Home > The Hawk Lord(62)

The Hawk Lord(62)
Author: Amy Sumida


Habbern tapped the side of Dal's head with the rod, and the Hawk Lord went limp, his body crumpling to hang from the hook his wrists were chained to.


“What have you done to him?!” I shouted.


“It just a sleep stick,” Brendallen purred as he stroked my hair. “It's what we used on you when you first crawled into my tent. It feels like being struck, but it doesn't do any lasting damage. Dalsharan will wake up in a few hours, hopefully with Gremara riding him.”


Kervel started crying again.


“Oh, give me that thing,” Brendallen said as he took the sleep stick from Habbern. He went over to Kervel and smacked him with it. Kervel passed out instantly. “That's better,” he sighed and handed the rod back to Habbern.


“No,” I moaned as the Farungal unhooked Dal, tossed him over his shoulder, and left. “Dal.”


“Now, where were we?”



Chapter Forty


“Oh, you've dropped your dick,” the Coyote Lord said in dismay as he picked up the pink dildo. “That's okay. It's time for the real thing.”


Brendallen tossed the phallus aside. Then his hands went to his waistband. He untied his pants and removed a massive cock. I gaped at the thing. Why was it always the skinny guys who had the monster dicks? I never would have guessed what he was hiding in his pants.


“Having a change of heart now, pretty bird?” Brendallen drawled as he stepped out of his pants. “My cock has tamed many naughty boys.” He stepped up to me and grabbed my hair to pull my head back. “And you will submit to its domination too.”


Brendallen stepped behind me and spread my ass. Fear lanced through me. Not for myself—I could give a shit if this guy fucked me—but for Dal. He was getting further and further away from me every second. I tried to call on my magic even though I didn't know anything beyond shifting. Transforming into a Hawk would be enough. Surely, it would get me free of these manacles at least. The Farungal would have sailed to Stalana, which meant that he had to get Dal on his boat, then sail across the Bellor before taking him to Gremara. I'd still have time to stop him if I could just get free of this asshole.


Please, I prayed again, Goddess help me. Help me to stop this bastard. Help me to save the man I love. I don't know how I can get free of this, but I know that you can help me. I have faith in you.


The head of that monster dick pressed against my asshole and began to work itself in. I braced myself for the roughest ride of my life. I just had to survive this night. Maybe if... Hold on. Was that a tingle? His tip stretched me but couldn't breach.


Brendallen growled and pulled out. “One moment, pretty bird. I just need a little more nectar. You know how it is.”


There it was again. A trembling inside me. A flutter of wings. I pictured my hawk in my head and reached for it. The manacles started to burn. I ignored the pain and thought of the sky. The wind rushing past me. Falling as I spun with Dalsharan. I let my love for him fill me along with the new faith I had in our goddess. She wouldn't fail us. She wouldn't let him be delivered into the hands of monsters.


“What the fuck?!” Brendallen shouted.


My bonds slipped over feathers and broke from the strain of massive talons. I shrieked, spun about, and struck out with my beak. I speared the Coyote Lord right in the throat. He gurgled, his hands going to his neck as blood gushed, and his eyes widening.


“I can do deep throat too,” I growled at him as he fell. “Die, you fucking bastard!”


As if they'd been listening, the Coyote Lord's guards came streaming into the room in their beast forms. They snarled when they saw me, baring sharp canines. I looked down into Brendallen's glazing eyes and screeched. He was as good as dead and I needed to get to my lover.


Help me! Brendallen's soul stone screamed.


I plucked the Coyote Soul Stone out of the bloody mess of Brendallen's neck. It dangled from my beak as Brendallen reached for it helplessly. His guards leapt for me. I grabbed Kervel with one talon and shot upward, my beak tearing through the fabric of the tent before I launched into the sky. Below me, Coyotes howled and gave chase, tracking me from the ground. But I flew faster than they could run and soon left them behind.


Kervel was dead weight in my claws, but he wasn't dead, and I wasn't about to leave him behind. Ahead of me lay the Bellor Sea and upon it, I could just make out a bobbing light. I wanted to screech a battle cry, but the Coyote Soul dangled from my beak and the man inside my beast brain warned me that stealth would be better. So, I flew higher into the darkness and then soared straight over the sea.


Finally, I was above them—a group of four Farungal. They were in a small boat, something you might use for fishing. It crested the waves and pushed out toward open water. A little light was all they risked, just enough to illuminate their compass. Just enough to lead them home and lead me to my lover.


I saw Dal chained and unconscious on the deck. Three Farungal stood around him, each with a sleep stick ready in case he should awake, while the fourth steered the vessel. My sharp eyes noted Dal's pallor, but his wounds were already healed. He was fine and would remain so; I would ensure it. I had never carried anything heavier than my satchel and there I was about to carry two Sidhe warriors. But I would do it if I had to drag them through the water the entire way.


Just please, Goddess, don't let me hurt Dal with my claws, I prayed.


I dove. They didn't see me until it was too late. I was only a shadow falling through the clouds. I hit the deck, misjudging the distance, and Kervel knocked into the planks with a heavy thud. The boat rocked madly, the Coyote Soul jerked about on its chain, and the Farungal screamed as they were thrown across the boat. I had mere seconds between the slam of hitting the deck and pushing off it to grab Dalsharan, but I managed to wrap my claws around his waist. I clutched the Hawk Lord tightly and soared high into the night sky as the Farungal roared in fury.


I glared down at them. I couldn't kill those fuckers now, but I would. Someday, they would die beneath my claws, them and their bitch queen. I swore it to the Goddess. But for now, I would take the gifts my goddess had given me and fly the Hawk Lord home.


Thank you, Great Mother, I prayed. Thank you for saving the man I love.


The Coyote Soul Stone flashed once, as if reminding me that Dal wasn't the only one I'd saved.



Chapter Forty-One


The sun was just rising as I made it back to the palace by the sea. As I came in for a landing, the Hawk Lord's guards flocked to the courtyard. Neither Dal nor Kervel had stirred throughout the entire flight. An hour of carrying them through the night, following the coast back to Larinesse, without a single sound from them. But I knew they were okay; I knew they would wake up. The Goddess wouldn't have saved us just to let them die now. Maybe the god of the Farungal would, but not my goddess.

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