Home > The Defiant Alpha (West Coast Wolves Book 2)(24)

The Defiant Alpha (West Coast Wolves Book 2)(24)
Author: Susi Hawke

"Sounds like my kind of movie." Ishmael, the tiny brunette perched on the rail, was obviously ready to get started now. I hadn't got the reference of his name. Apparently, it came from some Melville book, whatever that meant. I wasn't an idiot, but I clearly wasn't as well read as these guys.

Five lifted a hand, as if wanting permission to speak. "Can we get back to me, Seven, and Three? We still haven't figured out names."

Charlie looked his way with a slight frown. "I already told you, go with Christopher or Robin. Pick one or the other, but as much as you've always loved A.A. Milne, it’s perfect for you."

Humming thoughtfully, I studied the pale boy with the big brown eyes and light brown hair. "I think I have to back Charlie on this one, Five. I don't know how he appeared in the book illustrations. But the cartoon version, you're definitely a match."

Five giggled. "I know exactly what you're talking about. Teacher used to let us watch cartoons when we were little. But I want something unique like Phoenix. You think Robin is okay? When we were talking about it earlier, Colt said it was a girl's name."

"Any name can be a girl or boy name, if you want it to be. Are there girls named Robin? Sure. As proven by Winnie the fucking Pooh, there are also boys with the name. If you like it, name yourself Robin and screw anyone who doesn't approve. No offense, but Cary’s also widely considered a girl’s name."

Cary, formerly Four, gasped with outrage. “How is that possible? Do modern people not have eyes? Cary Grant was the sexiest man ever born. I’ll fight anyone who tells me I have a girl’s name. Then I’ll tie them up and make them watch a Cary Grant marathon with me until they admit Cary was the manliest man ever, and I’m the only one sexy enough to share his name.”

“Cary is right, and so is Lucian. I’m man enough to claim any name I want, and I’ll shift into a gorilla and punch anyone who says it sounds girly.” Sitting up a little straighter, Five smiled proudly. "From now on, my name is officially Robin. Three, let's pick one for you now."

One of the more outgoing ones, Seven, looked around with a cocky grin. “I know my name choice. It’s Paul. As in Apollo, the literal sun god. Get it? Because I can manipulate light like I’m a god myself.”

Three high-fived Seven, then turned and whispered in Robin's ear. When Robin nodded, Three turned to Charlie. "Find me a water name, since controlling it is my superpower."

Knowing it would make them all break into shocked giggles, I leaned forward with a loudly whispered comment. "Controlling it? I think you meant to say you make water your bitch. Find him a powerful name, Charlie. Something strong to match his gift."

After he was done laughing, Charlie started offering suggestions from the app. He stopped in the middle of the list with a gasp. "Three, what do you think of the name Kano? It says here it’s the name of an African water god."

"Kano…” He said it as if testing it on his tongue. “Yes, I like it. I'm totally the water god around here, making water my bitch everywhere I go." Rocking his head from side to side, Kano had us laughing as a vehicle pulled up.

When I saw Ash had finally arrived, I stood and waved him over. He got out and headed our way. I'd already given him my intel. Hopefully, he had some answers. I weaved through the guys, holding a hand out to Ash as he stepped on the porch.

After we shook, I waved my hand to encompass the group. "Ash Woodlawn, feast your eyes on the largest group of stolen omegas I hope either one of us ever comes across. Gentlemen, this is the Territory Chief of California. He oversees all the packs and is the guy most likely to help us find your kin, if possible."

Charlie came up beside me, earning his own introduction. "Ash, this is my mate, Charlie."

Ash took Charlie's outstretched hand, but rather than shake it, he lifted it and kissed my mate's knuckles. With anyone else, I might've had a problem. But with Ash, I figured it was simply old-school courtliness. Plus, Charlie deserved to feel special.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Charlie. You were very brave, son." When Charlie looked confused at Ash calling him son, I made a mental note to explain later. Charlie hooked his arm through Ash's, acting every bit the Alpha Mate as he walked Ash around the porch, introducing him one by one to his brothers.

I made my way back to my seat and waited for Ash and Charlie to make the rounds. When they were done, Charlie offered Ash a seat to my right and excused himself to find Essie and see about refreshments. Ash watched Charlie slip inside before turning to me with a shake of his head. "You found a good one there, Lucian. Congratulations, son. I wish both of you a lifetime of nothing but happiness and zero drama from here on out. I think you've both had your share, don't you?"

"Ash, you're preaching to the choir. So let me leave it at amen and from your lips to God's ears. Or the goddess’s, in our case." We both chuckled, knowing it was true. Charlie returned a moment later, announcing Essie would be out in a few with lemonade and cookies. Smiling to myself, I wondered if she had a lot left over from yesterday or if it was her go-to.

We made a polite small talk for a few minutes before Ash got down to business. "Needless to say, only my assistant knows about the guys right now. I'm guessing your pack knows not to talk, yeah?"

Nodding somberly, I pursed my lips, not wanting to think about what might happen if word got out about my pack hosting eleven mature omegas. "No worries, Ash. I saw what went down when my pack's former Alpha and his buddies found out about Eli's little brothers. If they would risk their lives for children, I don't want to think what might happen if people knew about these guys."

Ash looked as irritated as I felt at the mention of what had gone down in Lucerne Valley. "Eventually, I'll need to report this to the Supreme Council, but I'm hoping to get these guys back to their home packs before I do. Paperwork can be a real bitch, you know? Funny how long it takes for reports to get typed and emails to be sent."

"Funny indeed, isn't it?" I winked, appreciating what he was doing to delay the inevitable. "In the meantime, they'll be safe here with me to protect them. Matt loaned me some deltas. With them here watching my borders and teaching mine how to do it when they leave, I feel like this might be the perfect place for them right now anyway. Our geography creates a natural barrier, and we're so small. I don't think we're even on the radar of most of the other packs."

"No, not at all. I think most of them have forgotten there's even a pack located in these mountains. If I was a religious man, I might think the goddess had her hand in this one. But since I'm a man of science, I'll merely say sometimes things work out the way they're meant to."

Personally, I thought Ash might be a little more religious than he wanted people knowing, but I let the question pass and moved the conversation along. "What did you find out about this Dr. J, if anything? Charlie is worried about the doctor’s son, the one who helped him escape. Not only was Alex shot Saturday night, but the asshat stole him as well. I've had eyes on the place, but so far, the family hasn’t returned. The sole reason we know Alex survived is because the douchecanoe said as much to my mate."

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