Home > Christmas Lane(6)

Christmas Lane(6)
Author: Samantha Jacobey



“Turn left here,” Candy advised. Next to her, Ben guided his black BMW along the sparsely populated streets. With the new stay-at-home orders, few people ventured out in the uncertain times.

Benjamin grinned back at her. “Right on time, my lady.” He glanced around the deserted parking lot. “Are you sure they are seeing patients today?”

“Yes,” Candy snapped, instantly regretting it. “Everything is pandemic driven. Only those who have to be here come in, and since I’m high risk, it’s even more changed.” She used her mask to cover her concern. These days, she worried constantly about developing eclampsia with her second child, just as she had the first. Every little symptom ate at her, and this morning the burden of it was almost more than she could bear.

“I see,” he observed, not sure that he really did. Candy had been behaving strangely as of late, and he wished like hell one of them could help her out of her funk. Climbing out, he walked around and opened the door for her.

“I can walk by myself.” She held her tone in check this time, still put out at the whole situation.

“Not on this blacktop parking lot. You fall on a patch of ice, I would never forgive myself.” His words sending gentle puffs of steam around his mask, his tenderness swayed her.

“I’m sorry, Ben. You’re a good friend to bring me here. And to see me to the door.” Taking his arm, she felt the slick spots as they made their way to the door, gripping him a little tighter at the thought of taking that tumble he has spoken of. “Too bad we don’t get handicapped parking,” she observed with a loud laugh. Large patches of snow dotted the ground. “Looks like the weather is going to turn before we get out of here.”

“Yes, that would be nice on a day like today,” he agreed. Glancing at the dark sky above them, he hoped it wouldn’t be as bad the weatherman had forecast. “It’s supposed to be a few inches.”

Reaching the door to the office, he opened and held it for her, then followed her inside to the empty waiting area. “There’s no one here,” he observed, pointing at the glass cubical.

“There’s no need for the receptionist,” Dr. Melody Castleberry called from behind them, standing in the patient entrance to the back areas. “I’m only seeing three people today.”

Above her teal colored mask, the greenest eyes he had ever seen sparkled at Ben. “Hello, I’m Benjamin Monroe,” he stammered as he stepped forward and offered his hand. Instantly regretting the move, he withdrew the appendage. “Sorry, I forgot.” Warm air escaped the edges of his mask as he breathed heavily behind it.

Grinning ear to ear, Candy’s simple white cloth covered her pleasure at seeing him fumble for words. “I’ll take it from here,” she informed him as she weaved past the couple who stood frozen in the awkward introduction.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Melody informed him, her bright red locks shimmering when she shook them, sending fiery waves through the cascade of curls hanging down her back. “I’m going to take care of…my patient,” she offered as she turned to the open portal. “You’re welcome to wait here. No one else will be coming in until after lunch.”

Following her, Ben’s head filled with fog. Taking an empty chair next to the triage area, he watched as the doctor gathered Candy’s weight and vitals. About five-foot-five, she was the perfect height for him, the top of her head reaching his nose. She had an average build, her lab coat hinted at her womanly curves. Swallowing, he followed the process, taking in every detail of the woman behind those emerald green eyes.

“We’ll take room six,” Dr. Castleberry directed, glancing at the man who had brought Candy to the office that morning. “Are you a friend of the family?” she asked while she waited for Candy to undress for her exam.

“You could say that.” Ben laughed, adjusting his mask and resisting the urge to remove it. “I’m part of the bubble. I live in the house across the street, with Lanelle’s nurse and the Ford family nanny slash housekeeper.” He cut the air as he spoke, giving Caroline her dual role. “We do everything together these days.” He felt silly, tongue-tied like a schoolboy.

“Well. We can’t be too careful these days.”

“No, we can’t,” he murmured as she turned and sauntered up to door number six. Knocking sharply with a bent knuckle, she waited for Candy’s reply, then disappeared inside.

As soon as the door closed, Ben yanked the mask off his face and ran his hand wildly across his stubble. He hadn’t even bothered to shave, knowing it wouldn’t matter if he did. His heart pounding, he chastised himself for getting so worked up. “But damn, she’s pretty,” he mused aloud. Well, from the nose up. The idea of judging half a face brought on a fit of laugher, and he did his best to do so quietly. In the silence, he could hear music playing somewhere in the office, but not the typical canned elevator style. A real song sung by a performer, he hummed along with the happy tune.

Glancing at the closed door, he didn’t even want to think about the exam taking place on the other side. Instead, he pondered what it would be like to date someone during a pandemic. “I mean, I can’t just ask her out for coffee.” That would never do. “We could Skype, maybe. Or Zoom. That’s pretty popular these days.” The sound of his voice as he talked to himself muffled the music, then a new song began, which played slightly louder.

Not needing to strain, Ben caught the words easily and began to sing along, forgetting to be quiet. A rich baritone, his voice echoed off the walls until he became aware of laugher from the tiny room the two women occupied. Damn. He was busted.

Pursing his lips, he covered his face with his mask. Sulking for a moment, he noticed the caddy of notepaper and pens on the nurse’s station before him. “What the hell,” he muttered as he stood, snatching a slip of paper and pen. “You only live once, right?” Scrawling his name and phone number across it, he returned the pen and reclaimed his seat to wait.

Fortunately, he didn’t have to suffer long before the door opened and Candy emerged, her doctor close behind. He couldn’t see the smile, but he knew it was there. “Ok, ok, so I enjoy good music,” he defended before she could say a word.

“That’s all right,” Melody soothed, her voice noticeably light. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“I did,” he clipped shortly, anxious over his next move. Offering the slip of paper, he waited for her to take it.

Seeing the gesture, Candy’s heart thumped loudly in her ears as she made a break for the front door. Behind her, she could hear their muffled conversation as her doctor accepted the note, whatever it was. Waiting patiently for their departure, her mood had vastly improved over the course of their visit because of the good news she had received; there were no signs of eclampsia, and her pregnancy was progressing normally, so far. Or could it be her happiness for their dear friend, who had come to be a huge part of their lives?

“Thanks,” Ben offered when he joined her, ready to guide her to his car.

“Don’t mention it,” she sang. Reaching the sedan, she climbed in, then observed, “So, may I inquire as to the note?”

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