Home > Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(58)

Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(58)
Author: Erin Osborne

After making sure Zach is taken care of, Stryker and I head out to our bikes. We casually ride back to the clubhouse. Once there, I let Slim know the job is done and head to bed. I need to wash the stench of the prison and Gwen’s father off before I get in bed with my wife. This won’t taint her like they’ve done for so much of her life. After drying off, I climb into bed with her and pull Gwen’s body close to mine. Taking in a deep breath, I inhale her scent before closing my eyes and letting sleep claim me. For the first time in months I’m calm and can rest easy with my woman by my side and our babies resting safely in her stomach.



Chapter Twenty-Nine



THINGS HAVE BEEN so much better with the club. We can relax and all leave the clubhouse without having to watch over our shoulder because someone’s after us. Or me. Killer and the rest of the men are back to joking around and spending more time with us because there isn’t a threat over us any longer. Everything is going back to normal and I’m happy as hell because it means our girls can be safe and protected without Neil breathing the same air as us.

I’ve been having my appointments with the doctor every other week now. I’m almost eight months pregnant and could honestly go into labor any time now. Killer has been worse than normal about keeping a guy on me and making sure I’m never alone. Rich, Tommy, and Stryker are the main guys with me if I leave the house or clubhouse. They’re also the guys who make my shakes for me whenever I want one. Which I’m craving one right now. Today, I’m going to make my own since I have to be at the clubhouse anyway.

We’re having a cookout just because today; there really is no special reason for us to have an impromptu gathering. In a way we’re celebrating all of the stress and craziness of the last few months being over with. I know Neil is still alive, but he can’t get free from wherever he is. Plus, I got a call from the prison that my sperm donor is no longer alive. He took the cowards way out and hung himself in his cell while he was in solitary. At least that’s the story I got. I’m not sure that’s exactly what happened to him.

I should feel some type of way because I don’t feel anything about the death of my sperm donor. There were no tears shed from his loss or any regret about not seeing him before he died. The only feeling flooding me is immense relief. Kim feels the same way. When we talked about it, she said I shouldn’t feel bad about not being upset over his death. His entire reason for living seemed to be to torture us and ensure we were miserable. Essentially he ruined our lives and now he can’t do that any longer.

So, I pushed it to the back of my mind and haven’t thought about his death since we got notified. Well, after we got done with his lawyer and heard what his will stated. It turns out he had no one else to leave anything to so Kim and I got it all. He didn’t make any other provisions for anyone else to get anything. Tommy is actually helping us out with that. He’s heading to the house to get rid of everything and find a realtor to sell it. Kim doesn’t want it and there’s no way in hell I’ll step foot in the place which holds so many of my nightmares and demons. I’d rather burn it to the ground.

Anything that can be donated, Tommy will take care of. Once that’s done, cleaners will come in and make sure every room is spotless and there’s nothing left of the horrendous acts my father let take place there. He’ll be gone until the realtor has an offer on the house before coming back to us. We’re all hoping it doesn’t take that long to get everything done. He’s also going to sell off the cars and any collections my father had left at the house. Every dime will be put in an account for Kim and I to share. We’ll figure out what to do with it eventually. Right now, my only focus is getting through the next month or so of my pregnancy.

I’ve also discovered my bank account has expanded to the point I’m not sure I want to know where the money has come from. Fox and Killer have assured me the money is mine and I can do what I want with it. For some reason, I have a feeling this money has Neil’s name written all over it. There’s enough that I’ve talked to Killer about what I want to do with it, and there will still be plenty left over for our family.

We’ll be setting up trusts for the girls once I have them. They can use them for college or whatever else they want. There is going to be enough in each trust for their education, first home, and a car for each of them. Any other kids we’re blessed with will have the same thing as well. This also means I won’t have to work if I don’t want to. At this point, I believe I’ll work a few hours a day at the tattoo shop just so I’m out of the house and get some me time. Killer doesn’t have a problem with it. Plus, it gives my sister a few hours to spend with the girls. She was excited to be able to spend time with them.

Walking into the clubhouse, Tommy holds the door for me. He’ll be leaving right after our cookout today. While I don’t want him to go, I’m glad he’s taking this on his shoulders for us. It’s just one more way he’s trying to protect my sister and I.

“Gwen, how are you feeling today?” Sam asks me, pulling a stool out for me to sit in.

“Like I’m as big as a house,” I respond, as Tommy brings me everything I’ll need to make my shake. “What’s left to be done?”

“We only have to get the meat outside for the guys to put on the grills. The salads and desserts are already made. I’ve got rolls and potatoes cooking in here. There’s nothing for you to do except for relax,” Shy lets me know as she wraps an arm around my shoulders.

My back has been killing me today. I’ve been trying to clean but didn’t get much done because of the pain in my back. Killer doesn’t know because I know he’ll lose his shit and make me go to the doctor for no reason. He’s been up my ass since the doctor told me I could go into labor at any point in time now. It’s not uncommon for women with twins or higher to go into labor early. On top of everything I’ve been through over the last few months, hasn’t helped my pregnancy out at all. If Killer could’ve gotten it arranged, I’m sure he’d have me on bed rest from now until I deliver.

“Well, if there’s nothing for me to do, I’ll make my shake and head outside. If Killer doesn’t lay eyes on me soon he’s gonna freak out,” I say, knowing it’s not far from the truth of the situation.

It takes me a few minutes to get my milkshake made the way I want it before I head out of the kitchen and make my way out back. The women won’t let me carry anything out to the men. I swear they’re getting as bad as Killer and Stryker are. I can include Rich and Tommy in that category too. No one lets me do much of anything these days. It’s really grating on my nerves.

Opening the door, I make my way out to one of the lounge chairs and plop my ass down. Killer spots me and makes his way over. Dropping down next to me, he places his hand on my stomach and kisses me like no one’s watching. I get so caught up in our kiss that I almost drop my milkshake. That would be a tragedy!

“How are my girls doin’ today?” Killer asks, rubbing my belly as the girls kick up a storm.

“Okay,” I tell him, pain filling my features as I smile at him.

“You suck at lyin’,” Killer informs me. “Once your done eatin’, we’re goin’ home. I want you in bed restin’.”

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