, so he’ll have new clothes coming his way as well. Then, finally, I’m going to get my beard touched up and my hair trimmed. Not an entire cut because the length now is something I’m still getting used to. My hair has always been down to the middle of my back at least and now it’s not.

I’m more than ready for today to be over with so I can be in bed with my woman, showing her exactly how I feel about her. However, there are more than a few things to get through. Hopefully, none of this shit with Neil touches what I have planned for today.


Fox and I pull up to the courthouse just before I told Kim to bring Gwen there. Rich and Tommy are still with the women and have checked in several times throughout the day. Nothing has gone on while they were out or at Kim and Fox’s home. The breath I’ve been holding all day finally leaves and I can take a full, deep breath as I watch Kim’s car pull into the lot.

We walk down to the girls and Gwen looks up at me with love, wonder, and shock in her eyes. I’m dressed in a black button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. My cut is on over my shirt while the black bandana I usually wear is tied around my head. I’m wearing a new pair of dark wash jeans with my boots covering my feet. Fox is wearing the same outfit as me with one exception; his shirt is red instead of black like mine.

Gwen takes my breath away as she stands before me wearing a white dress. It’s a simple sheath with a red ribbon resting just under her tits. The dress falls down to her ankles and has thin straps holding it up on her. She told me she never wanted anything big and fancy; the simpler things were, the happier she’d be. Her hair is half up with the long length curling down her back. Barely any make-up covers her face.

“You’re simply gorgeous,” I tell her, my voice sounding hoarse to my ears as a smile lights up her face. “I love you so much my Sparrow.”

“I love you too, Killer. So much. I can’t believe you did this for us. Are you sure this is what you want?” she questions me, resting one hand on my cheek.

“I’ve never been more positive of anythin’ in my life,” I reply, placing a soft kiss against her lips.

While I’d love to have the club involved in our special day, I don’t want to take any chances of a big gathering somewhere, even the clubhouse. If we had eyes on Neil, it would be a different story. Right now, it’s just not possible. I won’t risk Gwen for anything in the world. Including our wedding.

The four of us walk in the courthouse. Since I already talked to the judge who will be performing the ceremony, we don’t have to wait. I’ve already gotten the license and made sure we have everything we’ll need to make this marriage legitimate in the eyes of the law and citizens. We’re already as good as married in the eyes of the club and any other club we associate with. Today, we become official for everyone to see and know.

Walking to Judge Ambrose’s chambers, we all stand in front of him with Fox on my side and Kim on her sister’s. He goes through the short ceremony before pronouncing us husband and wife. I place a chaste kiss against my wife’s lips because it’s been way too long since I’ve been with her. If I kiss her the way I want to right now, we won’t make it out of here and will both end up with a charge.

Kim and Fox sign their names as witnesses while I keep Gwen in my arms. Her own are wrapped around my body as she sinks into me. I have no problem with keeping her in my arms for as long as she needs to be there. The rest of our lives will never be long enough to hold her, love her, or feel her love me. I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve her, but I’m not going to complain one bit. Gwen is the light to my dark, the air I need to breathe, the warmth to my cold, and the calm to my weathering storm. She’s the only one who will ever get all of me like I get all of her.

Once all of the paperwork is signed and Judge Ambrose assures us he’ll get everything filed right away, we head out. I walk Gwen to Kim’s car and help her inside before heading to my bike. We’re going to have a small dinner at the local diner. Again, this is what Gwen wants for us today. Just the four of us along with Rich and Tommy at the diner. We’ll let everyone else know once we get back to the clubhouse. They can party and celebrate while I take my wife to our bed and worship her body.

Fox and I lead Kim while Rich and Tommy follow behind them. My eyes are watching out for everything. If anyone is getting too close to any of us, someone coming up on our ass fast, or a car following us. I’m being as vigilant as I possibly can as we ride the short distance to the diner. We get there with no mishaps and park in the front of the diner. I make sure Gwen and Kim are as close as possible to the door so they can get in as soon as possible.

We enter and get led to a table in the back where Gwen and I sit facing the front of the restaurant while Fox and Kim have their backs to the front. Rich and Tommy sit at a different table from us. They keep their heads moving as they check out everything while we wait for our waitress. She brings us our drinks, coffee for Fox and me with a tea for Kim and chocolate milkshake for Gwen. We may eat here a lot. Especially lately with us staying at the clubhouse. Gwen doesn’t like to be down in the kitchen for any longer than necessary if no one else is in there with her.

Instead of her coming back to take our orders, we give them to her right then. Fox, Kim, and I are having steak, baked potatoes, and grilled vegetables. Gwen is having tomato soup with grilled cheese. She’s also ordered an extra grilled cheese to take back to the clubhouse with us. I’d laugh, like Kim and Fox, but I want to have sex tonight so there’s no way in hell I’m going to laugh at her ordering a second one for later.

Gwen is starting to get cravings. Grilled cheese sandwiches are one of them. Ice cream, cheesecake, milkshakes, and bacon are other ones. I’m sure there will be more once she gets further along in her pregnancy. I don’t care what they are, and I’ll go out to get her whatever she needs. Or send the Prospects after it.

Gwen leans into my side as we sit and wait for our food. We talk and laugh while others around us look at us every now and then. They’re used to seeing us in jeans, tee-shirts, and our cuts with our women dressed casually in maxi dresses or jeans and shirts. Not us dressed up for a special day. The people in town are wondering what’s happened today. Well, it’s none of their business what we’ve been up to. As long as it doesn’t affect them, they don’t get to know our business.

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