Home > Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(74)

Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(74)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

Aaron studies me, trying to see if her rejection bothers me.

It doesn’t.

He’s not going to find any remorse in me for her, only my unborn child she’s carrying. There’s a fucking cigarette behind his ear. She does not need to be around that shit. Without thinking, I’m standing and striding toward them. I reach their booth and Misty’s eyes lock on mine.

“Evan,” she greets me. She’s not being mean or hateful. She greets me as if I’m just some guy she knows.


“Misty,” I repeat the gesture. I’m trying hard not to lose my shit over her choice of company. I decide to make small talk. Maybe Tom doesn’t know about the baby. “When’s your next appointment? I forgot to ask you earlier.”

Nothing. No change in expression. “I haven’t set it up yet. I’ll text you.”

Tom pulls the unlit cigarette from behind his ear and places it in his mouth. He lets it hang there unlit. “That’s not good for the baby.” I don’t bother to elaborate. I know she knows what I’m talking about.

“It’s not lit,” she replies.

“You can’t smoke around her,” I tell Tom.

He laughs. “Like I’m going to listen to you.”

Placing my hand on the table, I lean down, nose to nose with him. “You will. You see, Tom, Misty here is carrying my baby. Just a few short hours ago, she signed over all rights to me. In that same agreement, she signed she would not put herself in harm’s way, in turn not putting my unborn child in a harmful situation.” I stand back to my full height.

Misty continues to sit there unaffected.

Tom turns to her. “You carrying his kid?” he asks.

What a fucking tool.


“He telling the truth? You sign those papers?”

“I did. I didn’t read them. I skimmed to make sure the baby would be his full responsibility and signed.”

Done with this conversation, I reach over and snatch the cigarette out of his mouth. I crush it in my hands, then dust them off on the table. I know there are more where that came from, but I want to get my point across.

“See that you follow the contract. I would hate for you to be in contempt.” I stalk back to Aaron, slide in the booth, and pick up my now cold burger. I have to choke it down.

Aaron motions for the check as I make quick work of my food. He pays the bill and we leave. I feel sick at the thought of what types of situations she’s getting herself into.



Chapter 6





I’ve spent the last six weeks working on my studio. I painted each of the four walls a different color. I’ve been picking up props at flea markets and clearance sales. It’s all really starting to come together. Aaron is supposed to help me hang blinds today. Sometimes I’ll need the natural light and others I won’t. I’m going to get him to help me setup my green screen bar and lights when he’s here as well. What are brothers for if you can’t use their muscles?

Stepping back, I survey the large room. It’s better than I had hoped. I have my first shoot in two days.

I can’t wait!

Not wanting to lose my momentum waiting on Aaron, I drag the ladder to the far wall, gather my hooks for props, and climb up. I want the hooks high enough so the kids won’t be able to get to them. I know how little ones like to explore in new places. Raising my arms to hammer in the first nail, I feel the ladder wobble. The next thing I know, I’m falling backward. Nothing but hard wood floor waits for me below. I brace myself for impact. However, it’s not the hard floor I collide with---it’s strong arms.

“I got you,” a deep, husky voice whispers in my ear.


He gently places my feet on the floor while holding onto my arms to make sure I have my balance. “Thanks,” I mumble.

“You’re welcome. Why didn’t you wait for Aaron to do this?” he asks.

“I’m on a roll. I have my first shoot in two days and I’m excited to get everything finalized.” My brain finally registers he’s here. “What are you doing here? Not that I don’t appreciate your impeccable timing.”

“Aaron’s stuck in traffic coming home from the stockyard. He called and asked if I had time to run over and help you. I believe he said, ‘Kinley is chomping at the bit to get this done.’”

“I’m excited,” I defend.

He chuckles. “I can see that, but we can’t have you getting hurt. Now, show me what needs to be done. We can get this place whipped into shape.” He reaches down and picks the hook up off the floor.

“I was…um… hanging them for those,” I point to the box of hats and scarfs I’ve acquired for props.

Evan nods and starts to climb the ladder. “Why so high?”

“I plan to do a lot of family and kids shoots. As a matter of fact, my first shoot is with twin boys for their first birthday. Little people like to explore in new places. I wanted the props out of the way of temptation for them. Besides, there will be less of a distraction and it will be easier for me to maintain their attention.” I look up at him and all I see is his ass, front and center in all its glory. Let me just tell you, Evan Chamberlin can fill out a pair of worn Levi’s. My mouth waters and I feel my face flush. Damn! I quickly look down to get myself under control.

“Can you hand me the next one?” Evan asks.


Bending down, I pick up the other hook and attempt to hand it to him without looking. “Kinley,” his deep voice rumbles my name.

I get lost in the sound and forget I’m hiding my blush, which only makes me blush harder. “You good?” he asks.

Am I good? Um, hell yes, I’m good. Turn back around and let me get back to ogling your fine ass. “Yeah,” I say instead. “Why aren’t you working today?” I ask to get my mind off his ass.

“Misty had her four-month check-up today.”

“How did it go?”

“Good. She hasn’t gained much weight. The doctor told her she needs to eat more. She measured okay, but the doctor is just worried about her getting enough calories.”

“What did she say about it?”

“Hmph. Nothing as usual. I offered her money for clothes and stuff and she refused. Said she didn’t need anything from me. She’s starting to show. I placed my hand on her belly when I saw her.” He climbs down the ladder. “It’s still hard for me to grasp the fact my baby’s in there, you know?”

Gah! Evan is one of the sweetest guys out there and hot as hell to boot! Misty is a damn fool. “Yeah, it really is a miracle when you think about it.”

“I was thinking, if we can get this all squared away, maybe you would want to go shopping with me? I’ve only got five months and I need…well, everything.”

“Absolutely! I’m happy to help you.” I don’t bother to hide my excitement. It’s hard not to get excited about a new baby, no matter whose it is.

“Thank you.” I can hear the relief in his voice. “I’ve read a few books and looked online, but I don’t have the first clue as to what this kid is going to need.”

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