Home > The Hawk Lord(39)

The Hawk Lord(39)
Author: Amy Sumida


“Each region is slightly different. Varalorre was divided by landscapes that suited our beasts best. The Felines got the grasslands, the Canines were given the forests, and the Avians got the mountains. Of course, no region is entirely one type of terrain, but those are featured predominantly.”


“Mountains,” I murmured, thinking of the caves we had camped in, in Alantri.


“We birds like heights. You'll see.”


And when we crossed into the Avian Region, I finally did.


Though they were taller than any I'd seen before, the ancient trees of Varalorre knelt at the feet of mountains that shimmered in the sunlight. Ranges of rock rose and fell with valleys of farmland and villages cradled between them. The Owl Kingdom came first, then Falcon, Eagle, and, finally, the Hawk Kingdom. There, the mountains overlooked the sea and the sound of waves hitting rock became soft background music.


The peaks were capped with a sprawling city joined by arched bridges. Palaces took the place of pointed mountaintops and streets wove across the plateaus they stoop upon. The buildings were built to resemble the mountains, either using the same stone or carved out of the mountain itself; I couldn't tell from that distance. Richly dressed people strolled through gardens that spotted the lofty city while water glinted in fountains and small lakes. Wide platforms spotted the shimmering gray mountainside below the crown city of Kestria, some of them loaded with giant Hawks. More Hawks flew around us, crying out in greeting. The Guard shrieked back and the Hawk Lord angled sharply, taking us into a dive toward one of the platforms. He pulled up when we reached it, flapped his great wings to hover just above the outcropping, and set me carefully upon it. I hurried out of the way so he could land.


The Hawk Lord's Guard landed around us as I retrieved Dal's robe from the satchel. Dale stepped up to me, and I opened it for him, holding it up while he shrugged into it. He smiled appreciatively and brushed a finger across my cheek before belting the robe.


“Welcome to Kestria, Ravyn,” Dalsharan whispered.


“Thank you.”


“Hawk Lord!” a woman's voice came from our right.


Dalsharan grimaced at me before turning toward the sound. I turned with him to find a blonde woman in an expensive gown. She sashayed up to us, her hair swept back in an elaborate braid and crowned with a band of gold feathers.


“Princess Farina,” Dalsharan greeted her. “Well met.”


“Well met, Hawk Lord,” she purred and looked him over as if she might like to lick him from toes to nose. “I was so excited to hear that you were coming home at last and with a Valorian!” She looked over at me. “Is this him? Are you he?”


“Yes, this is my consort, Ravyn Arandel,” Dal introduced me.


The Princess' eyes widened as if she couldn't understand what he'd said. Oh, fuck, don't tell me she was one of those who didn't know that there was more than girl on guy action.


“It's true?” Princess Farina asked and pouted. “You've decided on a consort?”


“I have. Allow me to introduce you. Your Highness, this is Corporal Ravyn Arandel. Ravyn, this is Princess Farina of the Royal House of Hawks.”


“Your Highness.” I bowed.


“Oh, it's lovely to meet you.” The Princess rushed up and kissed both of my cheeks. “We are thrilled to have a Hawk Valorian. Welcome, Ravyn! And what a glorious name. Perfect!”


“Thank you,” I said in surprise. Honestly, the way she had eyed my man, I thought I was going to have to fight her off.


“Now, I'm sure you'll want to freshen up a bit first,” she said to Dalsharan. “But my father bid me to you to attend him with the Valorian as soon as possible.”


“Of course, Your Highness.” Dal bowed.


“Oh, so handsome.” Princess Farina stroked Dal's cheek. “If only.” She sighed and walked away.


I lifted a brow at him.


“Do not start with me,” he growled at me.


“So handsome,” I mimicked her.


“Shut up, Ravyn.”


I snickered.


Dal headed through an arched opening in the mountainside, following the path of the Princess. Behind us, Dal's Guard had shifted and donned their war robes. They shouldered our trunks and strode after us without a word. We went into an echoing passage spotted with fae lights. The Princess was already far ahead of us—that girl was fast—climbing a sweeping staircase that led to an archway of sunlight.


We took the same stairs, but I lost sight of Princess Farina when she stepped into the light. We did the same a few minutes later, emerging onto a busy street full of beautiful people dressed in silk, leather, velvet, and damask. Voices spoke in melodious tones, birds chirped from the branches of trees that randomly spotted the sidewalks, and the scent of flowers and saltwater was everywhere. I sighed in delight. Shops selling food, jewels, and clothing lined the streets—shops so luxurious I would never have ventured into any of them. Above their squat roofs, I could see the spires of stone palaces.


A carriage passed by and Princess Farina waved at us from the window.


“So handsome,” I said again.


“I will beat you,” Dalsharan said dryly.


I laughed brightly. “No, you won't.”


He glowered at me. “Fine. I will not fuck you.”


I blanched and shut the hell up as he laughed uproariously.


Then another carriage approached but this one stopped before us and the driver, perched atop his platform, greeted Dal. “Welcome home, my lord!”


“Thank you, Creshal,” Dal said as he waved his knights forward.


The guards stowed our trunks on top of the carriage and one of them opened the carriage door. Two guards climbed on a platform in the back and the rest went to a second carriage that pulled up behind the first. Dal got inside, and I took one last look around before going in after him. I shut the door, and the carriage started to move. I was leaning forward even as I sat down, not wanting to miss a single sight. Every time I glanced over, I caught the Hawk Lord watching me instead of the view.


“You're making me nervous,” I muttered.


“By looking at you?”




“You're worth looking at. Especially when you're seeing our home for the first time. I like the way your eyes widen.”


“This place...” I shook my head. “Why are there so many birds? That makes me a bit nervous too.”


“Why would that make you nervous?”


“Uh, where birds fly, there's a risk of being pooped on.”

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