Home > Polar Compound (Barvale Clan Tales # 3)(15)

Polar Compound (Barvale Clan Tales # 3)(15)
Author: C.D. Gorri

Claim. Mate. Bite. Mine.

All good ideas, he agreed. A noise sounded behind them and a snarl escaped his lips at the three assholes currently trying to leave unscathed. They stopped moving, hands raised, and the distinct scent of urine reached his nostrils.

Maya put her hand to her nose, which alerted him to the fact she caught the scent as well. That was unacceptable. How dare these men do something so foul and offensive!

He didn’t care if it was one or all. The growl inside his chest grew louder, and the men whimpered in fear.

“Sorry, man, sorry. We just wanna go,” he heard one whisper.

That was good. He liked their fear. Wanted them afraid. Wanted everyone who ever thought about hurting Maya Osborn to be very, very afraid.

“Tonic, look at me,” she whispered gently and his eyes found hers immediately, like a homing pigeon to its roost.

She could be that for him. His home. His sanctuary. His everything. He just had to claim her. Admit that he loved her and wanted her, that she was his fated mate.

His search was over. Maya was the one. His one. Everything he’d ever wanted. If only he could find the courage to reveal that one truth.

His mouth stayed closed save for a groan as she brought her small hands up and placed them on his chest. Tonic wore a thin cotton t-shirt under the flannel that now covered her shoulders.

He felt her hands on him as if she was touching his skin and it was wreaking all sorts of havoc with his focus. His beast chuffed and his cock strained in his jeans. Holy hell, he could probably punch holes through concrete with his fucking hard-on.

“It’s okay,” she whispered, “I’m okay. These jerks are not worth you losing control. You saved me. I’m fine now,” Maya stroked his chest slowly while she spoke, up and down, soothing and rousing both animal and man.

She turned her body to stand between the three piss-soaked Black Bear Shifters who were currently trying to pick themselves up. They tripped in their haste to race to their car probably hoping to get the fuck out of there while he was distracted.

“Move,” Tonic growled, still determined to make them pay.

“No,” she said and lifted her chin defiantly.

Was she really not scared of him? He wondered at the possibility. Pride in her bravery and worry over her foolhardy impulsiveness had his Polar Bear curious.

He wanted to go after the men, but she was in his path and the animal would never, ever hurt her. He growled and chuffed before retreating to that metaphysical plane inside of him, curious and yet, content that his mate was unharmed.

As for his human side, well nothing could be done for that, the Bear knew he was stubborn as all get.

Be gentle. Mate, the Bear pushed the thought at him before he withdrew.

Tonic didn’t do gentle. He was angry. Seriously angry. He could’ve hurt her for fuck’s sake!

“What were you thinking getting between them and me? I could’ve, I could’ve-”

It didn’t bear thinking about, he grunted and ran a hand through his disheveled black hair. The idea that he could’ve hurt her in his furious rage left him shaking.

Hell, all he’d wanted was to feed her. What was wrong with those pieces of shit anyway? Laying hands on a lone female!

It was unworthy of a Shifter to behave as such. He found the car with his keen eyesight despite the setting sun and made note of the make and model.

He’d report them to Daniel and Bowie later. Those bastards had a lot to answer for.

“But you didn’t,” Maya took his hand in hers, interrupting his thoughts, and his entire peace of mind for that matter.

“Maya,” he growled, but he didn’t let go. If anything, he held her hand tighter.

“I’ve been dealing with people like that, members of the Clan who didn’t want me around my whole life.”

“But why? Why do they treat you like that?”

“I guess I’m a reminder that not all matings end in perfect offspring. You see, it’s okay to be all human or all Bear, and the offspring of a Shifter and normal usually are one or the other. I am neither,” she shrugged, “or both? I don’t know.”

“You’re special,” he said and started walking with her towards his truck.

It was getting dark already despite it being afternoon. Winter days were short, and the nights were long. Even in Barvale.

He opened her door and put his hands on her waist, lifting her into the truck easily. He saw the shock in her eyes and grinned. Silly woman. She was light as a feather to him. Petite and perfect, in his honest opinion. He hated that she didn’t know how perfect her body was to him.

“I meant it when I said you were special, Maya,” he repeated, “You should’ve let me beat the shit out of those guys.”

“That wouldn’t help,” she said and shook her head, “Some people will never change. They aren’t capable of it. They don’t like that I can hear their Bears and communicate to them in ways they can’t.”

“You’re a miracle,” he whispered, and traced a line from her eyebrow to her chin with his hand before closing her door and taking his seat behind the wheel.

For the entire drive back, they didn’t talk. What was left to say? Only one thing he could think of and Tonic was more certain than ever it was their only recourse.

“I said it before, Maya, and I will say it one more time. I think Iggy is right. We should get mated.”


“Look, you need help with your business and protection from idiots like that, and I need someone to help me control my Polar Bear. You’re the only one who can do that. I have been banished from one Clan, and I don’t want to leave Barvale.”

“I see,” she said quietly.

Her posture in the passenger seat beside him was stiff and still. Did he fuck this up already? For a moment, he wondered if he should simply tell her the truth.

That she was his fated mate and his Polar Bear was already half in love with her. Hell, maybe more than that.

But something kept him from opening his mouth. He turned his head slightly and stole a glance at her face but couldn’t tell what she was thinking.

He was an idiot to believe even for a second that she would consider mating him. He’d been nothing but an ass to her from the start.


He started to speak but she cut him off. And to his complete and utter astonishment, Maya answered his utterly cowardly and unworthy request with the one word guaranteed to make his foolish heart soar.

“Yes,” she said.


“Yes, Tonic Nanouk, I will be your mate.”

Mine, Tonic’s Polar Bear roared the word inside of his mind’s eye and he tightened his grip on the steering wheel.






“What?” Nita screeched despite her mouth currently being ninety-percent occupied by her newest flavor Blueberry Kissed Honey Cream.

It was the latest from her specialty ice cream parlor Honey Sweet Creamery and as far as Maya could tell, her bestie was in heaven. The sweet frozen treats she was now famous for were made with only the best, most wholesome, non-GMO, sustainably harvested, locally grown where possible, organic ingredients.

Maya herself was a customer for life, but she cringed at the near operatic pitch of her pregnant BFF’s voice. How she could scream with her mouth full was one of those special talents that Nita’s husband must definitely appreciate, Maya thought with a wicked glint in her eyes.

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