Home > Belle and the Beast(59)

Belle and the Beast(59)
Author: Ruby Vincent

“How long have you guys been together?”

“We started going out at the beginning of senior year. We didn’t think it would last because we got into different colleges. I was going to end it months ago. But you know what it’s like when you have that guy you just can’t quit.”

“Oh boy, do I.”

“I don’t know what my parents expected by making me come here,” he continued. “They didn’t give me an ultimatum. It wasn’t like ‘find a wife or don’t come home.’ But I assume they’re hoping I discover my budding bisexuality.”

“Have they met Owen? I liked him right away and I came to this island determined to make everyone with a penis public enemy number one. He’s smart. Funny. Kind and cute.”

“Is this the part where I tell you not to get any ideas?”

I laughed. “No, definitely not. I’m just saying that if they got to know him, your parents would see he’s a top-shelf son-in-law.”

“There is still the long-distance-relationship issue to work out.”

“How long a distance we talking?”

“Penn and Stanford.”


“Very encouraging,” he deadpanned.

“How badly do you guys want to go to these schools?”


“I’m kidding,” I said, laughing. “Everyone says long-distance relationships don’t work, but I held out for a whole year, waiting for a certain boy to come back for the summer. They work when both of you refuse to give up. The real question is, how badly do you want Owen Newman?”

“Pretty bad,” he whispered.

“Then go get him.” I fell against the headboard, looking up to the lazily whirling fan. “A life controlled by other people isn’t worth living. Take it from someone who knows.”

“I’m sorry your parents forced this on you.”

“I am too,” I replied. “But I’ll make a few other people sorry before I’m done.”



THAT NIGHT, I OPENED the door to my dinner delivery and grinned at Preston.

“I could get used to this.”

He waited for me to get in bed and placed the tray on my lap. He slipped an arm around and fitted me in the crook of his body. “I should’ve been there. I’m sorry.”

“You’re here now. That’s all I care about.”

“I hear you’re going swimming with us.”

“I’ll skip the swimming, but come hang out with you guys.”


I flicked his nose. “Behave.”

Preston rubbed the spot, grinning under his hand. “I spoke to Delilah.”

“Yeah? What did she say?”

“She’s agreed to call off the war. We’re keeping us private. She doesn’t have to worry about my lack of devotion getting back to her father.”

“That’s good.” I speared a chunk of beef from my stew and fed it to him.

“I spoke to Nathan too.”

I stilled with the fork hanging between us. “Did he tell you that we made up?”


“Did he tell you—?”

“He told me everything, Belle. We’ve been friends since elementary school.”

I chose my words carefully. “We agreed that we were technically nonexclusive. But hooking up with your best friend might change things.”

“As Nathan reminded me, he did fall for you first.”

I shook my head thinking of him delivering that line. “Are you okay with this?”

“I can share you, Belle. This is our last summer together. I’ll take any part of you that I can get.”

Leaning in, I gave him a kiss to show how much that meant to me.

“You weren’t eating that, were you?” Preston dumped my food on the nightstand. He swallowed my weak protests in his kiss.

A couple of hours later, I was putting on my bathing suit under his roaming eye.

“Did you make that yourself?”

“I’ve never tried bathing suits,” I admitted. “Being here has inspired me to change that.” I turned on him, lying naked and unashamed in my bed. “We can’t go down together or we’d give ourselves away. Should I go first? You look so comfy,” I teased.

“I am. You’d be comfy in my bed too,” he said. “I promised you another go on those sheets.”

“I’m down when you are.”

“Tomorrow. Mom chartered a boat that’ll keep everyone out for most of the day. You can spend it in my bed.”

“Sounds good.” I grabbed my stuff, kissed him goodbye, and headed out. Carter posted on the opposite wall—still, silent, and unreadable.

“Hello, love,” I said brightly. “How’s your day going?”

“Well,” he replied, matching my tone. “Pretty good until— Wait, I almost forgot the call from my father.”

Carter fell in step with me. “Eric? So glad you two had a chat. He mentioned it had been a while since you spoke.”

“He mentioned that it’s been less than a day since you two spoke. Nice play going after my inheritance. Why marry you for it if there won’t be any money at the end of the I do?”

“That’s the idea.”

“Won’t work, Belle.” Anger broke through his coolness. “You really think my father would leave me with nothing?”

“He sounded chipper at the idea of leaving you with nothing,” I said. “Praised that you were growing up and standing on your own feet.”

The double doors loomed in front of us. On the other side our group lingered waiting for the final stragglers.

“So I’ll backtrack and say we’re not ready to be on our own.” Carter shot in my path, bouncing me off his chest. “Let him think I’m immature. I don’t care much for his opinion these days.”

I suspected that was true. Carter’s parents were going through a nasty divorce when we first met. They were over before we were.

“The point is it didn’t work, Belle. I’m still going to propose to you, and you know what, I’ll do it even if Dad doesn’t give me a cent. This means that much to me,” he said, backing away. “I don’t expect you to understand this because you care about nothing and no one. But I won’t give up until you do.”

I said nothing as he walked outside and joined his friends.

Carter wasn’t going to make this easy for me. To be honest, it was what I liked about him. When he decided he was right about something, he dug in and rooted down like a thousand-year-old oak. At eleven Carter took up the cause of oil spills and sea pollution. He’d make his father watch videos of choking sea turtles and chase him around the house ranting at his back until he got grounded. There was no changing Carter’s mind—which is why he and I went so wrong.

I knew him too well to think I could stop here. Sadly for both of us, I had more moves to play.

“Hey, Belle.” Zion appeared at my side. “Coming?”

“Let’s go.”

Kelli hugged me outside. “Are you okay? We were so worried about you.”

“I’m fine. No lasting damage.”

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