Home > The Defiant Alpha (West Coast Wolves Book 2)(15)

The Defiant Alpha (West Coast Wolves Book 2)(15)
Author: Susi Hawke

As soon as our lips touched, my entire body broke out in goosebumps. What Charlie lacked in finesse, he more than made up for in sheer passion. Wrapping his legs around my waist like a spider monkey, his hands clutched at my hair as he turned my head the way he wanted it and deepened our kiss, his tongue licking at my lips until I opened them to let him in.

"Why am I the only one naked? Was I supposed to remind you to take your clothes off while you waited for me?"

Goddess, but I loved the sound of his voice in my head. Since he was clinging to me like Velcro, I fumbled with my pants, shoving them down while I kicked off my shoes.

"Sorry, don't laugh, but I was out here agonizing about how far we were going to go tonight. I didn't want you to feel pressured or push you into doing anything you weren't ready for."

Wild giggles bounced through my head. "Seriously? Why do you think I wanted to take a shower? Eli told me how to prepare myself for you. I'm squeaky clean from stem to stern or however that phrase goes. Eli said sex is the best thing ever with the right person. And who would ever be more right than my own true mate? Also, no offense or anything, but Eli made it sound like you would be a little more take-charge."

That shocked me into speaking aloud. "Eli said so, huh? And here I had him pegged as being the angelic type. Now I'm wondering if I should've encouraged this friendship." I was joking, but Eli being so open about sex did surprise me. It probably shouldn't, but he had such an innocent face. But then again, in my experience, the good ones were always the wildest behind closed doors.

Charlie was enjoying this a little too much. "Like you had a choice. He's mated to your friend, of course you had to introduce us. And apparently you'll have to think later, since his advice encouraged me to move things along if you were waffling."

"So you're saying you want me to think with my cock, not my big-boy brain?"

Humming, Charlie pulled away from the kiss to nip at my lower lip before answering. "There are a lot of things I want you to do with your cock, but thinking isn't one of them. You're my Prince Charming, remember? You’ve awakened me from my slumber, or saved my life if you want to be technical, so now you have to whisk me off on your mighty steed and give me my happily-ever-after. In case you missed the metaphor, the mighty steed is your cock, and my happily-ever-after is all the orgasms Eli described while you and Matt were on the phone making plans for tomorrow."

Lowering him to the bed, I motioned for him to stay put while I finished removing my pants and laid my cut on the dresser. "Two things, remind me to send Eli a thank-you gift for giving you such a thorough lesson on what to expect. And, I can't say this strongly enough—can we never talk about Eli again when we're about to have sex?"

"As long as we really are going to have sex sometime in the near future, sure." Charlie giggled, bouncing up and down as he clapped. He was such a charming mix of seductive innocence, I was glad to know he was almost twenty-one, or I might have felt dirty. Honestly, as he learned more about the modern world and changed with the knowledge, I hoped he never lost this adorable vibe of boyish innocence. It was so sweet; my heart melted with every cute thing he did.

Naturally, right as I was thinking so, Charlie got up on his knees and cocked his finger at me, his eyes glittering like a tiny vixen. "Come to bed, Prince Charming. Make me feel sexy and show me how to love on you."

Jumping onto the bed, I wrapped him in my arms and rolled us over a couple times on the king-size bed, coming to a stop with him stretched out over my chest. "I'm sorry, Sleeping Beauty. Did you say love on me or rub? Either one works because the magic comes from rubbing together."

"Really? Rubbing what together?" His eyes danced with mischief, as if I couldn't feel his hard dick pushing against my stomach. Sliding my hand up between us, I nudged my cock against his before taking them both in hand and beginning to stroke.

"We could rub together like this. Or you could kiss me again and let our lips do some rubbing. Oooh… I like your wiggle. There’s another kind of rubbing, pushing your chest against mine. I know I'm not very hairy, but I'm also not completely smooth like you. Did my chest hair tickle when it rubbed your nipples?" I kept my voice low, loving the way he shivered with every suggestive thing I said. Pulling his head down, I kissed him thoroughly before rubbing my lips along his jaw and whispering in his ear. "I can rub my lips all over your body. You know what else I can rub you with? Let me show you."

I could already smell the slick forming, so it was no surprise when I slid my free hand down his crack to tease his hole. Charlie went stiff and grunted as he shot a load over my fingers. He tried to bury his face in my shoulder, his heated cheek pressed against my neck. But I wasn't having it.

"Don't be embarrassed. That was just the first one. Honestly, I'm impressed you lasted so long. You're young, and this is new to you. But guess what? Being young also means a fast recovery time. You'll be hard again in a few seconds, if you even get completely soft."

His voice was muffled against my neck. "You mean it? You're not being nice, are you?"

"If I were lying, you would feel it through our bond, even though it's incomplete and new. Also, think about it. You're a shifter—you would smell a lie. And if you don't know how to detect one by scent, I'll be happy to teach you. But no, I'm not lying. Honestly? It makes me happy to know I gave you pleasure."

The wave of emotion flooding over me would've brought me to my knees if I'd been standing. I wasn’t sure if Charlie knew he was throwing it off, but it left me with zero doubts of his affection. It might not have been love yet, but it was the start. And for the first time in my life, I knew what it was like not only to feel tender warmth for another person, but to have it returned. Even though I knew I should expect it from my true mate, it was mind-blowing. With all the feelings rushing through me, I forgot about being playful and guided him back for another kiss.

As I poured every ounce of my passion into our connection, I slipped a finger inside him, preparing his body to take me. Charlie, as I'd promised, was completely hard before I worked my second finger in. Thanks to his slick, his slippery hole was easy for my fingers to tease. My initial plan had been for him to ride me, but now I wanted something more personal.

Rolling us over, I guided his long legs up to his chest and pressed my cock into position. I broke our kiss, then pecked his lips a few times before bracing myself on my forearms with his legs slung over them. Biting my lip, I gazed into his beautiful eyes while I slowly pushed into his body. Working my hips back and forth, I pushed in a little, then pulled back. Pushed in deeper, then pulled back. Charlie was already coming unraveled and digging his fingers into my shoulders and grabbing at my hair by the time I pushed in completely.

I wasn't in a hurry, so I kept it nice and slow, letting my hips make the promises I wanted to scream from a mountaintop. I will love you forever. You are mine, and I am yours. Nobody will ever hurt you again. You are the tastiest morsel, and nobody else will ever hold a place in my heart. Only you, mate, only you.

Through it all, my mate made the best sounds. Charlie's soft moans, gentle yet possessive growls, and startled gasps of pleasure were quickly becoming my favorite noises. Each one challenged me to bring him more pleasure, if simply to see what sound I would get next. By the time I was getting close, Charlie had already come a second time, and a third was on the horizon. When the base of my cock started tingling and expanding as my knot bulged and my laniary teeth dropped into place, I knew it was time to claim my mate.

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