Home > Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty #4)(56)

Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty #4)(56)
Author: Amy Jarecki

She smiled, then returned her attention to tying the coif atop Maggie’s head. “I’ve some oats for porridge. I’ll set a kettle to boil as soon as I’ve finished here.”

“Not to worry, I’ll set to rekindling the fire and making the porridge. A man’s got to fend for himself when on the trail—I’m no stranger to mixing up a kettle of oats.”

“My heavens, that’s even more surprising than my ability to cook.” Helen wound the long length of linen fabric around Maggie and refastened the swaddling bands. The babe wriggled and fussed.

“How much longer will you swaddle her?” Eoin asked.

“They say four to nine months. Though, Maggie is clearly preferring it when she has free movement.”

“You could swaddle her from the waist down to catch the drippings. If it were up to me, I’d use oiled doeskin over the linen to keep her bedclothes dry. But who would ever listen to a bachelor?”

“What a good idea.” Helen glanced around the sparsely appointed chamber. “Have you a length of soft leather?”

The fire crackled to life. “Nay. I must remember to bring some on my next visit.”

A welcomed warmth spread through Helen’s chest. She liked that he was planning to return. She poured some milk into a bowl and sat at the table with Maggie in her lap. “When will that be? Your return, that is,” she asked, spooning a bit of milk into the bairn’s mouth. The distraction of her task kept the anxiety from building up too much.

“I wish I knew.” Pots clanged. “MacDonald surveillance up and down the coast has been keeping us running. I’m certain things will come to a head soon, but only God knows how long the fighting will last.”

Helen’s stomach tensed. If only he could stay with her. “I hate to think of you being embroiled in the midst of harm.”

“’Tis not me I’m worried about.”


“I do not like the thought of leaving you here alone.”

“You’re worried about me when you’re the one riding into battle?” She offered a reassuring smile. “I’ll be fine. Besides, Gyllis and Mr. Keith will be watching out for me.”

Eoin picked up a cast iron kettle and headed toward the door. “I ken. But ’tis dangerous and will be more so when Aleck discovers you’re missing. We cannot risk anyone finding you until the annulment is granted. I’d prefer to remain here with you.”

After Eoin opened the door, a cold wind chilled Helen to the bone. When would Aleck discover she had escaped? If the men were running sorties, he could learn of it any day. The chill made her shudder as she remembered his threat… If you attempt to take my daughter from Mingary, I will hunt you down and kill you…It won’t be an easy death. I’ll make sure you suffer for a very long time.

She must have had a terrified look on her face, because when Eoin returned with the kettle filled with water, he hastened to set it down and dashed to her side. “What is it?”

“Please, do not let him find us.”

He gathered her in his arms. “I’ll never let that man harm you again.” He cradled her face in his palms. “Duncan never should have arranged your marriage to MacIain and, further, I should have stopped it at the time. I will spend the rest of my life making up for your past five years of suffering.”

“No, you mustn’t carry the burden of my past upon your shoulders.” Helen slid her arms around him and clung tight. “I only wish you could stay.”



Nearly a month passed before Eoin could slip away to see Helen again. Even now, he should be patrolling with MacIain, but when Aleck’s galley was forced into dry dock for repairs at Tabert, Eoin took advantage of his window of time. I told the braggart to clear those damn mussels from his hull ages ago. Eoin chuckled. Lucky for me he didn’t listen.

Before he sailed off with a small crew, Eoin had given Duncan the excuse he needed to take care of Clan Gregor business and would return within a sennight. Duncan didn’t like it, but the baron had no grounds on which to argue. The Lord of Glenorchy had made two visits to Kilchurn Castle during the past month.

As the boat tacked into the pier at Taynuilt, Fergus grinned like a wet-eared lad. “Me missus will be happy to see us.”

Eoin winked. “You’ll make her a happy woman, I’ve no doubt. Go on ahead with the men and I’ll meet you back here in a sennight.”

Fergus snorted. “You’re not going with us?”

“Nay, I’ve business to the south.”

“Bloody hell, m’laird. Every time we cast ashore for a moment’s rest, you ride off on some clandestine mission.”

Sometimes Eoin’s membership in the Highland Enforcers came in handy. “You ken how it is when carrying a message for the king. The more who ken my whereabouts, the more dangerous it is.”

Fergus gave a knowing nod. “Well, do not count on seeing me for a sennight, then. I aim to keep my woman warm and make up for all the time we’ve been away.”

“Good to hear.” Eoin slapped the henchman’s shoulder then turned his attention to the mooring. Sailing into the small fishing village of Taynuilt, no one at Dunollie Castle would be aware of Eoin’s visit this time, and since his men had no idea what he was up to, Helen’s hiding place was safe from discovery.

After procuring a horse from the local stable, he made his way south into Fearnoch Forest, ever so anxious to see her again.

Approaching the cottage, he slowed his horse to a walk. A gentle hum sailed through the air—Helen’s voice. Gooseflesh rose across Eoin’s skin. Oh how he adored the melodic sound of her singing. He drew near enough to glimpse his lady through the trees.

Her honeyed locks swung forward while she raised her skirts and stepped into the wooden washbasin. “Oh my, the water is cold,” she squealed.

Maggie’s infant voice giggled on the breeze. The bairn rested against pillows atop on a plaid, watching her mother as Lady Helen stomped on the washing like Eoin had seen washerwomen do countless times.

He marveled at the industriousness of a woman used to being catered to by servants. She’s so willing to do anything necessary to keep her house in order.

He tapped his heels into the horse’s barrel and started forward.

A twig snapped with a crack.

Helen’s head jerked up. Hopping out of the basin, she dropped her skirts while her fists flew under her chin. “Who’s there?”

“’Tis only me,” Eoin said, riding into the clearing.

She planted those fists on her hips, her initial expression of fear turning angry. “Eoin MacGregor, you said you would visit me as soon as you could get away. Do you realize I’ve been beside myself for the past fortnight because I have received no word from you?”

“Forgive me, m’lady.” Eoin hastened to dismount and bowed deeply. “There have been continuous skirmishes up and down the seaboard. My men and I haven’t had a moment’s rest.”

“Not even to send a missive to Lady Gyllis? How much time does it take to dispatch a letter to Dunollie?”

Eoin smacked his forehead with the heel of his hand. “I was hesitant to write because of the importance of keeping your whereabouts hidden. But I should have penned a missive to Gyllis.”

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