Home > Let It Be (Butler, Vermont #6)(50)

Let It Be (Butler, Vermont #6)(50)
Author: Marie Force



Late on Christmas Day, after presents had been exchanged and a ton of food consumed, Ella asked if she could have everyone’s attention before they all went their separate ways.

“As long as I don’t have to move, I’m all yours, El,” Colton said from his post on the floor, stretched out next to the Christmas tree, Lucy leaning against him. The guys had spent two hours after dinner snow-blowing and digging their cars out so everyone could go home later.

“You don’t have to move,” Ella told him. “Gavin and I had planned a little surprise for today, not knowing we had our own little surprise about to arrive a couple of weeks early.”

“What’s your surprise?” Charley asked, smothering a yawn as she snuggled with Tyler on the sofa.

Ella looked to Elmer. “Gramps? Are you ready?”

“Ready, willing and able, my love,” Elmer said as he pulled himself up and joined Ella, who held baby Sarah, and Gavin in front of the fireplace.

“What’s happening?” Molly asked.

“Just a little wedding,” Ella said, smiling up at Gavin.

His mother, Amelia, let out a happy shout and hugged her husband, Bob, and then Molly and Linc. “Here we go again,” Amelia said, beaming as another Guthrie prepared to marry another Abbott.

“We wanted to do it while everyone was together,” Gavin said. “We had no idea we’d also have our daughter here.”

“She just makes it perfect,” Ella said, kissing her daughter’s forehead.

“Are you two kids ready to say ‘I do’?” Elmer asked.

“I am,” Ella said, smiling at Gavin.

“Hell yes,” Gavin said.

“Charley and Hannah, will you be my attendants?”

While she waited for her sisters to join her, Ella saw Amelia wiping tears.

Hannah hugged Ella, and then Charley did the same.

“Thanks for asking us,” Hannah said for both of them.

“There’s no one else I would’ve asked.”

“Will and Hunter,” Gavin said, “we’ve been friends for as long as I can remember, and since my own brother can’t be here to stand up for me, I’d appreciate if you guys would.”

Hunter put his hand on his heart as he stood to join Will and Gavin. “Honored, brother,” he said when he hugged Gavin.

“What he said,” Will added.

Ella couldn’t help but note that her handsome, smiling groom bore no resemblance whatsoever to the devastated shell of a man he’d been a few years ago. Their life together had helped to put his pieces back together, and while he’d never be the same person he’d been before he lost his brother, he was a new, stronger version of that person, and Ella loved him with her whole heart and soul.

“Ella and Gavin wanted to write their own vows, so I’m only here to tell them what to do and when to do it,” Elmer said, beaming. “Ladies first. Ella?”

She handed the baby to her mother so she could focus exclusively on the love of her life. “I’d bought a dress and was going to do something with my hair, but then Sarah arrived and it snowed and here we are, in sweats and flannels at our wedding, and somehow that’s exactly how it should be. I’m never more comfortable than I am when I’m with you, Gav. It seems only fitting that I should be at my most comfortable when I finally get to marry the man I’ve loved for so long, I can’t recall a time when I didn’t love you.”

Gavin released one of her hands to wipe his eyes.

“For a while there,” Ella said, “I didn’t think you and I were going to happen. I didn’t think we’d get our happily ever after. It took a while for you to come around…”

Gavin laughed as he contended with more tears.

“But when you did come around, when you finally saw that my way was the right way, you made me so, so happy. I can’t wait to see what’s next for us and our little family. I can’t wait to add to our family, although maybe not right away,” she said with a grimace and a laugh. “I can’t wait for everything with you. I, Ella Abbott, take you, Gavin Guthrie, to be my husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, forsaking all others, to love and honor all the days of my life.”

Elmer dabbed at his eyes and turned to Gavin. “Gav?”

“Whew,” Gavin said. “Not sure how I’m supposed to follow that.” He wiped his eyes again and made an effort to pull himself together. “To say I was in a bad place before you, Ella, is putting it rather simply. I was a wreck. An emotional disaster area. The ultimate fixer-upper. But you, my fearless, tireless, relentless love, you only saw the potential, not the mess. You stuck with me through all the hard times and led me through the darkness back into the light that shines all around you.” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and caressed her face. “You are, quite simply, my lifeline. You’re the reason I get up in the morning, the reason I continue to try when I used to think it wasn’t worth the bother. You’re the reason for everything. You and our Sarah and the family we’re building together have put me back together and given me love and hope and the kind of comfort I didn’t know I needed until I had you. Thank you for never giving up on me when anyone else would’ve quit. I love you so much, Ella. I, Gavin Guthrie, take you, Ella Abbott, to be my wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, forsaking all others, to love and honor all the days of my life.”

Everyone in the room was dealing with tears by the time Elmer handed Ella’s ring to Gavin.

“I give you this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity,” he said as he put it on her finger.

Elmer handed Gavin’s ring to Ella.

She slid it onto his finger and looked up at him. “I give you this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity.”

“By the power vested in me by the state of Vermont,” Elmer said, “I declare you beautiful kids husband and wife. Gavin, you may kiss your wife.”

Gavin put his arms around her and stared at her for a long moment before he kissed her and then hugged her carefully, which she appreciated. Every inch of her hurt, but her heart… Her heart had never felt better or been more full.

“I’m pleased to introduce, for the very first time,” Elmer said, “Gavin and Ella Guthrie.”

Their family cheered for them as Sarah woke up and let out a lusty, angry cry.

It was the most perfect moment of Ella’s entire life.



For a long time after everyone had gone home or to bed, Linc stared at the fire and thought about the remarkable few days they’d had. What was supposed to have been an ordinary holiday-season weekend had turned into anything but, and now the horrible breach with his family had been bridged, and his sons- and daughters-in-law had gone all-out to create a special Christmas for their family. Not to mention the arrival of a new grandchild and a wedding. It’d been a week he’d never forget.

He was truly blessed, and all his blessings began with Molly, who’d turned in hours ago, exhausted as always after the crush of Christmas. He got up, worked around the sleeping dogs to secure the fireplace and went upstairs.

In the hallway, he looked around at the various bedroom doors now standing open and gave thanks for the gift of waking that morning to everyone back in the barn for one memorable night.

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