Home > THE BENNETTS' CHRISTMAS (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family Book 6)(8)

THE BENNETTS' CHRISTMAS (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family Book 6)(8)
Author: Brenda Jackson

“No. In fact, I plan to do most of my writing at night, so I can still enjoy the cruise.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“What about you, Landon? Are you having a good time?”

He leaned back in his chair. “This is my first day out of my cabin. I’ve been getting lots of much needed sleep and reading for pleasure for a change. The cruise was a birthday gift from my sister. She thinks I’ve been working too hard lately. I didn’t know what kind of cruise it was until I got on board. Had I known it was a singles’ cruise, I would not have come.”

“Oh, I see.” She didn’t say anything for a minute and then she looked over at him. “Did you ever get a chance to return to St. Paul?”

He knew why she was asking, so he held her gaze and said, “No. There was no way I would have returned to St. Paul without looking you up, Monica.”



Landon’s words made Monica’s heart do a little skitter. The serendipity of them reconnecting after all this time nearly overwhelmed her. She marveled at how handsome he was in the bright light of day and caught her breath. The dimmed lighting in the nightclub that night hadn’t done him justice.

Now, she could clearly see his chocolate-colored eyes that were perfect for his almond-brown complexion, and that his defined nose was perfect for his face. But what really caught her attention, the way it had that night, was the shape of his lips. They appeared full, inviting and so darn alluring. And, she had to admit, there was something about muscle shirts and khaki shorts on a man that got her going.

Landon Chestnut was definitely eye candy, just like those women had said. But his appeal was more than just the physical. On two occasions, he had stepped in to protect her, and she appreciated that.

Her mind and body were so attuned to him. Just being around him made her head swim…and was making her remember how long it had been since she’d had sex—although the sex she’d had hadn’t been worth discussing. Still, just the thought of tumbling between the sheets with Landon was filling her with sensations she’d never felt before. Kennedy and Victoria had told her that was how it had felt when they’d first met Haddison and Cortez. An indescribable feeling had swept through them, making it difficult for them to breathe, to think, to do anything. She was feeling that same way now.

Monica couldn’t help but wonder if she was reading too much into this. He’d come to her rescue from unwanted advances twice now. Was this some sort of hero worship, or something more?

“If I recall, we were supposed to meet for drinks. We can certainly share that drink now,” she said, deciding to play it cool.

“I have a better idea,” he said.


“Let’s share that drink over dinner. Will you join me later?”

An invitation to dinner sounded pretty darn good to her. He would certainly be better company than the group she’d dined with the last couple of nights. “I’d like that. Do you want to meet at the restaurant?”

He shook his head. “No. I’m an old-fashioned sort of guy. I prefer escorting you from your cabin and back. Unless you have a problem with giving me your cabin number.”

“No problem at all. I’m on the eighth deck. Room 832.”

“Now isn’t that a coincidence.”

She lifted a brow. “What is?”

“Our cabins are across the hall from each other. I’m in 831.”

Definitely a coincidence. “That means you have a suite as well.”


“That was some birthday gift from your sister,” she said.

He chuckled. “I have a feeling my parents and business partners pitched in. They all claim I’ve been working too hard, too.”

“Oh? What sort of work you do?”

“I’m a private investigator. My assignments take me all over the country and a few abroad. So, I tend to travel a lot.”

“How long have you been a PI?”

“Close to eight years now.”

She suddenly remembered what he’d said when she met him in St. Paul. He had been there on business. That meant he’d been doing PI work then. Is that why he hadn’t wanted to spend any time with her? Had he been on a stake-out? “And where is your home base?” She felt more comfortable in asking him the question now than she had that night they’d first met.


“Have you lived there long?” she asked.

“All my life. I was born and raised there.”

“Another coincidence, Landon. So was I. And I still have a lot of family there and in Macon. I relocated to St. Paul after college.”

Monica couldn’t believe how much they had in common. And it was so easy to talk to him. After two days onboard, it was refreshing that he wasn’t trying to hit on her. And she really liked the fact that like her, the idea of taking a singles’ cruise wasn’t something he’d normally consider.

“Well, I’ll let you get back to reading your magazine,” he said, standing.

She tilted her head to look up at him, already regretting his absence. “Alright.”

“I’ll be at your cabin at seven. See you, Monica.”

“Okay, Landon.”

He smiled and then walked off. Her gaze followed him until he stepped on the elevator and was gone.

It was then the women sitting at the table behind her clapped again. Evidently, they had enjoyed checking out his adorable tush as much as she had.



Landon entered his cabin and hoped asking Monica Bennett to join him for dinner hadn’t been a mistake. But then, hadn’t he been thinking a lot about her lately, and had even contemplated returning to St. Paul just to see her? The memory of the sway of her hips in that pencil skirt she’d worn when she had walked out the night club that night had stayed with him.

But even before she’d made such a sensuous exit, he’d experienced full-blown attraction to her when he’d noticed her confrontation with that guy named Dusty. Even though she’d obviously been angry, she was still strikingly beautiful. That night, he’d had sizzling dreams for the first time in six years.

And he was still very attracted to her. The fact that Monica was on this same cruise, with a cabin across the hall from him, was definitely lucky…and convenient. What were the chances?

There had to be a reason their paths had crossed twice now. He’d never been one to believe in fate, but now, the proof of it was staring him in the face.

But to start, he had to see where this all led. He had nineteen more days to find out if there could be something between him and Monica. Hopefully, before they docked back in Sydney, he’d know. While they were on the cruise together, he wouldn’t deliberately invade her space, but he definitely wanted to spend more time with her, if she allowed it.

It had been years—his early days in college—since he’d been serious about a woman. But he was finally accepting that Simone wasn’t coming back, and she would want him to be happy.

And, as he moved around the cabin, he decided that getting to know Monica Bennett might be just the way to do that.



“Are you sure he’s not a stalker, Monica?”

Monica smiled at Sebrina’s question. It was the complete opposite of her other sister’s reaction. Fun-loving Kelly had wanted to know how soon it would be before Monica and Landon hit the sheets. Her two sisters definitely had different attitudes when it came to men.

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