Home > Angel Fire (Immortal Legacy #1)(27)

Angel Fire (Immortal Legacy #1)(27)
Author: Ella Summers

But the First Angel simply said, “The dagger has chosen you to be its master.”

“I didn’t know a weapon could choose a master.”

“Not an ordinary weapon, of course. But the immortal weapons are far from ordinary. The dagger will serve you well in your next assignment.”

This time, my curiosity got the better of me. “Which is?”

I was hoping to go out and capture Eva’s pirates. I didn’t like to leave things open and unfinished.

“Colonel Dragonsire will take care of the pirates,” Nyx told me.

She was reading my mind. You’d think I would have gotten used to it after two days with Damiel, but you really never got used to something like that. I only hoped Damiel was right, that once my magic settled down from my angelic transformation, I would regain the ability to shield my thoughts from telepaths.

“With Colonel Starfire’s death and Major Doren’s betrayal, we’ve been left with a very sizable power vacuum at Storm Castle,” Nyx continued. “I have already found our new Fire Dragon, but I need an angel to command the facility and take on the role of the fourth Dragon. Colonel Dragonsire tells me your magical mastery of the elements is unparalleled, particularly water.”

I looked at Damiel, but his face was inscrutable. He might have given me a few glimpses at the man behind the angel mask, but now that we were back in civilization, here in the presence of the First Angel, he was as cold as ever.

“You will leave at once for Storm Castle, where you will become the Sea Dragon and command the Elemental Expanse.”

It was a prestigious assignment. The angel who commanded Storm Castle was entrusted with the task of keeping all the Earth’s elements in balance, to push back the wild weather of the monster plains, to keep that tainted magic from infecting our cities.

Nyx turned to leave. “Now I must have a heart-to-heart with our newest traitor.” The icy way she said it shot a trail of goosebumps down my neck.

Moving with a liquid grace unique to the First Angel, Nyx walked out of the room, leaving me alone with Damiel.

“There was a dark glimmer in the First Angel’s eyes, like she’s seen too many traitors,” I commented to him.

“Yes.” He paused. “Leon’s betrayal hit us both hard.”

Leon Ironfist was the first angel who’d defected from the Legion, who’d left the gods’ army to join the forces of hell. Nowadays, he was known as Leon Hellfire, the first dark angel of hell—and the dark angel I’d fought just a few days ago.

“He’s the one who betrayed you,” I realized.

The sting of betrayal still burned in Damiel’s eyes. I didn’t want to see him like this. I didn’t want to see him in pain.

“You don’t have to tell me about it,” I said quickly.

“A promise is a promise,” he replied. “Leon was my friend. My mentor. I didn’t just trust him; I looked up to him. He made me the angel I am today. And then he betrayed us.”

I took Damiel’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. He didn’t say anything more, and I could tell he wasn’t going to—at least not today. I had to lighten the mood.

“You still owe me pancakes,” I teased him.

“I haven’t forgotten. I have a debt to pay to you.” His voice was serious, like he was discussing something far more important than pancakes. “I’ll make them for you the next time I’m at Storm Castle.”

My new position, the angel Dragon of Storm Castle, was one of great importance and trust. And I’d gotten it at least partially because of Damiel.

“You put in a good word for me with Nyx,” I said.

“I simply related a fact.”

“Even though you wanted to have me work with you.”

“Yes, well, I knew Nyx would never allow it,” he admitted. “The last time she assigned two angels to the same territory, the arrangement didn’t last a month before they were at each other’s throats, vying for dominance. It’s simply part of our nature, Cadence. But before you think me totally unselfish, Storm Castle sits in a territory that touches my own.”

So he wanted to keep me close. Honestly, the idea no longer frightened me.

“Thank you,” I told him.

“Cadence.” Humor flashed in his eyes. Now that Nyx was gone, he’d let down his mask for me—if only a little. “If you want to thank me, I can think of a few ways.”

I snorted. “I’m sure you can.”

He winked at me, a remarkably boyish gesture from the serious Master Interrogator. But was he really so serious? He certainly seemed more relaxed now that our mission was over. Or maybe he’d always been that way—and I’d just been too scared to see it.

I stood at the window, looking out across the city, savoring these last few moments before I had to dive into work again.

“I’ll see you soon, Cadence.”

Damiel spoke the words like he knew something I didn’t, but when I turned to ask him about it, he was already gone. I could still feel the weight of his presence lingering in the air, the potent punch of his distinctive magic cocktail mixed with his warm, earthy scent.

Two days ago, if someone had told me I’d actually be looking forward to my next meeting with the Master Interrogator, I’d have thought they were insane. But now—well, now I just couldn’t wait to see him again.






Frozen in Time



I stared out the window of my new bedroom. The sky was quiet, but not cloudless. The dark clouds were unusually still, like they were frozen in time. In fact, the Elemental Expanse that surrounded Storm Castle was eerily calm as well, as though all the elements were holding their breath, just waiting for something to happen.

I was holding my breath too.

Tomorrow morning, as the sun rose on a new day, I would take part in the ceremony that would make me a Dragon of Storm Castle. I’d heard it was a powerful experience, to be magically linked to one of the Earth’s four elements. To become one with its deep and ancient power.

“Are you nervous?”

I turned away from the window to look at Allegra. She sat on my bed, browsing through an angel tabloid magazine.

“I am a bit nervous,” I replied honestly.

Becoming the Sea Dragon was a job that involved a great deal more meditation and quiet reflection than any of the more active roles I’d taken in the past. It required me to be at peace—in complete harmony—not only with my element, but also with the other three Dragons, who were each linked to one of the other elements.

“No need to fret, darling. I’m here to take care of you.” She winked at me.

I laughed, which was exactly what I needed right now. Allegra’s magic wasn’t as powerful as mine, but she did take care of me. She always had my back—no matter what.

“I’m glad my father made sure you were transferred here with me,” I told her.

“General Silverstar is a tough angel, but he really does care about you.”

“I know.”

Even though I often forgot it. My father had trained me to be independent, to fight alone and to depend only on myself. Still, I’d always felt a deep need for personal connections. To have friends.

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