Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(119)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(119)
Author: Melanie Moreland

He answered on the first ring. “Find it?”

“Yep. But there’s a problem. It took a bath. I don’t know…”

His chuckle interrupted me. “Bring it to me. Let me work on it.”

“On my way.”

“I’ll be at the office.”


I looked at Liv, huddled on the floor, pulling at her hair, unable to cope with more stress. She was breaking. I could see it happening right before my eyes. If this didn’t work, and the bastard got his rights back, I didn’t know how she was going to handle it. And I didn’t know how I was going to handle watching her snap.

I crouched in front of her. “Don’t give in, Livvy. I know how strong you are. Find your strength for Mouse. For me. Don’t give in to the fear. If you do, he wins regardless, because he is destroying you. Don’t let him.” I held up the phone. “I’m taking this to Reid. He’ll do everything he can, but if it doesn’t work, we’ll fight. Together, we’ll fight. But I need you to fight with me.”

She drew in a long breath. Then another. Her shoulders straightened, and she held up her head. She slid her hand into mine and squeezed. “We fight.”

I pulled her into my arms and held her, praying it wouldn’t come to that.



For two days, we waited. I knew not to bother Reid. Aiden had informed me he was locked in the server room, BAM on the back burner as he worked to help Liv. When I offered my thanks, Aiden shook his head.

“Family, Van. This is about family.”

I stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Liv was dozing, only finding a little rest because I had made love to her again, tiring her out physically so her body would force her to sleep—even if it was only for a short time.

It was just past three a.m. when my phone buzzed on the nightstand. I grabbed it, anxious when I saw Reid’s number flash across the screen. Liv sat up, instantly awake. I hit speaker.

“Tell us,” I said.

“Bang, bang, Hal’s big ole silver hammer is gonna come down on his head,” Reid sang. “Bang, bang, Hal’s big ole silver hammer is gonna make sure that claim is dead.”

It was corny, badly sung, and off-key. And the best rewrite of an old Beatles song I had ever heard.

I began to laugh. Big guffaws of relief. Liv giggle-snorted, tears falling down her cheeks.

“We got him,” Reid said. “Hal’s already on it.”

I calmed. “I owe you, Reid. I owe you a debt I can never pay.”

His voice was as serious as Reid ever got. “Just love that little girl and look after her. Keep her safe.”

“With my life,” I vowed.

“Then we’re even.”



I wasn’t allowed to be present at the meeting between the lawyers, their clients, and the judge. Hal explained each side would be allowed to present their argument, then the judge would decide if there was a case—and whether it would move forward or be decided today. It was in an office building, not the courthouse, which made it less scary for Liv.

“They encourage parents to work together if they feel it is in the best interest of the child.” Hal patted his briefcase. “After today, the judge won’t feel that way. Nolan’s story that he was young, scared, and not thinking straight is going to be shot to hell when I present this email and all the corroborating facts.” Reid had dug up dates and timelines, Liv’s statements, and put it all together for Hal.

Hal smiled. It wasn’t a pleasant smile, but rather the kind which happened right before the monster ate you. “I’m going to insist he go first. I’ll let him hang himself with his lies.” His teeth flashed again. “Then I’ll refute every word.”

Despite his reassurances, leaving Liv to face this without me was difficult.

I worried. Liv was calm, but I knew how fearful she was—terrified that something would happen. I drove her to the building and waited downstairs, alternately pacing and sitting with my head in my hands. My parents and Elly had Mouse, treating her to a day off school and spoiling her, all anxious for news. I knew, regardless of the outcome, Liv would need to get to her fast once this meeting was over.

Bentley and Maddox checked in on me, sending encouraging emails. Jordan had spoken to me the night before, offering his support and telling me to take whatever time I needed away—he assured me it was covered.

Unable to stay still, I went outside, walking around the side parking lot, needing the fresh air.

Hearing my name being called, I glanced up, surprised to see Aiden.

“What are you doing here?”

“You’re here for Liv. I’m here for you.”

“I’m fine.”

He squeezed my shoulder.

“I know, Van,” he encouraged, “I’m only here to keep you company.”

“It’s been a while.” I indicated the building with a tilt of my chin.

“These things take time. You got this.”

“Reid got this, you mean,” I said, worried. I knew I had to keep him out of this, no matter what occurred.

“Yeah, the boy wonder has struck another blow for the good side,” he mused. “He’s turned into quite the defender.”

“Thank God he’s on our side.”

Aiden chuckled. “You got that right. He’s covered. Don’t worry. I couldn’t be prouder of him if he were my own brother. I love that kid.”

The side door of the building was flung open so hard, it slammed into the exterior wall. The noise startled me, but not as much as the sight of Nolan marching down the stairs, his face red and livid. He was talking to his lawyer, gesturing in anger. He was cursing and blaming the world for everything and anything. He hurled insults at his lawyer, who threw up his hands and stormed away, leaving Nolan on his own. He caught sight of me and rushed forward, his fist raised, screaming obscenities. I fell back into a fight stance, ready to defend myself and hoping he enjoyed the punch. It was the only one he would get.

“You think this is over?” Nolan shouted.

Except, as he rushed forward, Aiden stepped in, and with one well-directed swing of his fist, knocked him to the ground. Nolan lay there, stunned and not moving.

“Yep,” Aiden drawled. “I heard the fat lady sing. It’s over.”

For a second, I gaped, then I grabbed his arm. “Aiden—what the fuck? He was coming for me! What did you do that for?”

Aiden shook his head, looking nonchalant. “I didn’t do anything, Van. I slipped, and my elbow knocked into his chin.”

“The hell you did,” Nolan growled, shaking his head. “I’m going to sue you. You and your fucking company.”

Aiden leaned down and grabbed him by the collar. “Let me help you up.” He jerked him upright, the air escaping Nolan’s mouth in a hiss. Aiden leaned close. “Bring it on, you asshole. I’ve been waiting for this moment. You mess with my family? I mess with you.” He pushed Nolan away, who fell, cursing, to his knees.

Nolan scowled, inspecting his hands. “I am going to ruin you,” he spat.

A security guard appeared. “Is there a problem?”

Nolan pointed to Aiden. “He attacked me.”

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