Home > Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty #4)(40)

Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty #4)(40)
Author: Amy Jarecki

Even the intruder’s breathing was inaudible as he hugged the walls, still as a statue.

The orange glow of coals from the hearth cast eerie amber light, shrouded and heavy with nocturnal shadows. But Eoin didn’t fear the dark. He used it to his advantage.

He palmed the dirk under his pillow and waited. Let the intruder make the first move—it would be his last. There could only be one reason for someone to steal into Eoin’s chamber—Aleck MacIain wanted him dead. The vainglorious chieftain had no integrity. Clearly, he saw the fact that Eoin had saved his life as a slight to his masculinity.

Sending someone to murder me? This is the last straw.

In his mind’s eye, Eoin pictured how the culprit would sneak across the floorboards and attack. But the intruder made not a move. Squinting, Eoin peered through the dim light. Crouched in the shadows, he couldn’t make out the stature of the man. Not that it mattered. As soon as the varlet crept toward the bed, Eoin would run his blade across his neck, and then he’d gather his men and make a damning report to the king. Attempting to murder a king’s enforcer? Doubtless, such an act would prove Aleck MacIain a traitor. His lands would be forfeit to the king and Aleck would be declared an outlaw just like the MacDonalds who’d attacked this day.

Eoin waited.

Scarcely breathing, the intruder remained still for what seemed like an eternity.

This is a very patient man indeed—or terrified—and so he should be. Fear, aye? Perhaps the bastard needs an invitation.

Eoin sprang from the bed, landing in a crouch, dirk at the ready. “What manner of murderer is it who enters my chamber and hides in the shadows?”

“Eoin?” A woman’s voice trembled. “Y-y-you’re awake?”

Shocked as if he’d been smacked between the eyes, Eoin lowered his weapon. “Lady Helen?”

“Aye.” She stepped from the darkness, shielding her eyes from him.

Eoin looked down. Without a stitch of clothing, he must have frightened the wits out of the poor woman. He tossed his dirk on the pillow and snatched the plaid from his bed, tying it around his waist. “Forgive me. I thought you were an intruder.”

“Oh?” She emitted a deep chuckle, as if not entirely repulsed by what she’d seen. “Is it not every night you lie abed, waiting for the lady of the keep to spirit into your chamber?”

He laughed as well, scratching his head. “’Tis good to hear you’re in good humor, m’lady.”

She sighed and moved further into the room, her gaze fixated on his stomach. “I wish it were so. But since we last met, I’ve not been able to think of anything other than your words.”

Eoin’s muscles clenched as he held his breath. Was she saying she agreed with him? “It wasn’t my place to be so forward. Forgive me.”

“There’s nothing to forgive.” Her gaze skimmed up his torso and met his. By the stars, the amber from the coals made her eyes shimmer like the North Sea on a clear day. “I needed a good jolt to make me realize that by remaining at Mingary, I am putting my daughter’s future at risk. And as you said, my brother, John, is the only person I know who’s in a position to help.”

“I am glad you have reconsidered.” Eoin’s heart thumped against his chest. He gestured to the table. “Would you sit, m’lady? I’ll light a candle.”

“I mustn’t stay long.” She moved to the seat and Eoin swiftly stepped behind her and held the chair. She placed a sealed missive atop the table.

Eoin wanted to wrap his arms around her and tell her how courageous she’d been. But he busied himself with lighting a candle. “I’ve nothing but a tot of whisky to offer you.”

She tapped dainty fingers over her lips. “I never drink it.” Glancing up with a spark in her eyes he hadn’t seen since she was a lass, she arched her eyebrows. “However, after the events of this day, mayhap a wee sip would be permissible.”

“Straight away.” Once he poured two small tots, Eoin sat opposite her. He glanced at the velum. “I take it this is for your brother, John?”

“Aye.” She looked up with worry filling her eyes. “Are you still willing to act as messenger?”

He smoothed his finger around the wax seal. “I would be honored for you to entrust such a sensitive matter to my care.”

Helen’s breath caught and she stared at him for a moment. She needed not utter a word. This act of liberation scared her to death. It would scare anyone. Her trembling fingers lightly tapped the table and Eoin moved his hand atop hers for comfort. “’Tis a very brave thing you’ve done.”

She nodded. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“’Tis not surprising.” Her pulse beat a fierce rhythm beneath his palm. But this simple touch made his heart swell. If only he could tell her how much she meant to him. “I’m proud of you,” he said, his voice husky.

She bit her bottom lip. “I-I feel numb.”

“However nervous this may make you, I believe you should celebrate your decision.” He forced himself to remove his hand and raise his cup. “Slainté.”

“Slainté” She sipped and then coughed. “My, that is potent.”

“It is.” Eoin tapped the missive with his pointer finger. “You described your oppression…including Sir Aleck’s infidelity?”

Helen nodded then took another dainty sip.

“What changed your mind?” Eoin asked.

“This day was so terrifying. Never before have I feared for my life, and you helped me realize that if anything happened to me, Maggie would be at Aleck’s mercy.” She covered her mouth and a high-pitched cry slipped between her fingers. “And Aleck has become more abusive toward me by the day.” She fanned her face and took in a deep inhale. “I fear neither of us will be safe if we remain here.”

Eoin shoved back his chair and knelt at Helen’s side, grasping her hands between his palms. “You have made the right decision.”

She cringed. “What if John refuses to appeal to the Pope on my behalf?”

“He won’t. I promise.” Eoin swallowed. If John did not offer his assistance, Eoin would take Helen’s missive to the Pope himself.

Her breath stuttered. “I’m so afraid.”

Eoin took her hands and pressed her palms to his heart. “You can do this. I saw you act with more courage today than I’ve witnessed in many men.”

“But what if Aleck discovers I’ve written the missive?”

“I swear on my father’s grave I will tell no one. Whilst I am away, go about your affairs as if nothing were any different.”

She leaned forward and buried her face in his shoulder. “I shudder to think what Aleck will do if the Pope does approve the annulment.”

Eoin smoothed a hand over her back. “When the time comes, you will have my protection. I’ve vowed it before and I will stand by my word no matter what.” Eoin closed his eyes and pressed his lips to Helen’s temple. If only he could hold her in his arms all night and whisper that everything would work out for the better. But such an act would be folly. If they were caught together, Aleck would severely punish Helen. He took in a deep breath. “In the meantime, try not to worry.”

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