Home > Deadly Reflections(21)

Deadly Reflections(21)
Author: Regan Black



Sitting on the back porch, her gaze on the ocean, Paige heard Carter’s cell phone ring. The sound had become familiar as they settled into a routine during the first few days of her protective isolation. She resisted the urge to hurry inside like a worried child hoping for good news. Bad enough that she felt small and irrelevant. She wouldn’t behave that way.

Zero control was the worst.

He and his assistant were working around the clock, but she had no idea how they would prove she wasn’t the woman holding that gun in Melissa’s kitchen. Ronnie—Detective Lewis—had made it abundantly clear he didn’t buy the alibi her parents provided.

That hurt.

Videos were manipulated all the time. Shouldn’t he have some faith in an old friend?

Personally, she couldn’t get the image out of her mind. It had to be a trick. The alternative, that someone out there with nearly identical features to her was capable of murder, was too bizarre to be true.

Nothing she’d found in her father’s past indicated he’d cheated on her mom more than once, though she continued to search, just in case. When it came to the legal trouble, she was reliant on her bodyguard and his strict rules about her access to the world. Though she wasn’t ready to admit it, the distance from her parents was actually refreshing right now.

Standing, she walked to the edge of the porch, as far as she was allowed to go without Carter’s protection.

Behind her the screen door opened and slapped closed. “Paige?”

She turned, tried to smile at him. “I wasn’t going to run off.” Just fantasizing about it.

“It’s your mom.” Carter held out his cell phone.

She frowned. Had he been talking with her mother for the past several minutes? He didn’t look flustered or annoyed, which made him better than her.

“What’s wrong?” she mouthed the words.

“Talk to her,” he mouthed back.

She took the phone and gave her mom a bright hello as Carter went back inside. Her mom didn’t need to know how aggravated she was with the isolation and precautions. “How are you doing, Mom?”

“We’re fine. It’s the usual here, other than extra security milling about and the police car out front. I wanted to hear your voice. How are you holding up?”

“I’m good. Carter is a great cook,” she added, just to make conversation.

“How nice. You should bake him some cookies.”

“Maybe.” She wasn’t in the mood for cookies.

“Your holiday cookie trays are the best. I gave Carter a grocery list.”

Paige rolled her eyes. “Thanks.” What else could she say? Her mom meant well. “That was helpful.”

“You’re hurting,” Cora said. “I can hear it. You should be here.”

Location didn’t make any difference when the pain was lodged in her heart. Between Melissa’s death and the secrets in her father’s past, Paige didn’t know anything that would ease this deep pressure in her chest.

“Carter tells me it isn’t forever,” Paige said. “He’s working hard to find the real kil—culprit,” she corrected immediately. Killer was a harsh term to use with her mom, even if it was accurate.

“Sweetheart, I know you want to protect me, but I have your father. He’s the best support around.”

Would that support hold up when either the police or Carter’s agency found the woman from the video? If it wasn’t someone purposely framing Paige, then she and that woman must be related. How would Cora cope if she learned about Jack’s infidelity?

Bad enough that they’d never told Paige she was adopted. Had her father ever confessed that he was actually Paige’s father? In the process of clearing her name, her father would have to own up to that eventually.

All her life, she’d known her place in the world as Paige Coker, only child. Now, ridiculous as it was, she felt lost, detached from both the role and the family. She had no idea how to proceed.

“How are plans for the party coming along?” Cora asked.

“Everything is on schedule,” she said. She’d spoken with Gloria and called in favors, handing off everything so her dad would be honored properly for his professional accomplishments. “The first draft of the memory video should be ready by tomorrow.” Better that she wasn’t in charge while she wrangled this emotional tempest about her dad.

“Good,” Cora said. “And the catering? I know they must be feeling dreadful after this tragedy.”

Of course they did. Their beloved boss had been murdered.

Paige paced the width of the porch, wishing for an escape from this nightmare. “Melissa’s team decided to stay on the job, to honor Melissa’s legacy.”

“Oh, my.” Cora sniffed delicately. “Wonderful. You needed something to go smoothly. In case I haven’t said it enough, thank you again for taking over the event. Something like this would’ve thrown me into such a tailspin.”

Paige was spinning, no doubt about it. But if her mother had found that picture it would’ve spelled certain disaster.

“Have you heard about Melissa’s funeral?” Cora asked.

She swiveled around, looking for Carter, but he wasn’t in sight. “No.”

“It’s tomorrow afternoon,” Cora said. “I gave Carter the details. I’m sure he can protect you if you choose to go.”

Given a choice, of course she’d go. “Thanks for telling me.” She should find something else to say, but she was out of neutral talking points.

“Bake those cookies,” Cora said, filling the gap. “Baking relaxes you and both of you will enjoy the results.”

“That’s true,” Paige managed.

“Your dad assures me this mess will be cleared up and settled so we can be together for Christmas.”

She’d rather be alone this year. “I’d like that,” she lied.

“If Carter doesn’t have family plans, invite him to join us.”

“Mom.” Cora imagined that every man Paige spent time with was potential husband material. “We aren’t a couple. This is Carter’s job.”

“And his agency gives him holidays off. Your father tells me they’re the best.”

Pointing out the distinction between being the best in the business and the best employer was a waste of time. “I’ll extend the invitation.”

“Thank you. We love you, sweetheart.”

“Love you too, Mom.”

For several minutes she lingered on the porch, watching the water and thinking about Melissa. At the sound of the screen door, she swiped at her damp cheeks. Crying wasn’t productive.

“How did it go?” Carter asked

She kept her gaze on the ocean, leaning against the upright. “She was determined to be cheerful.” Casting a glance over her shoulder, she asked, “Do you have family?”

“Just my mom and stepdad. Why?”

“Mom has invited you to have Christmas with us. Assuming we aren’t still separated for security reasons.” She held up his phone, too worn out to carry it to him.

He took the phone and slipped it into his back pocket. “You haven’t been sleeping.”

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