Home > THE BENNETTS' CHRISTMAS (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family Book 6)(48)

THE BENNETTS' CHRISTMAS (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family Book 6)(48)
Author: Brenda Jackson





AS SEBRINA DROVE THROUGH the streets of St. Paul on her way to work, she couldn’t help wondering what was wrong with her? Why did the thought of Parker going out on a date bother her, when they’d both agreed that dating others would be the best way to nip their attraction in the bud?

Her cell phone went off and she recognized the ringtone. Smiling, she pressed the accept button on her steering wheel and said, “Well, hello, California girl.”

“Hello, back at you, Bree.”

Sebrina smiled, thinking of all the good times she’d shared with Victoria, Kennedy and Monica over the years. She still got to visit with Kennedy on occasion, but ever since Victoria had moved to California, she didn’t get to see her as much. Victoria did come to town to check on her business here every three months, though, and they did their best to catch up then. And they kept in touch via phone, when their schedules allowed.

They hadn’t talked though in a while. For their six-months’ wedding anniversary, Cortez had taken Victoria on a surprise trip to Paris, where they had originally met.

“How was the City of Lights?” Sebrina asked.

“It was great! We’re thinking about buying a place there since we like it so much.”

“Sounds like a good idea. And how is Cortez?”

“Wonderful, as usual.”

Sebrina could hear the happiness in her cousin’s voice. It reminded her of when she asked Kennedy about Haddison. “I can imagine.”

She really couldn’t, but she hoped that one day she would. Unlike Monica, who wasn’t worried about any biological clock, Sebrina really didn’t want to end up an old maid.

“So, Bree, what’s happening with you? Kennedy told me about your hottie of a housemate.”

Sebrina shook her head, grinning. “I’m not surprised. Did she also tell you she suggested that I jump his bones?”

“No, she missed that part. But it sounds like a good plan to me.”


Victoria laughed. “Just keeping things honest. Unless you’re keeping secrets, I know that you haven’t seriously dated anyone in a while. In fact, I don’t recall you seriously dating anyone, ever. Not since Wade.”

“I date when I want to do so, Victoria.”

“Sure, but one or two dates every year isn’t really dating. It’s scratching an itch.”

“I don’t sleep around, no matter how itchy I get.”

“I honestly don’t know how you manage.”

“So says the woman who went nearly four years without sex.”

“Okay, you got me there. But because I’m getting it on a regular basis now, I’m concerned that your limited sex life isn’t healthy.”

Sebrina rolled her eyes. “Can we discuss something else?”

“No. When was the last time, Bree?”

She could easily tell Victoria it wasn’t any of her business, but she couldn’t. As the oldest of four, she had been thought of as the others’ confidant. She had been the only one who knew about the guy Victoria had given her virginity to in Paris—the guy who turned out to be the man she married.

“It’s been almost three years. I haven’t met anyone I liked well enough to bother with, not since Ronald moved away.”

Ronald Hogan had been nuclear engineer she had met at her dentist’s office. They had talked on the phone for a couple of weeks before finally going out. They had dated for six months before taking things to the next level. He was nice and the sex had been enjoyable. Nothing earth-shattering, just enjoyable.

“So tell me about Parker Stanhope.”

“There’s nothing to tell. What you’ve heard is true. He’s a hottie. He’s also a man with his future pretty much set since he was accepted into that special mentorship program. He’s only passing through. He’ll work at St. Paul General for a year before moving on to a hospital in Florida.”

“Is that why you’re deliberately making sure nothing develops between the two of you?”

“Pretty much. Besides, I’m not interested in him that way and he’s not interested in me that way either. But...”

“But what?”

Sebrina nibbled on her bottom lip and knew she had to talk to someone about her dilemma with Parker. “It’s the craziest thing.”

“What is?”

“Although Parker and I aren’t really interested in each other, there is a lot of chemistry between us. More than I’ve ever experienced with any man, Vic. Every time he looks at me, I get hot and bothered. I hear his voice and it’s the same thing. I don’t know what to do about it. Like I said, it’s crazy.”

“Not as crazy as you think. You and Parker are interested in each other, but obviously neither of you are ready to admit it.”

Sebrina rolled her eyes. “I just think it’s been too long since I’ve had sex. That should change this weekend when I go out with Bob.”

“Bob Rollins? Boring Bob?”

Sebrina fought back a grin. “He isn’t boring. Not really.”

“Yes, he is. You even said so. Do you think he will shut up long enough to get you into bed? And why on earth are you going back out with him anyway?”

“Parker and I talked about our predicament and came up with a solution to phase out this chemistry between us—we’re going to start dating other people.”

“What in the world are you talking about, Bree?”

It took Bree ten minutes to explain the plan to Victoria. It would have taken less time had Victoria not asked so many questions. “So, Parker has a date tomorrow night and I have one, as well.”

“Good luck with that.”

“What are you talking about?”

“And here I thought, Dr. Bennett, that you knew so much. The heart wants what the heart wants. Sexual chemistry has a language all its own and it’s talking to the two of you, whether you and Parker Stanhope listen or not. So why fight it? You two are in the house all alone. Why can’t you just get it on?”

“Being married has gone to your head, Victoria. I’ve never just got it on with any guy.”

“Maybe it’s time for it to happen, Bree.”

“It won’t. Parker and I are working together as a team to help it fade away.”

“I hear you, but sexual chemistry between two people isn’t anything to play with. You see how things were with me and Cortez. We tried ignoring it, but it didn’t do any good. So we had no choice but to act on it. I think the two of you should do the same.”

Sebrina recalled that had been one of the options Parker had suggested in the beginning. “I don’t know. Remember what happened when you and Cortez acted on it? You fell in love with him. I can’t let that happen.”

“You can’t or you won’t? That brings me to Wade. And you might have noticed, it always comes back to Wade, Bree. You can’t go through life thinking every man will break your heart just because Wade did. If Kennedy could give love another try then you definitely can.”

“I’m not Kennedy. But even she admitted later that she’d never truly loved Charles, that she just fancied herself in love with him.”

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