Home > Noah (Wild Mustang Security Firm)(16)

Noah (Wild Mustang Security Firm)(16)
Author: Delta James



Chapter 7



Zara’s dreams were dark and disturbing. She was running from something in the back alleys and inky darkness of an old city. Something was chasing her that meant to do her harm. Suddenly, Noah was there. He wrapped his arms around her, and she felt safe and warm in his embrace. His lips grazed her temple, then her eyes before settling on her mouth as his hands lightly skimmed her body.

Zara could feel herself emerging from the dregs of her dream and sleep as Noah’s mouth closed around her nipple and sucked. He nudged her onto her back, and her thighs parted in invitation to possess her again. Positioning himself between her legs as the head of his cock probed for her core, his hands slipped under her buttocks with his thumbs spanning her hip bones as he sank his full length into her, groaning.

“Don’t,” she protested feebly, then he began to move inside her.

“Shh, beautiful, let me have you… all of you,” he whispered, nuzzling her. “Wrap your legs around me, Zara.”

This time she had no will to fight and spread her thighs wider, hooking her legs over the top of his thighs beneath his well-developed buttocks, which were now fueling the engine that ground his cock deeper into her pussy.

“Noah,” she sighed in unmitigated pleasure as her need grew.

There was something elemental and fierce in the way his body claimed hers and forced not just a physical response but a complete and total surrender to his command. He stroked her harder and faster until he drove himself into her ferociously, and she succumbed to a tremendous orgasm that left her shaking in its aftermath.

“That’s my beauty,” he said soothingly.

“Not yours,” she managed to say.

“Mine. Only mine. If not right this minute, then soon. Give to me, Zara.”

She shook her head as he tried to capture her mouth again. His response was to pin her to the bed more forcefully as he drove into her relentlessly. Her breath sped up, and the sounds she made became whimpers as her orgasm approached faster than she could comprehend. He shouldn’t be able to do this to her. He’d forced more orgasms from her in a single night than she’d experienced in a week with any other man. Her body stiffened in anticipation, and she started to pant, terrified of the amount of pleasure she was about to feel and embarrassed he could undo her to this extent.

Zara cried as she came again, clinging to him. Noah showed no signs of weariness, only a gritty determination to relentlessly stroke her until her will to resist him was gone. Zara knew she had lost to him when her hands moved down his back and cupped his buttocks to urge him to fuck her harder and faster. He granted her unspoken request and plunged deeper and harder into her molten core.

“God, yes,” he whispered as his movements became more frenzied. “Come with me. Let your cunt milk my cock for every last drop I’m going to pump into you.”

“Yes,” she sighed as her body took flight with his and soared beyond the clouds and stars to a place of infinite time and space.

With a final thrust, his staff released his essence into her being, and her pussy rippled along his length in response. Something within Zara sparked to life. She basked in the aftermath of his lovemaking, grateful he didn’t seem inclined to withdraw. There was a part of being coupled with Noah that was earthy and intimate. Releasing his hold on her hips, he brought his hands up to her face, whispering kisses over it and making small, incoherent noises that comforted and reassured her that his need for her was as great as hers for him.

As he withdrew, Zara mourned his imminent uncoupling. This time, when he rolled off her, he brought her with him, throwing her arm across his torso, wedging one of her legs between his, so his softening cock laid between the juncture of her thighs. Noah wrapped one arm around her back and laid the other over her arm, returning her embrace.

When she slept, she dreamed of nothing and felt only peace and contentment.

The next time Zara opened her eyes, she was alone and surprised to see the sun was up. Without looking at a clock or her cell phone, she had no way of knowing the exact time but figured it was probably midmorning. The floorboards creaked as Noah came in from the other room. Wearing only his jeans, he looked like a photoshopped male model, complete with washboard abs, corded and muscled arms, and a trim waist. A heavy sprinkling of dark hair across his chest was widely dispersed across his pectoral muscles before narrowing to join in the middle of his sternum and trail down the center of his torso, disappearing into his jeans. He was carrying a tray with something that smelled delicious.

He walked around the end of the bed to her side, set the tray on the nightstand, took her face in his hands, and kissed her deeply. As with everything else about him, the kiss was commanding yet entreating.

“Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”

“After you left me alone to sleep,” she snapped.

She had a fleeting thought she might have offended or angered him, but he threw his head back and laughed before kissing the tip of her nose, then briefly capturing her mouth. It was disorienting, even in something only slightly more than his lips brushing hers, he was able to completely overpower her senses.

“You seemed disturbed, and I sought to comfort you,” he said with a sly grin.

“No, you woke with a hard-on and used me to take care of it.”

Again, instead of anger or reprisal, she got laughter.

“As I recall, sweetheart, your needs were seen to as well, and you came more times than I did.”

“And woke even sorer than when I went to sleep.”

“Do you always wake up in such a lousy mood?”

“Yes,” she snapped.

“Then, I’ll have to come up with ways to see if we can’t make your mornings better.”

“How about you get me to the nearest train station, so I can get back home to London.”

“That’s not happening. We have a forensic team that should be there anytime. They’ll go over your place with a fine-tooth comb.”

Mildly outraged—after all, she was being held against her will—she said, “What on earth for?”

“We want to see if they left anything behind—DNA, trace evidence, surveillance devices, explosives.”

“You think they’d leave a bomb?”

“I wouldn’t put it outside the realm of possibilities. You do realize those men meant to torture and kill you, right? They weren’t coming in through the back with masks and automatics to have tea.”

“I don’t drink tea.”

“I know,” he said calmly. “You drink dark-roast coffee, black if you have to, but if it’s available, you like wild honey and a dollop of clotted cream. I like honey in my coffee as well, organic when I can find it. The little store we stopped at had a really nice local produce and dairy section. If I’d known then you like clotted cream, I’d have picked some up, but I did add some honey to your mug. I can get you more if it’s not enough.”

He handed her a mug filled with fresh coffee. She inhaled deeply and smiled in spite of herself. She took a taste and sighed. The cream would have been lovely, but it was precisely the right amount of honey.

“This is really good, thank you. How did you know so much about my coffee?”

He wiggled his eyebrows at her, making her laugh.

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