Home > Belle and the Beast(73)

Belle and the Beast(73)
Author: Ruby Vincent

“You’re flattering me to get me out the door,” I said, “but I can’t step foot outside until I decide between these earrings. Should I do the pearls or the diamonds?”

Someone knocked on my door. Preston opened it to Delilah, resplendent in a black, off-the-shoulder dress, and the scowl didn’t lessen her beauty.

“Why are you all in here?” she demanded. “The party started twenty minutes ago.”

“We’ll be down in a sec,” said Preston. He let her in and shut the door. “Belle’s almost ready.”

“Just picking out my earrings. Diamonds or pearls, guys?”

“Diamonds make me want to jump you,” Nathan said.

“Diamonds it is.”

“Oh, so that’s how we speed you up,” Mila crowed. “The white leather pumps make me tingle in all the right places.”

I slipped my pumps on, winking at her. Mila nearly fell off my bed laughing.

“Ugh,” Delilah cried. “Can we go already? It’s concerning if it really takes fifty people to help this girl dress.”

“It’s always a pleasure, Delilah, but why exactly are you waiting for us? It’s concerning if you really need half a dozen people to escort you downstairs.”

She flipped me off.

“Hackles down, ladies. Retract barbs,” Mila said. “Come on, Lilah. Zion. Owen. Hazel. Let’s go before they clean out the buffet.”

They tromped out, leaving me with my boys.

“What is that girl’s problem?” I asked. “Are you sure she doesn’t secretly have a thing for you, Preston?”

“I’m sure. She doesn’t see me as more than a friend.”

“I guess she just doesn’t like me.”

I finished putting on the final touches and snuck kisses from Preston and Nathan before we had to go down and behave ourselves.

It had been a long summer of parties and repeated themes. This black and white party was our third, yet as we walked in, my mouth fell open.

Black drop cloths hung from the ceiling, adorned by a multitude of fairy lights mimicking the night sky. Atop white tablecloths, sat dark chocolate cakes on a white cake stand. Surrounding them were little white-frosted cupcakes. The best idea for a centerpiece that I’d seen all summer.

All around were black and white couples, mingling and taking a spin on the dance floor to light, soft music. It was the kind of romantic atmosphere that made you fall in love if you weren’t already.

“Dance with me?”

Carter whisked me off as yes crossed my lips.

I laid my head on his shoulder, thinking of the night before and us in this position. Holding each other under the stars.

“Don’t tell Dad and the dame, but I’m so glad they made me come here. There is something about Citrine Cove. It’s like anything can happen here. The universe suspends its rules, and on this tiny corner of earth, allows the impossible.”

“Falling in love is impossible?”

“Between the girl who swore off relationships, the boy she betrayed, the boy who betrayed her, and the boy putting his duty to his family first?” I laughed. “That sounds pretty close to impossible.”

“You’re right.” Carter spun me out to a whirling scene of black and white. “There is something about the cove.”

We danced until our bellies rumbled the demand for food. The two of us cleaned out the buffet and headed to the table our friends snagged near the front. Preston, Nathan, Owen, Zion, and Mila were digging in. Nathan pulled out the chair next to him for me to sit.

“Carter,” Zion said as we sat down. “Break the tie. Can a long-distance relationship work?”

“Nope. That’s why I’m going to the university nearest Belle.”

I gave him a look. It was both the right and wrong thing to say. Wrong for Zion. Wrong for the future it wasn’t safe for us to have. Right for the girl falling in love with him anyway.

“They can work, Zion,” I repeated. “If both parties want it to.”

“Where are you going to school?” Mila asked me.

“I got into Parsons, Academy of Art, and London College of Fashion. The dame is hoping I pick London. They want to move back to England for the time I’m there.”

“I vote you choose Parsons,” Carter said.


“Because Yale, Columbia, and Juilliard are nearby.”

I warmed knowing exactly who was going to those schools. “Carter.”

“It’s your choice,” he said. “Going to university abroad works for me too.”

“Is this going to be one of those things you get stubborn about?”


I didn’t know whether to kick or kiss him. If we last past the summer, I had a feeling I’d be choosing between those options more than once.

Mila reached over and squeezed my hand. “I want you guys to last. It inspires me that you’re discovering the real thing while I lose faith in it.”

“What? Why, Mila?”

She tossed her head, eyes shining. “I agreed with everything you said at the reception, Belle. It’s wrong that they force us to come here. Yes, I’ve had fun, and yes, some of us have found someone. But I can’t help but wonder how many connections are rushed. Relationships that could have unfolded naturally and found its way to a ring after years of being together, not weeks.

“Not to mention the nonstop, constant fantasy of it all. This isn’t dating.” Her voice rose with every word. “Dating is an awkward mess of jokes that don’t land, checking your phone every five minutes, eating food you hate because it’s their favorite, and laughing about it while you lie in bed.”

“Mila.” I rubbed her hand. “It’s okay.”

“It’s not okay,” she cried. “I don’t want any of this. It makes me sick that the community supports this. If we all truly believe that money and suitable matches mean more than love, why am I fighting it?”

“If this isn’t what you want—”

“It’s not, Belle.” She got to her feet. “I’m done fighting. I’m going home and finding someone who’ll choose me without having to be told that it’s allowed.”


We jumped, snapping our heads around.

Delilah stood among her scattered dinner and plate shards. The color bleached from her complexion, matching our white décor.

“Mila?” Her voice shook. “You’re leaving?”

“Yes. I can’t do this anymore, Lilah.” My friend snatched up her purse.


“Wait for wh—!”

Delilah grabbed her mid-march, whirled Mila around, and kissed her.

If I wasn’t already sitting, I would’ve fallen over.

Mila shrieked into the kiss, shocked, and then threw her arms around Delilah and kissed her right back.

I did fall over then, toppling on Carter’s chest. My eyes were wide as saucers as it all finally clicked into place.

“Wait for that,” Delilah stated. “I’m sorry, Mila. I love you so much. Please, don’t go.”

Mila backed away. “I can’t watch someone else propose to you.”

“You won’t have to.” She faced us. “Preston, it’s over. We’re not getting married.”

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