Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(55)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(55)
Author: Melanie Moreland

“I can see that.”

I didn’t respond. He’d asked me there, so it was his time to speak.

“I acted appallingly, and I said things I shouldn’t have. Made assumptions based on my history, rather than the person standing in front of me.” He straightened his shoulders. “I was wrong about you.”

“What changed your mind?”

His expression softened. “The blatant love my daughter has for you. She reminded me so much of her mother the way she stood her ground and told me off.” A flash of a smile appeared across his face. “She’s never done that before.”

I waited.

“Richard told me off as well. Plus, he told me what you did, Reid. You put yourself, your career, and your very freedom on the line to make sure Becca’s issue was resolved. You didn’t allow anything or anyone to stop you. She was your priority.”

“She always will be.”

“I know that now. I knew it the moment you left last night. You let me off the hook. You could have demanded she go with you, but you didn’t. I heard what you said about family and not coming between us.” He sighed, the sound long and slow. “I knew I had made a mistake, but I was too stubborn to do anything about it.”

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “Becca told me once that you trusted her decisions. You never interfered once her mind was made up. To me, that means you trust her judgment.”

He nodded, confused.

“Why didn’t you extend that trust to me?” I asked. “I was angry you dismissed her feelings for me as if they meant nothing—when, in fact, they are everything. The disrespect you showed for us both is what angered me the most. You should have known she would never believe in someone who was the kind of person you had decided I must be. You never even gave me a chance.”

I felt Becca tense beside me, waiting for his response. I lifted her hand, kissed the knuckles, and held it close to my chest.

Gerald met my eyes. “Because I was afraid I would lose her to you.”

“Daddy,” Becca whispered under her breath.

“And now?” I asked.

He tapped his cane on the floor as he mulled over my words. “Now, I think I was as much of a pigheaded asshole as Richard said I was being. I think you will care for Becca the way I have always wanted her to be cared for. And,” he added, “I think you understand the need for family. My worries were simply that. Given what I witnessed yesterday, I can put them aside.”

We stared at each other, neither breaking the gaze.

He finally spoke. “The question is, can we move forward, Reid? Can you put aside my behavior, accept my apology, and we go from there?”

I pursed my lips, looking down at my feet. I knew I could insist on a better apology. I could call him on so many of his nasty words and drag it out until I felt the slate was clean. I could refuse his offer of forgiveness and walk away, taking Becca with me, and let him suffer. Except, I thought of Rodney and the pain he felt with the separation from his daughter. His wish they could reunite. The grief and regret he felt daily over the silence between them. I knew what he would say to me. Would I want Becca to regret the last years of her father’s life, having to be caught in the middle between us? For Gerald to suffer meant Becca would as well. Regretting that would mean she would regret me, and I didn’t want that to happen. Rodney would want me to be the better person.

“I think we can do better than an apology.”

Gerald frowned. “Oh?”

I stood and extended my hand. “Hello, Mr. Holden. I’m Reid Matthews, Becca’s boyfriend. I’ve heard so much about you from her. It’s good to meet you, sir.”

His hand was shaking as he closed his fingers around mine. I could hear Becca’s stifled sobs behind me.

“It’s good to meet you, Reid. Please, call me Gerald.”

I winked at him. “Gerry, it is.”




We left soon after our talk. Gerald insisted we enjoy the day, the way we had planned. I was grateful since I wanted the day with Becca. We both needed the break. We agreed to come back on Sunday for the family brunch since Richard, Katy, and the girls would attend as well.

Becca showed me around Victoria. She took me past her old school, where she lived, and the place she waitressed on weekends and during the summer. She pointed out various attractions, and we had lunch with some of her friends. They were wonderful people, and I enjoyed hearing their stories about Becca when she was younger. It gave me ammunition to tease her.

We did a boat cruise in the late afternoon, with the sun shining on the water, catching the glints of gold and red in Becca’s hair as she leaned into me by the rail. The breeze picked up some strands, tickling my face. I laughed and gathered her hair into my fist, pressing a kiss to her neck.

“Okay, BB?”

She peered up at me, her shy smile in place. “Today was a good day, Reid.”

I kissed her again. “Yeah, it was.”

Emotion filled her voice and her eyes. “Thank you.”

I wiped a tear from her cheek. “You don’t have to thank me for anything.”

“Yeah, I do. You amaze me, Reid Matthews. Every time I think I can’t possibly love you more, you prove me wrong.”

“Then I hope to prove you wrong for a very long time, BB.”

She smiled even as another tear ran down her face.

“Hey,” I murmured, turning her in my arms. “No crying.”

“Okay.” She sniffled.

I laughed. “Why don’t we go back to the hotel? We can order in Chinese food, watch a movie, and snuggle on the sofa for a while. Later, we can go back to that place for another triple threat.”

“I’d like that.”


“Maybe we could get some extra chocolate sauce.” She kissed my chin, her fingers fluttering over my skin. “For after.”

“Oh yeah!” I grinned. “After. I’d like that.”

She snuggled in tight to my chest.




On Sunday, I watched Gerald with Richard’s children. Gracie climbed into his lap, patting his face and babbling away to him. I could see why Richard loved her lisp. There was no choice—you smiled listening to her. Heather was asleep on Gerald’s shoulder, his hand spread wide across her back. Veins protruded under the thin skin like a dull roadmap, his wedding ring loose on his shrunken finger, but his hold was sure. He was patient and loving, his voice soft and soothing. He listened and played. Teased and laughed. Offered kisses and cuddles to both girls. He was the perfect image of a grandfather.

That was the man I had hoped to meet while here. The caring man Becca told me stories about.

The man who would be part of my life.

It hit me right then.

My future.

I wanted to marry Becca, knock her up, and have babies together. Lots of babies. Gerald would be an awesome grandfather.

The table fell silent. Richard’s fork was partway to his mouth, frozen midair. Katy’s eyes were round with shock and Becca gaped at me.

Apparently, I had uttered that shit aloud.

Except, it wasn’t shit. It was what I wanted. More than anything. I wanted babies. A family. I wanted them with Becca.

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