Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(135)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(135)
Author: Melanie Moreland

“A few. It never really felt like home. Scott picked it out and bought it without asking me. He even had it decorated. I never liked it. There are a few boxes in the basement of my parents’ things and some sentimental items I would like back. He told me he would allow me to go back one time and pick up anything I wanted to take with me—supervised, of course—and at his convenience.”

I snorted. “Fuck his convenience. It’ll be at a date of our choosing. Maybe we can snag some of the other records we need then.” I rubbed my chin. “I’ll get a glimpse of his schedule and demand a date when I know he’s in court. Whoever he sends to babysit might be easily distracted.”

“How will you do that? See his schedule?”

I cocked an eyebrow at her, earning a small grin.

“Oh,” she said. “Don’t ask?”

“You got it.”


“All right. I’m going to give you a list of things I need you to try to get for me. I want you to write out everything we talked about tonight. Especially his behavior over the past year. As much detail as you can give me.” I smiled kindly at her. “Sometimes it’s easier to write rather than talk. I’ll write out the list, and while I’m doing that can you sign in and get those statements? We can print them out, and I can look them over tonight. No email or texts until we get you a different phone. Scott might be monitoring the one you have, and I want the fact that I have taken your case to come out of left field.”

“All right.”

She looked pale, and I hastened to assure her.

“I know you didn’t think of that scenario, but I know how devious he is. I’ve got your back, Fee. You can rely on me. Rene as well. We work as a team, and we’ll get you through this.”

“Okay,” she replied, sounding anxious again.

I stood. “Come on, let’s get this done, then I’ll drive you back to your friend’s place.”

Unspeaking, she followed me to the computer.

“Use this one—it will print out by my desk. I’ll be right there, okay?”


For some reason, I wanted her to relax, to know she wasn’t alone.

I laid my hand on her shoulder, feeling her tension. “I got you, Fee. You don’t have to face this alone, all right?”

Her smile was tremulous but there. She lifted her hand, squeezing my fingers. “All right.” She turned to the computer and started typing.

I hesitated, then walked to my desk, fighting the strangest feeling.

Why did I want to hug her? I didn’t hug people. I never got personal with clients.

I glanced back toward Fee.

Why did I have a feeling she might be the exception to that rule?






The next day was a shitshow of epic proportions. I was late in the morning due to an accident on Dundas Street. I got a ticket for speeding trying to make up the time. My attitude was shittier than normal when I arrived, and I wound up in an argument with a judge who threatened contempt. I had to step back before I got my ass thrown in jail. Court ran over, I somehow lost my phone, and by the time I headed back to the office, I knew there would be a room full of people waiting for me. It was back to back all afternoon, and I was sure Rene would be going crazy not being able to get hold of me to check what was going on.

I burst into the office, one glance confirming my fears. It was so full, people were standing. I held up my hands.

“Sorry, folks. Bad day at the courthouse. Give me ten minutes to catch up, and we’ll get going.”

Rene followed me into my office. “Stopped taking my calls now, Halton?”

“Lost my damn phone. I think it might be in the courthouse somewhere. Call and see if it was turned in, okay?”

He set a pile of folders on the desk and added a stack of messages. “You have a long afternoon ahead of you. Did you eat?”

“A stale bagel at the courthouse.”

“I’ll get you something. Your first appointment is the Sanders about their adoption the birth mother is trying to stop. They won’t mind if you wolf something down. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if she had something in her bag for you.”

I chuckled. The Sanders were good people who had provided a stable, loving home for a brother and sister abandoned by their drug-addicted mother. The children were settled and happy, and now the mother was trying to get them back. She was a repeat offender and a huge risk to relapse, given her history. The Sanders were petitioning to adopt the kids, who wanted nothing more than to stay with them. Today was about how to proceed. Mrs. Sanders usually pulled out some cupcakes or muffins she had made me, and I always ate them. I was hopeful today would be the same.

I grabbed the first folder. “Okay. Show them in, and I’ll get started.” I looked around. “Shit. I need that reference book I was using last week for the Dirks case. Where is it?”

“I put it away. I’ll grab it for you after I let the Sanders in.”


Luckily, Rene was right, and the two muffins I ate while talking to the Sanders helped curb my appetite. After our meeting, I escorted them out and called in the Dirks. I noticed Fiona sitting in the corner and wondered why she was there. I hadn’t expected to see her today. Before I could ask, I heard a yell and crash from the library, and I rushed in to find Rene on the floor, the ladder on top of him, a table knocked over.

I hurried over, pulling off the ladder, pushing away the table, and kneeling beside him. He was struggling to sit up, groaning. Blood gushed from a cut on his forehead.

“Stay still,” I ordered.

“I’m fine. I just slipped,” he replied. “Give me a minute.”

“You’re not fine,” I snapped, using my tie on his bloodied forehead. “Your head is bleeding, and your arm is at a weird angle.”

“What?” he responded, glancing toward his shoulder. “Oh.”

Then he passed out.

For a moment, I froze. It was Fiona’s quiet voice that brought me around. “I called the ambulance,” she said. “They’re on their way.”

I glanced between Rene and the door to the reception area still filled with clients. The phone was ringing, the sound distracting and annoying. “I can’t let him go alone,” I said. “What am I supposed to do?”

“I’ll handle it.”


“Let me take care of this place, and you go with him.”

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You didn’t. I offered.”

I hesitated, but I didn’t have much choice. I had no idea how badly Rene was injured, and there was no way I was leaving him alone. I couldn’t walk out of here and leave my clients alone either. I studied Fee, her gaze open and honest, and made a quick decision to trust her.

Paramedics walked in, and I stood so they could help Rene. I turned to Fiona, talking fast. “My clients—get their schedules, and I’ll see them as soon as possible. They’ll all be contacted tomorrow. Take the phone off the hook. I’ll be going out the other door with Rene.” I paused. “Wait here.”

I hurried to my office, shut the door, and locked the file room. I knew she was telling the truth about her situation, but I was still cautious, and the thought of a stranger alone in my office—the wife of someone I disliked intensely—didn’t sit well.

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