Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(49)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(49)
Author: Melanie Moreland

I stood, tired of the conversation and knowing we were only going to go around in circles. I refused to let him know how his words rankled, that they struck a chord of worry within me. I was apprehensive Becca would find someone better, more worthy of her. But right now, I was tired of his disparaging attitude and lack of compassion. Given the kind person I knew Becca to be, I found it difficult to believe the man in front of me had raised her.

“My name is Reid, not boy. I’m sorry you feel that way.” I shook my head. “Becca wanted us to find some common ground and maybe be friends.”

“We have nothing in common.”

I stared at him, upset at his arrogance and knowing there was nothing I could do to change it. At least, not today.

“Yes, Mr. Holden, we do. We both love Becca. I came here because she wanted me to meet you. It’s important to her. You may want to think about that.”

I turned and left the room.



I ran a hand over my face, taking a long sip of beer. “Jesus, Richard. He’s a piece of work. How the hell is he Becca’s dad?”

Richard chuckled as he placed the steak on the grill, the delicious smell immediately hitting me. I was starving.

“He’s pushing you hard.”

“No shit.”

“He’s testing you.”

“Well, I fucking failed. I don’t know what to do.”

The sound of laughter drifted over, and I looked toward the noise. Becca was in the pool with Gracie, Katy sitting on the edge with Heather, trailing her toes in the cool water. She cooed and giggled while Gracie clapped her hands in delight.

Becca had accepted my explanation that I was heading to the car to give her a few moments alone with her dad when I bumped into her in the hall. She hadn’t said anything in the car, even when we stopped for flowers and wine. We already had gifts for the little ones we had brought from Toronto.

Richard and Katy had been welcoming, and I’d had a swim and a couple of beers, so I was more relaxed than I had been all day. I was helping Richard cook dinner—in other words, bitching at him about Gerald Holden and the stick up his ass when it came to me.

Richard shut the lid, letting the steaks cook. He indicated Becca. “If she’s as important to you as you say, you keep your mouth shut, and you piss him the fuck off by going back tomorrow. You kill him with kindness.”

“And what does that get me besides more insults?”

“It shows Becca you’re trying. Gerry is using your prison record to get under your skin. He’s terrified of you.”

My beer bottle froze on its way to my mouth. “What?”

He shrugged. “He told Katy he had hoped Becca would go to Toronto and decide the big-city life wasn’t for her then come back to Victoria. I think that was why he didn’t put up a fuss when she decided to go. But it hasn’t worked out that way. She loves Toronto, the office—and you. Not much incentive to leave that behind. And he’s decided you’re the main cause.”

I drained my beer and set it on the table. “Becca’s decision, not mine.”

“I know. And I agree he’s being an ass. A total dick. So show him up and go there tomorrow guns blazing. Be funny. Ask him a thousand and one questions. Make him talk.”

“And when that doesn’t work?”

“You tried. I’ll invent some horrible emergency and get Mad Dog to call you, and you can spend the rest of the weekend working.”

I laughed. “I might take you up on that.” We were spending the day with her father tomorrow and had plans the day after to play tourist around the city so Becca could show me all the places she loved. Sunday, there was a family barbeque at the residence, and Richard, Katy, and the girls were joining us.

“I only have to make it through tomorrow without losing my temper again or being rude,” I mused out loud.

Richard flipped the steaks and grinned. “You made it through four years of prison without pissing anyone off enough they shanked you. This should be a walk in the park.”

I burst out laughing. “I wasn’t in maximum security. No one got shanked.”

He lifted one shoulder, teasing. “But the possibility—what street cred it gives you that you survived.”

“Not with Mr. Holden.”

“Another tip.” He smirked. “Stop with the Mr. Holden shit. Call him Gerry. Don’t give him the edge. He’s her father. Not yours. Respectful, not beholden.”

“Weid!” Gracie called. “Weid, come in da pool!”

“You’re being paged.” Richard laughed. “I suggest you join her.”

“Do I have time?”

“Yep. I’ll add the lobster and shrimp soon. Katy has everything in the pool house, and we’re eating out here, casual. You can come to the table in your suit.”

“Okay, then.” I hurried to the pool and performed a huge cannonball that made Gracie laugh loudly. Thankfully, watching her and Becca together made me forget what I would face tomorrow.

I was good with that.




On the way back to the hotel, Becca glanced my way. “Feel like some ice cream? My treat.”

I grinned at her, feeling lazy. I was relaxed, having enjoyed the evening with Richard and his family. “Sure, BB. Ice cream sounds good.”

We pulled into a parking lot. The place was busy, the line long. I stood behind Becca, and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her to my chest. “What’s good?”

“The triple threat.”

I read the sign. “Wow. Caramel, chocolate, and marshmallow with three scoops of ice cream? Are you going to eat that all by yourself?”

She giggled. “No, usually Katy and I would share it. We’d come here sometimes and leave Richard with the girls. Especially if she was pissed with him and needed to vent.”

“They seem very happy.”

“Oh, they are. But Richard can be a handful. And all couples need time apart. Sometimes it was just an excuse for ice cream.”

I kissed her head. “I got it.”

When we got to the window, I ordered, and Becca used her debit card. The girl behind the window shook her head. “Sorry, it didn’t go through.”

Becca frowned. “That’s odd.”

“Try again.” The girl handed her the machine.

“No, it declined.”

“I’m sorry. We’ve had some issues today. A squirrel ate through some wires, and they did a temporary repair, but things haven’t worked well all afternoon.”

Laughing, I pulled a twenty from my pocket. “Squirrels. Great.”

We sat down, and Becca huffed. “I wanted to treat you.”

I took a huge bite of the sweet mixture and swallowed it. “God, this is good. You can treat tomorrow. Maybe the wires will be fixed.”

She chuckled. “Okay.”

We ate, watching people around us, and enjoyed the warm evening.

“You know,” Becca began, “I’m not sure if I’m more embarrassed or impressed about what happened today.”

I grimaced, swallowing more ice cream. “Sorry?”

She sighed and put down her spoon. Resting her chin on her hand, she studied me. “I’m aware what an ass my father was today, Reid. I can’t apologize enough for him.”

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