Home > Twice Upon A Time(50)

Twice Upon A Time(50)
Author: Erica Lee

I shook my head and pulled her back into me. “It’s not just you. I’ve been distant too. But that… wow… that was a birthday present.”

I could feel Kacey smiling against my chest. “So, it was a good gift to start with?”

“I’m honestly not sure how you’ll top it.”

Kacey brought her face up to mine once again, a sexy smirk now adorning it. “I could just top you again.”

“Mommy? Kari?” Bailey’s voice called from down the hall.

I slapped her back end and pushed her off of me. “It looks like we might have to postpone that.”

We each quickly put on a set of pajamas that hadn’t made it onto our bodies the night before and headed down the hallway to her room. As soon as she saw me, Bailey jumped out of bed and ran across the room to wrap me in a hug.

“Happy birthday! I’m so excited to celebrate today!” She pulled back and skipped to the other end of the room, picking a piece of paper up off her desk and skipping back to me with it. When I looked down at the picture now in my hands, I saw a drawing of three girls holding hands, which Bailey labeled as me, her, and Kacey. At the top, she had written family with a heart. She smiled at me proudly as I tried to blink back tears. “So, what do you think?” she asked, her voice oozing with excitement. “Is it the best gift you’ve gotten today?”

“Absolutely,” I answered while giving Kacey a knowing smile. “It might just be the best gift I’ve ever gotten.”

Bailey shook her head, a serious look on her face. “I don’t think that’s true.” I swallowed hard wondering what Bailey might have heard when she woke up. My anxiety eased up when a sweet smile spread across her face. “I think your best gift ever was me and Mom.”

“You’re right. You guys are the greatest gift I could ever ask for.” When I looked to Kacey, she was already smiling at me and a silent moment passed between us.

The morning started with breakfast at the same cafe we had all eaten at together a few months ago, followed by a chilly walk around Bellman and board games back at Kacey’s house. After a lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, courtesy of Kacey and Bailey, I went back to my house to shower and change. Later in the afternoon, we got in the car to head to my parents’ house, Kacey whispering that she would give me my last gift once we were back home.

My mom opened the door for us with an excitement that I knew had nothing to do with my birthday, but rather the fact that it was the first time she was seeing Kacey since I had told her we were officially back together. “Happy birthday! It’s so nice to see all of you!” She was speaking to all three of us but her eyes were focused on Kacey. I was surprised when she pulled me into a hug first, then Bailey, and then finally Kacey. She held onto Kacey a little longer, giving her an extra squeeze as she loudly whispered into her ear. “I’m very happy that my daughter finally came to her senses. This is how it’s meant to be.”

When they pulled apart, Kacey looked between my mom and me, a look of surprise on her face. “I’m just happy to be given another chance.” She reached out and grabbed my hand as my mom beamed at us as if she had just been given the greatest news in the world.

“Where’s Kylie?” I asked as my eyes searched the house.

My mom’s smile grew even wider now, to the point where she looked almost crazy. “She’s at Bo’s house. Been spending a lot more time there lately. The two of them should be here soon. What a nice young man he is. I always liked him, but he’s even more of a gentleman now that he’s dating Kylie.”

I had to hold back my laughter at Bo being described as a gentleman. No matter how good he was to my sister, I didn’t think I would ever see my crazy best friend that way. When my dad came into the hallway, he had a serious look on his face. “I don’t care how much of a gentleman he is. I don’t know if Kylie really needs to be spending every night there.”

My mom laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “She’s twenty-six, sweetheart. You have to let go sometime.”

“I’m not so sure I do,” he answered seriously before softening as he looked toward me. “There’s my birthday girl. How does it feel to be thirty-two?”

I shrugged. “Just about the same as it felt to be thirty-one.” I looked toward Kacey, unable to stop the smile that blossomed across my face. “Although, I am much happier this year, but I don’t think that has anything to do with my age.” Kacey squeezed my hand, and I leaned into her, enjoying the heat from her body that was now enveloping me.

“They’re in love,” Bailey announced, causing all of us to laugh.

My mom smiled at Bailey, then back at Kacey and me. “They sure are. Now, the only question is when they are going to get me some grandbabies and you a sibling.” She winked at Bailey, making her giggle.

I cleared my throat. “Slow your roll, Mom. Let us enjoy our time together a little before you start putting all of this pressure on us.”

“I’m just saying. I’m not getting any younger. None of us are.” She lifted both eyebrows and smirked as she looked between Kacey and me.

My mom’s eyes diverted from us when Bailey tapped on her arm. Bailey looked up at her, a serious look on her face. “A sibling would be nice, but I’ve also always wished I had grandparents.” She continued to stare at my mom expectantly.

“And now you do,” my mom answered, her voice cracking slightly as she pulled Bailey into a tight bear-hug.

The moment was interrupted by Bo and Kylie’s arrival. Once we said our hellos, we enjoyed the homemade pot pie my mom had made, then spent the night watching home videos. Bailey was excited when my mom put one in from Christmas my junior year of college, because Kacey was in it. I stole glances at Kacey while I watched our younger selves laughing together, so unaware of all of the hardships we had ahead of us. I nudged her side at a part where the camera caught her staring at me, her eyes full of love as I opened one of my presents. “You were quite smitten back then,” I teased.

Kacey looked at me with the same love, but I could see so much more behind it now, years of longing and adoration that hadn’t faded over time. “I’m still quite smitten.”

I put my hand on her cheek and kissed her softly, but quickly. When I pulled away, I noticed that my mom was watching our interaction, looking just as smitten as Kacey did in the video. I saw something flash in her eyes as though a lightbulb had gone off and she looked past us at Bailey. “Hey, Bailey? I was just wondering how you would feel about spending the night here tonight. We could make popcorn and watch a few movies. Your mom and Kari can come back in the morning to pick you up and I’ll make a big brunch.”

“Really?” Bailey asked excitedly. “I would love that. Can I, Mom? Please?” She looked at Kacey with big puppy dog eyes, but we all knew that wouldn’t be necessary.

“Of course. That’s very nice of Mrs. Adelberg to offer. I’m sure you guys will have a great time.” She gave my mom a grateful smile, then gave me a look that had me ready to leave immediately.

We made it another hour before we said our goodbyes, both itching to get back to Kacey’s to spend some time alone. “When we get back, I can give you your big present,” Kacey said once we were close to our neighborhood.

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