Home > Heartless (Alpha Bodyguard #9)(49)

Heartless (Alpha Bodyguard #9)(49)
Author: Sybil Bartel

“Absolutely. Zane will get you safely back to London tomorrow. If you ever need AES again, please don’t hesitate to call.” Trefor glanced at me. “Good to see you again, Ronan. I apologize we didn’t catch Abernathy sooner.”

I wanted to tell him off, but the truth was we all missed it. The stairwell should’ve been covered on all twenty floors, I should’ve thought to include women on our watch list, and we’d underestimated Abernathy. Vance and Sanaa had waited too long to tell me, and I’d waited too long to tell Luna. We all played a part.

I nodded at Trefor. “It won’t happen again.”

His cold blue eyes said it all, but he spoke anyway. “No, it won’t.”



The blond-haired, blue-eyed Talon was an incorrigible flirt. And apparently he’d been a combat medic in the military.

Pressing his stethoscope to my chest, he gave an order like Ronan gave orders. “Inhale.” His gaze fixed past me, he smelled like coconuts and the beach.

I inhaled, then let it out slow. “Where do you practice medicine now?”

His laugh was quick and bright and lit up his face. “Darlin’, I practice all day, every day, but it ain’t medicine.” He winked.

Standing next to me as I sat on the couch, Ronan’s nostrils flared, and his hand moved to the gun in his holster, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. Talon immediately picked up on it, his gaze briefly cutting to Ronan’s hand.

Moving his stethoscope to my back, Talon unnecessarily held my shoulder. “Breathe again for me, darlin’, nice and deep. I like seein’ Pyro apoplectic.”

I did as he said, and Ronan looked like he was going shoot Talon.

Talon listened for a moment, then sat back on the coffee table and dumped his stethoscope in his bag. “I declare you perfectly healthy.”

“That’s it? How can you tell?” Ronan demanded. “You listened three times for a few seconds each.”

Grinning at me, Talon stood. “I like what you’ve done with him, darlin’. Definite improvement over his previous impervious disposition.” He chuckled and slapped Ronan on the shoulder, then his expression sobered. “No coughin’, no swellin’ in her throat or nasal passages. I see the face mask you had on her still around her neck. She’s not havin’ any difficulty breathin’, and I don’t see any signs of duress. She’s good.”

“Her lungs?” Ronan pushed.

Talon smiled with kindness. “Better than yours and mine on our best days.” Talon glanced at me. “You’ll be fine at your concert, darlin’.”

“Thank you very much for taking the time to come here.” I stood.

“You’re quite welcome. Gotta admit, wasn’t expectin’ to meet the Sanaa tonight, but nonetheless a pleasure.” He gave me a smile I was sure women fell all over themselves for before grabbing his bag. “Take care of Pyro, here.” He tipped his chin toward Ronan. “He saved our hides plenty of times downrange.”

I looked at Ronan. “I’m sure he was very good at what he did.”

“Not good, darlin’,” Talon corrected, his demeanor suddenly serious. “The best.”

“Talerco,” Ronan warned.

Talon smiled mischievously at me. “Bit of a braggart, too. Maybe you can work with him on that.” He winked.

“You’re done,” Ronan clipped.

“Yes, I am.” Unfazed by Ronan’s rudeness, Talon grinned as he walked to the door. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds so I can get back to my ladies.” He opened the door and nodded at André who was standing just outside. “Patrol.”

“Harm took a double hit in the blasts,” André told Talon. “He wouldn’t let Tyler and Ty take him in. He’s downstairs.”

“How bad?” Talon asked.

“Concussion, contusions, possible leg fracture,” André answered.

“On it.” Talon headed toward the stairs.

“Second floor. I’ll be there in a minute,” André called after him.

“Copy that.” Talon disappeared through the door to the stairwell.

André glanced at Ronan. “All set?”

“Yes.” Ronan put his hand at the small of my back and led me into the hall.

My overnight bag and dusty purse were just outside the door. I glanced at André. “Thank you for retrieving my purse.” I’d completely forgotten about it.

“Vance brought it,” André replied.

I glanced down the hall to where Adam had gone. “He’s here?”

Ronan stiffened as André answered. “He’s downstairs.”

I glanced at Ronan, but his expression was locked. I looked back at André. “May we see him, please?”

André glanced at Ronan, but Ronan didn’t so much as blink. André’s gaze cut back to me. “He’s in the command room, but I’ll have him come up here.” He pulled his phone out.

“We’re not waiting.” Ronan grabbed my bag and my purse, then took my hand. “Tell him to meet us downstairs in the garage.”

“Copy that.”

Ronan led me inside the elevator, and André followed.

After sending a text, André tucked his phone away and glanced at Ronan. “You’re all set with the investigators tonight, but they might want to speak with you tomorrow before you leave. The hotel’s lawyers are another story. They’re calling me every five minutes. They want NDAs signed yesterday.”

Leave tomorrow? Ronan was going to come with me?

“They can wait,” Ronan clipped. “Tell them to have the NDAs delivered here, and we’ll sign them tomorrow before we leave. I’ll speak with the investigators if they call, but I want her left out of it. If they insist on talking to her, I want Barrett on board.”

“Done.” André pulled his phone back out. “Texting Barrett now to give him a heads-up.”

“Who’s Barrett?” I asked, my stomach still fluttering at the thought of Ronan coming with me, let alone him seeing me perform.

“Lawyer,” Ronan answered.

“I have lawyers.” A whole team of them. A firm I’d hired out of New York years ago. It was the best decision I ever made for myself. They kept track of my money and contracts and most importantly, were not associated with Trinity Media Group in any way.

“Barrett’s local,” André explained. “He’s dealt with this sort of thing before.”

“He’s dealt with bombs going off?” What kind of clientele did André have?

“He’ll protect you and Ronan” was all André said before the elevator doors opened on the garage level and Vance was standing there.

“Right.” Vance chuckled. “Didn’t beat me down this time.”

It was meant to be a joke, but no one laughed.

André glanced at me. “Miss Narine, I wish you safe travels back to London. I hope we never meet again under these circumstances, but if you ever need Luna and Associates, give me a call.” He glanced at Ronan. “Consider the investigators and Barrett issue handled. If you need anything else before you leave tomorrow, text me.”

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