Home > Belle and the Beast(3)

Belle and the Beast(3)
Author: Ruby Vincent

Mother pulled out a chair at the very head of the table. I sat without more prompting. She wanted me to sit up here lording over the room. So be it.

She placed a barely there kiss on my temple. “You are a Desai, my son. Everything you want, you shall have.”

No, Mother. Everything you want, I shall have.

I remained on my perch as the ballroom filled with faces I’d forgotten. Mother called us a community, but it was more accurate to say we were a group of people who shared specific traits and therefore similar goals.

We lived in all corners of the country and came together every three years to ensure all the money stayed in the family.

A commotion drew my eye. Gasps and “oh mys” followed the guy making a beeline toward me. Sauntering around a formal party barefoot and shirt hanging open would draw that kind of reaction. Faith Stevens scurried in after him with her hair hastily arranged in a bun and her gown slightly twisted.

“You couldn’t have put your clothes on in the same closet where you took them off?” I asked, less than mildly interested.

“And deny these ladies a sneak peek to what they’re in for this summer?” He threw himself down next to me and shoved on his shoes. “I’m a bastard, but I’m not that cruel.”

“Bastard is right.”

He easily flipped me off and did up his buttons at the same time.

“You almost sound excited about this summer, Nathan.”

He pulled a face, looking me up and down. “You’re not? You’re about to have more sex than you can stand, my brother.”

“I’d have gotten plenty of that in Europe too. You, me, and Carter have been planning this trip since freshman year. But thanks to Mother, every three years suddenly came a year early, and it’s a waste of our time. I’m set to marry Delilah. You’ve fucked and fucked over nearly every girl here, so your only options are the two— maybe three girls who haven’t been warned off yet. As for Carter, he doesn’t care about any of this. He’ll slip a ring on whoever doesn’t get on his nerves.”

“Look, man, when I find the guy who’s been pissing in your Cheerios, I’ll be the first one kicking his ass. Until then, lighten up. Europe isn’t going anywhere and neither are you. Not until you lock down Delilah.”

“She’s locked. Who else is she going to marry?” I smirked at him. “You?”

Nathan absentmindedly rubbed his cheek. I could almost see the red handprint. “All I did was ask if she was into anal. What happened to making conversation?”

I chuckled. Nathan Prince and I couldn’t be more dissimilar. Didn’t make me any less stuck with the guy. He’s the sibling my parents didn’t bother to have after their first try got them what they wanted, a son and heir.

“Speaking of making conversation, just how drunk off your ass are you?”

He shrugged. “I had more than a little and not nearly enough. Answer your question?”

“You missed a button,” I said simply.

Nathan jerked his chin. “Look. Your boyfriend is here. You can stop pouting now.”

I followed his line of sight to my supposed boyfriend and landed on Carter. The sandy-haired son of an oil tycoon climbed the dais.

“It’s about time you got here, Knight. Preston was pitching a fit because you two won’t get to run around Europe boning each other.”

“I’d never bone Preston,” he said without skipping a beat. “You know I’ve only got eyes for you.”

“You and everyone here, my friend.” Nathan folded his arms behind his head. “You and everyone here.”

Carter snapped his fingers. Two servers materialized almost immediately. “Serve the first course.”

“But, sir, Mrs. Desai said—”

“Are you still here?” he snapped.

They hurried off the stage for the kitchen. Today was not a good day for the staff. In Carter’s case, he wasn’t being a jackass just because he could. My mom would be twice as pissed if Nathan didn’t sober up. Some food in his stomach would soak up the alcohol.

“It’s a buffet, gentlemen.” I swore Nathan licked his lips. “All this ripe, sweet fruit waiting to be picked and they’re sending them to Citrine Cove with us. What are their fathers thinking?”

“They’re thinking they’ll ruin you with child support if you don’t get your head out of your ass or keep your dick in your pants.” I scanned the room looking for sweet, ripe fruit but found merely distractions from my goal of six years. To become Delilah’s husband and seal our fate as American royalty. “Who are...?”

I trailed off.

The crowd parted, revealing the vision in blue. Light glittered in the diamonds weaved through her hair, drawing every eye that could stand to leave her face into marveling her golden crown. She passed through the mingling guests, headed straight for the door I tried to escape through earlier.

I didn’t realize I was on my feet until Nathan smacked my leg. “Yo. What’s up?”

“I’ll be right back.”

I bounded off the dais, bumping and apologizing to several people on the way. Stepping onto the terrace, I found her where I oddly expected her to be. Resting on the stone bench and looking out over the gardens.


She twisted, frown gracing her lips, and locked eyes on me. I watched the emotions cycle from blank to confusion to impatience and finally—


“Me,” I said with a grin. “Good to see I make an impression.”

But nothing like the impression you make.

I took in every inch of her, committing her to a memory that would last me another two years. She was exactly like I remembered her. That day in the modern art museum, passing the time while Delilah shopped next door, I saw a girl staring at the painting of one of my favorite artists and thought I’d impress her with my knowledge.

Then she spoke.

Unleashed a tirade of raw, unfiltered honesty the likes of which I’d never received from anyone in my entire life. But that isn’t what struck me about the blonde-haired, green-eyed girl in the purple dress without a back. No, it was that even though her ranting ruby lips said one thing, her eyes said another. Deep, soul-drowning sorrow reflected in her green pools—stronger with each verbal arrow she flung.

I reached for her unthinkingly, ready to wipe the tears that would surely fall.

Since that day, I’d find myself thinking about her at the oddest times. I’d see a bird fly overhead and wonder why she needed a miracle. I’d be making meaningless small talk with another meaningless person and think Cinderella wouldn’t endure this shit. She’d tell them exactly what she thought.

But what I wondered most days was what her name was and why she looked at me like if I didn’t leave quickly, she’d shatter into pieces.

So walk away I did. But still, I secretly harbored the hope that she’d do it.

Find me.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

She doesn’t seem all that thrilled about it, though.

“I live here.” I closed the distance between us, not in the least bit deterred by the hostility radiating off her in droves. “I don’t have to ask why you’re here. After all of this time, you freed yourself from the garden and found me, Cinderella.”

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