Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(184)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(184)
Author: Melanie Moreland

Once again, Bentley’s gaze strayed to my phone as it signaled another message.

“Are you sure you don’t have to get that, Sandy?” he asked, his brow furrowed.

I shook my head. It was rare my phone rang at work these days, but this morning, it was going off constantly.

“It’s fine,” I assured him. “I somehow got on a call list. I’ll handle it when we’re done.”

Aiden spoke up. “I can take care of that for you, Sandy. Give me your phone, and I can get it to stop.”

“No!” I exclaimed, my voice rising a little.

All three partners looked surprised at my reaction. Reid was late this morning, having an appointment outside of the office. I was glad of that fact since Reid knew me so well. Even though the girls had said they wouldn’t say anything about the dating site, now that I had activated my profile, I knew it was going to come out eventually. I was in no hurry for the boys to know what I had done. I had a feeling none of them would approve, and I wasn’t in the mood to handle their objections or worries. They were all very protective of me.

“It’s fine,” I insisted. “I’ll handle it. Now, you were saying, Bentley?”

“Ah, yes.” He frowned but let the subject drop. “I am going to see a couple of places this afternoon with Van that have come up unexpectedly. Can you clear my schedule?”

“Of course.”

“Richard is flying in next week to firm up some new ideas for Phase Two of the towers,” Maddox stated. “You’ll need some extra bagels in the kitchen.”

I smiled as I jotted down the reminder. Richard was one of my favorites, and I looked forward to his trips here. I had a feeling they were more frequent than needed since Becca was here every day, but he had a close bond with Maddox, and the partners respected him immensely and appreciated his personal touch on the account.

“On it. I’ll get that vegetable cream cheese he is so fond of in as well.”

“He gets all the good stuff,” Aiden moaned.

I laughed, indicating the plate of Danishes on the boardroom table. “I don’t think you go short, Aiden.”

“We’re your favorites, right?” he countered. “You love us best. Especially me.”

“I don’t think so,” Maddox snorted. “Sandy digs my vibe. I’m her fave.”

“I highly doubt it,” Bentley interjected. “I found her. She was mine first, therefore it stands to reason she prefers me over you two clowns.”

“You’re all wrong. I’m her favorite,” Reid announced as he strolled in. “Richard is second, and you three pull up the rear. Exactly where you should be.”

“I don’t think so,” Aiden huffed. “She’s been ours longer, so we rank higher. Right, Sandy?”

I stood, snapping closed my notepad. “A mother never has favorites.” I winked. “At least, that is what we tell you all.” But I patted Reid’s cheek as I went by, making him grin.

Reid threw himself into a seat. “Told you.”

Aiden cursed loudly. “I hired you. I can fire you too.”

“Nope. Sandy won’t let you. I’m her favorite.” Reid plucked a Danish off the plate and took a big bite. “Besides, you love me too, you big lug.”

“Not if you keep eating my Danishes.”

“Will you two shut up?” Bentley groaned. “This is an office, not a playground.”

But he winked at me as I left the office. I shut the door behind me with a smile. It didn’t matter how old, rich, or successful they were, they would always be my boys.

They were all my favorites. I adored each one of them for their own special reason. They all needed me in some fashion, but Reid’s need was the deepest of them all, and I had responded to that need the moment I met him. But they were all lights in my life.

My phone buzzed again, and I sighed.

Maybe that should be enough.



Hell broke loose about three o’clock. Reid rushed past my desk, casting a worried glance my way as he hurried by, disappearing into Aiden’s office. With a frown, I asked the person I was speaking with on the phone to repeat themselves, only to be startled by the loud curse coming from Aiden’s office. Seconds later, they both disappeared into Maddox’s office. I shook my head, wondering what crisis was occurring now. Something big in IT land or a glitch in the security system Reid was diligently working on, adding upgrades or tweaking.

I had my answer soon enough when the three of them appeared in front of my desk. Their countenances were serious, and they looked upset.

A flicker of fear went through my chest.

“What is it?” I asked. “Bentley? Is he all right?” I had spoken with him not long ago, and he said he was on his way back to the office. Had there been an accident?

Aiden shook his head. “Bent’s fine. He’ll be here in a moment. We need to talk to you.”

I furrowed my brow. “Fine. About?” My gaze fell to Reid’s hand. He was holding his phone, which was nothing new, but what was on the screen explained the intensity of their expressions and the tense set of their shoulders.

My profile on Mature Matchups was on his phone. And the protective, worried faces were exactly what I knew would happen if they discovered it.

“My personal life is not up for discussion,” I stated mildly.

“Sandy.” Aiden bent forward, his voice low. “These sites can be dangerous.”

“Becca checked it out.”

“Becca should have minded her own business,” Reid stated in an uncharacteristic snarl.

I glared at him. “She was trying to be helpful.”

“By hooking you up with a stranger?” Maddox mumbled. “That isn’t you, Sandy.”

I crossed my arms. “I am not hooking up with anyone. I am not on Tinder or any of those other apps that cater to sex for fun. It’s a site that helps mature people find others of similar likes to engage in the pleasure of each other’s company. It’s my life, my decision. You three need to stay out of it.”

They stared at me, and I had to bite back a smile. Given how I found the entire process taxing and couldn’t even bother checking my matches, I had no idea why I was defending my choice—except that it was my choice.

Bentley appeared at my desk, his hair disheveled as if he had run his hands through it repeatedly. “Sandy.” He scowled. “We need to talk about this.”

I stood and faced them all. “What needs to happen is the four of you go back to your offices and to the business at hand. What I choose to do or not do in my private life is my concern, not yours.”

“Your safety—”

“We’re worried—”

“So many nutjobs—”

I held up my hand. “Boys. Enough. If I see someone I would like to meet, I would do so in a public place. I would also make sure someone knew where I would be. I would never give out any personal information until I was certain I trusted the individual.” I shook my head. “You know me better than to think I would act foolishly.”

Bentley spoke, frustration evident in his tone. “By joining one of these sites, you are being foolish.”

I was done.

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