Home > Belle and the Beast(13)

Belle and the Beast(13)
Author: Ruby Vincent

“That is quite enough,” Rosalie said.

“We should not forget that we’re young,” I said over her. “We have so much more learning and exploring to do. So much that we still need to figure out about ourselves. Why marry that guy from the broom closet too young and end up divorced in five years, when instead you could live with and screw him for the same amount of time and decide if you really work as a couple.”


That was the dame, and it was a scream by everyone’s definition.

“What if he’s crap in bed? Or clips his toenails at the dinner table?” I narrowed on Preston. “What if he’s a manipulative liar that gets off on hurting people? Do you really want to tie yourself to a guy like that for the rest of your life?”

I gave him my back. “Same thing to you dudes. College is a well-known time for sexual exploration. Do you honestly want to walk on campus tied down to someone you barely know? I can tell you from experience, it’s a real mood killer when the fiancée shows up.”

“Young lady, give me the microphone.”

It was only social propriety keeping this woman from snatching it from my hand and drop-kicking me down the stage. Though the expression on her face said I was testing that self-control.

“You see, our parents don’t want us asking these questions,” I said to Mrs. Desai’s purpling face. “They can’t have us asking why the rest of the world gets to pick their partners, and we’re trading away the few choices that belong to us alone. But deep down we all know why. Locking us down when we’re too young to know better ensures we, and their money, never stray too far.”

“Belle, get off that stage this instant.” Mom and Dad were moving fast, zipping through the tables. “Now, Belle!”

“This tradition survives because we let it. If you want to take your choices back, you have to shut this crap down and say no. As we’ve all been reminded, no one is going to wave a magic wand and do it for us.” I looked at Preston, speaking to him and him alone. “You won’t get another chance.”

“I am so sorry, Mrs. Desai.” Mom yanked the mic free. “She’s a headstrong girl. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.”


“That is enough, Belle.” Dad hooked me around the waist, lifting me bodily off the stage.

Mom’s apologies were on a steady stream. “Belle didn’t mean a word of that. Please, don’t rescind her invitation.”

“I’ll do nothing of the kind.” Rosalie took Mother’s hands, gazing at me over her shoulder as Dad carried me away. “She’s not the first headstrong girl I’ve come across. In the end, they all accept that we know best.”



“THAT WAS THE MOST SHAMEFUL, humiliating display I’ve ever seen!”

Dad stormed through the mansion. His grip was iron around my wrist. I tripped over my heels straining to keep up with him, and fell against his back. He hauled me up and continued without a hitch in his step.

“You embarrassed us! You embarrassed the community! And you embarrassed yourself!”

“I don’t want to get married! Why won’t you listen to me?!” I yanked against his hold. “Dad, let me go!”

Mom scurried behind us. “Darling, why don’t we all calm down? We can sit and talk about—”

“The discussion is over!” Bursting into his office, Dad dropped me into an armchair and leaned over me, his red bulging eyes filling my vision. “We’ve tried, Belle. We’ve explained why it has to be this way. We’ve told you that we’re doing what’s best. Yet you refuse to see past a summer gallivanting around the world.”

“That’s not it—”


I shrunk in the seat, heart galloping in my chest. Dad raised his hand and my arms flew up, shielding my face.

A soft touch brushed away the hair sticking to my damp forehead. “You’ve driven us to this, Belle. Know that we did not want to go this route, but you’ve left us no option.”

“Tobias,” Mom breathed. “It hasn’t come to that.”

“It has.” The gentle touch disappeared.

I slowly dropped my hands, taking in Dad’s grim expression and Mom’s regret. I didn’t understand these looks on their faces, but that we were out of sync was obvious. For a terrible moment, I actually believed my father would hit me. Before this year, the thought would never cross my mind.

“What has?” I asked. “What option?”

Straightening, Dad drew Mother to his side, wrapping his arm around her. Two against one.

“Belle, you will go to the cove, participate and complete all tasks given to you, and at the end, choose a husband. If you don’t, you’ll be cut off.”

I froze. The words swirled around my head, knocking on my skull to penetrate and sink the horrid truth in.

No. This isn’t happening.

“I’m afraid it is.”

I hadn’t realized I’d spoken out loud.

“If you do not leave Friday morning with the commitment to honor and obey us, then you should have no expectation of living off our money. We will not pay for college. Your bank accounts will be drained. Your car sold and”—Dad held Mom tighter as a sob leaked out of her—“you will no longer be welcome in our home.”

Dad emptied his quiver, notching each arrow of my life, home, and security, and using them to rip through my heart. I was crying—thick, hot rivulets falling faster than Mom’s.

My voice shook though I tried not to. “D-Daddy, please. You can’t kick me out with n-nothing. If you do... he’ll find me.”

A flicker crossed his face, gone just as quickly as it came. “That will not happen, Belle, because you’ll do as we say. Go to the cove. Make a good match who’ll be there for you after we’re gone. Do this and we won’t have to speak of this again.”

“Won’t speak of this again?” I pushed myself up on legs that shook. “You’re holding my life and future hostage. This isn’t something we can sweep under the rug. It’s not something we can ever come back from... and you know that. Nothing will be the same between us.”

His face remained impassive. “Dispense with the dramatics, Belle. One day, when you’re a parent, you’ll understand that everything we do is for your life, future, and happiness.”

“Mom, tell him—”

“Your father and I are united on this.” Tears dug tracks in her makeup, dripping it onto her shawl. “The lawyers have already been contacted. You agree or you will be cut off.”

“Agree to what?! Get married? What if no one wants to marry me after my embarrassing display? Do I come home to my stuff in trash bags on the front lawn, and leave to count the days until he finds me?”

Dad reached for me, likely to brush my hair in the way that always soothed me. I flung myself away and the gentle moment passed. Before my eyes, Dad hardened.

“You underestimate yourself, Belle, and what you have to offer. You’re a bright, talented young lady. There will be no shortage of potential fiancés and we expect you to consider each one and choose the man you can see a life with. That is all we’ve ever asked, but you’re determined to sabotage this opportunity out of sheer spite. Now you know the consequences if that continues.

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