Home > Let It Be (Butler, Vermont #6)(17)

Let It Be (Butler, Vermont #6)(17)
Author: Marie Force

“I want her, and… you should know, I’ve accepted a job with her family business in Vermont.”

His father’s complexion turned a worrisome shade of purple. “And what business is that?”

“It’s a retail outfit.”

“A retail outfit. In Vermont. Well, son, I have to give you credit. Your judgment is, as always, questionable at best.”

“How can you say that? I’ve done everything you asked of me. I went to Yale because that’s where you went. I got an MBA because that’s what you wanted me to do. The first time I do something I want, you say my judgment is flawed? My judgment is just fine. I love Molly. I’m going to marry her and live in Vermont and work for her family’s business, where I’ll be free to think for myself.”

“Is that what you think is going to happen?” Carlton asked with a mean sneer.

“It’s already happened. I’ve been working there for two months already, and we bought a house.”

“You bought a house. With whose money?”

“My money.”

“Ah, the money your grandfather left you, I presume. If I recall correctly, you used a big chunk of that to pay for the year in England that’s not going to happen now. Between that and the house you bought, you must be running kind of low, especially since you didn’t work over the summer.”

That was actually true, not that Linc would ever admit as much to his father.

“If you do this, if you walk away from your obligations to this family and our business, that’s the last money you’ll ever see from this family.”

“Carlton!” Linc’s mother finally spoke up.

“Hush, Janet. This is between my son and me.”

“Not if you’re talking about cutting him off, it isn’t.”

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about.” To Linc, he said, “If you turn your back on this family, this family will turn its back on you.”

His mother gasped. “Stop this right now, Carlton!”

“Shut your mouth!” Carlton’s thundering shout had both women flinching.

Holding Molly’s hand, Linc stood. “Come on, Mol. Let’s go.”

“If you walk out of here, you’ll never hear from any of us again.”

“If that’s how you want it, Father, then so be it.”

“Linc, wait,” Molly said. “Surely you don’t mean that. Neither of you means what you’re saying.”

“I do,” Carlton said. “He made promises to me and this family, and I expect him to live up to them.”

“Why would you want a son working for you who doesn’t want to be there?”

“Since when do you not want to be there? That’s been the plan for years!”

“That’s been your plan. I never had a say in any of it. Hunter died, and suddenly my life belonged to you? I never signed on for that.”

The mention of his late brother caused both his parents to flinch, and he immediately regretted bringing him into this.

“You didn’t have any problem fully enjoying the lifestyle my company provided for you.”

“What does that even mean?”

“The country club, the cars, the trips, college, grad school, all of it. You didn’t mind any of that.”

“I’ve always thanked you for anything you did for me. I’m not sure what else you expected.”

“I expected my son to care about his legacy, to honor his commitments.”

“And if I want something different for myself, you’re going to make me choose?”

“Carlton, please,” Janet said as tears filled her eyes. “Please don’t do this.”

“I haven’t done anything but offer him a lifetime of luxury and security in a business he can walk right into.”

“That’s not what I want. I’ve never wanted it. I’m sorry I can’t be what my brother was, but your dream has never been my dream.”

Carlton’s expression was positively murderous. “You ungrateful little brat.”

“I’m not ungrateful, Father. I’m just not interested in working for you. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings, but I’m not going to change my mind.” He dropped a copy of the wedding invitation he’d brought on the coffee table in front of his mother. “Our wedding is in January. I hope to see you all there.” He glanced at Molly, undone by her big eyes and pale face, and headed for the door, eager to get them both out of there.

“If you walk out of here, don’t come back. You’ll never hear from any of us again.”

“Carlton! Stop this right now!”

“I mean it, Lincoln. If you leave, stay gone. The locks will be changed, and you’ll be dead to this entire family.”

Lincoln didn’t believe him. There was no way his mother and siblings would go along with such an edict. “I’m sorry you can’t be happy for me, Father. Mama, I love you. I’ll always love you and the others. I’ll make sure you know how to reach me.”

He left the study and stopped short at the sight of his sister, Charlotte, and brother Max standing outside the door, the two of them teary-eyed and shocked.

“You heard that, I guess. This is Molly, my fiancée. Mol, my sister, Charlotte, and my brother Max.”


He stepped into Charlotte’s outstretched arms.

“Don’t go.”

“I have to, but I’ll write to you, and you can visit me in Vermont.”

Charlotte clung to him, as if maybe she knew they’d never see each other again. He didn’t believe that. Not then, anyway.

“We have to go. I’ll be in touch.”

“He doesn’t mean it, Linc,” Max said when he hugged him.

“Yeah, he does, but it’ll be okay. Don’t worry about me. I’ll see you soon, all right?”

Max nodded tentatively, while Charlotte wept.

“He’s being so unfair,” Charlotte whispered.

He kissed her forehead. “Don’t go to battle for me. Take care of yourselves and Will. Tell him I’ll talk to him soon.” Then he headed for the door without ever looking back. His life wasn’t in this house. It was with the woman of his dreams in a broken-down barn that smelled like cow shit in Vermont.

“Linc, wait,” Molly said when they were outside in the cool autumn air. “You can’t leave it like this. You have to talk to him some more.”

“It’s not going to matter. His mind is made up, and he isn’t going to change it. He forced me to choose, and I choose you. I choose you today, tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life.”

“I… I just don’t feel right about this. I don’t want to be the reason for a rift in your family.”

“You’re not the reason, sweetheart.” They stood next to Molly’s old Toyota. “Why do you think I waited so long to come here? I knew how it would go. I didn’t expect him to tell me I’d never see him again if I chose you and Vermont over him, but I knew he’d blow his top. I didn’t want to deal with that, so I put it off. My only regret is that I brought you with me. I should’ve come alone so he couldn't treat you that way. I’m sorry for that.”

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