Home > The Hawk Lord(46)

The Hawk Lord(46)
Author: Amy Sumida


“Indeed.” The Hawk Lord rolled his eyes. “Whatever possessed me?”


I snorted.


Then they descended. Not the Pixies, the Sidhe. Evidently, shoving your mouth full of food only keeps courtiers at bay for a few minutes, then it's open season. They flocked to the Hawk Lord and his prize like soldiers to bad wine, pawing at the both of us—Dal called it fawning, but whatever—and gushing about his return and my rebirth. They droned on about their holdings, their latest hunts, and the parties they'd been to recently. But whenever Dal mentioned the war or—Goddess forbid—the Farungal, they clammed up and looked uncomfortable. But at least it got them to leave.


When the latest bunch took off with strained excuses, I got up, stretched, and grimaced at him. “These people are obnoxious. I don't like them.”


Dalsharan laughed hard enough that half the room stared at us. He got up and kissed my forehead. “You have no idea how obnoxious they can be.” Then he went tense, looking as if he'd just spotted a Farungal.


I followed his gaze to a pair of men a few feet away.


The Royals had come down off their thrones and were mingling. Dal was staring at one in particular—one of the kings who had sat to the left of the Princess. He was dark in both appearance and demeanor. Sin-black hair flowed like a veil down his back and his eyes were such a rich brown that they nearly matched his hair. Those eyes had a dangerous look to them and his lips, a vicious twist. This dark king stood beside one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen.


Not handsome, but beautiful. The King's companion had delicate features, almost feminine, with soft, full lips, a pointed chin, and arched eyebrows. Chocolate brown curls brushed his shoulders, highlighted with golden streaks, and his tanned skin had been dusted with gold powder to compliment his hair. His eyes, almond-shaped and thickly lashed, were a shade of green that matched the jewels in the dark King's crown. And those brilliant green eyes were focused on the Hawk Lord.


“That's him, huh?” I asked. “Mr. Green Eyes?”


Dalsharan refocused on me and smiled ruefully. “That's him.”


“He's pretty,” I said grudgingly.


Dal grunted. “I prefer handsome men to pretty. If I wanted pretty, I'd be with a woman.”


I grinned. “You're just saying that to get me into bed.”


Dal snorted.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the men start to move toward us and a naughty idea blossomed. I leaned forward against Dal's chest and gave him a lopsided grin. He cocked a brow at me, angling toward me, turning his back on the approaching men without realizing it.


I waited until they were close enough to overhear then said, “It's been hours since you fucked me. When can we leave?”


Dal chuckled low and sensuously. “Not for a while yet.”


“Come on, we've been here long enough, take me home and give me that huge cock.”


“Behave,” he growled.


“Or what? You'll spank me again?”


Dal went still and scowled in confusion.


I widened my eyes at him, hoping he'd catch on. “Will you beat me until I cry?” I purred. “Put your big hand around my throat and hold me down? Or will it be the whip again?”


That lie did it. He finally caught on. His eyes flashed and flicked to the side. I nodded, once, sharply—a soldier on a mission.


The Hawk Lord's lips twitched as he snatched my throat, squeezed, and leaned in to drawl, “Keep pecking at me, bad bird, and I will strip you bare, chain you to my wall, and whip that beautiful ass until it bleeds.”




“I hope we're not interrupting anything,” a deep voice drawled in a tone that said he knew exactly what he was interrupting and was a little disappointed that he couldn't participate.


Dalsharan straightened as if surprised at being caught in an intimate conversation. He turned and inclined his head to the crowned man. “King Zanerelle, I'm sorry you had to hear that. My consort can be...”


“A bad bird?” The King asked gleefully.


The man beside him, Jaxon, had a sour expression on his face. His eyes twitched as he looked me over, then they softened on Dal almost beseechingly.


“Yes, indeed.” Dal grinned back at the King. “You understand, I'm sure, that consorts must be kept in line.”


“I've never taken one.” King Zanerelle shrugged. “I don't see the point. My interest wanes too quickly.”


Jaxon flushed. He cleared his throat and spoke softly, “Hello, Dal.”


Dal gave him a cursory glance. “Jaxon.”


Before Jaxon could say more, the King backhanded him. I flinched as Jaxon's head swung with the blow. People nearby gasped and moved away.


“How dare you! You will address the Hawk Lord with respect!” King Zanerelle growled. “You don't deserve such familiarity with him.”


Jaxon licked his bloody lip and stared at the King as if he were the most glorious being in the world. “Yes, Sire,” he whispered. Then he bowed to Dalsharan. “Forgive me, Hawk Lord. I meant no disrespect.”


“It's forgotten,” Dal said flippantly, but I caught a flash in his eyes—a flicker of arousal.


My stomach clenched. The violence had turned him on. Fuck. But I had meant every word of my speech to the Hawk King. I believed in Dalsharan. He was struggling with his beast, and I had promised him that I would help him. I loved him, and his love was worth fighting his darkness. So, I wouldn't let this unnerve me. I'd face it like I faced every battle—with a grin.


“If you'd like to punish Jaxon yourself, I'd be happy to trade for the evening,” the King offered with a covetous look my way.


My battle grin faltered.


Dalsharan stiffened. “Thank you, but no. I've already played with your toy. I found him... disappointing.”


Jaxon paled and actually took a step back.


The Eagle King chuckled. “Yes, I've heard. I thought I'd offer anyway since it seems that your attitude toward certain things has shifted.”


“I don't pick up the trash I've discarded,” Dalsharan said scathingly. “No offense to Your Majesty, of course.”


“None taken.” King Zanerelle grinned broadly. “I love trashy men. The trashier the better.” He looked me over. “Do be sure to let me know if you change your mind.”


Dalsharan nodded crisply.


Hold on, was he calling me trashy too? I grimaced at the Eagle King.


“Bid Hawk Lord and the Valorian a good night, Jaxon,” the King commanded.

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