Home > Right Move (Clean Slate Ranch #6)(43)

Right Move (Clean Slate Ranch #6)(43)
Author: A.M. Arthur

   “It’s exquisite.” George didn’t know what else to say.

   “More than two and a half ago years ago,” Reyes said in a clear tone, “one of our guests named Wes Bentley let his horse wander from the group. Said horse was spooked by a skunk and sped off at gallop. Took Wes miles north of here before stopping in the remains of what had once been an old gold rush town. Arthur Garrett’s grandson Mack decided to invest in rebuilding the town and turning it into a living attraction. While it’s currently closed for the season, if you ever find yourselves back in these parts from February to November, it’s well worth a day of your time.”

   “I can’t imagine that,” George said to Miles. “My horse galloping away. I’d have probably peed myself.”

   Miles snickered. “Wes was terrified. He’s my best friend, and it was kind of incredible to live through. The ghost town, rebuilding it, being asked to be the head chef at the saloon. Opening day. But all the work has been worth it. It’s amazing to think of all the good that came out of one little skunk.”

   “True story. I can’t stop thinking about Slater going over that cliff back in May and being in one solid piece again.”

   “Yeah, I remember when that happened. Reyes was up here with him, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard him so panicked. But somehow Slater came out of it with only a busted ankle and a concussion, and him being with Derrick brought you and your brother into the family. We’re a very eclectic bunch but we’re loyal.”

   George loved the sentiment but wasn’t as sure he and Orry were really part of the huge, extended Garrett family yet. Maybe soon, if things went the way he hoped they did with Levi. “It’s nice being part of something again.”

   “If you ever need anything, please reach out.”

   “I appreciate it.” George wandered over to stand by Levi, curious at his continued quiet when he’d been all smiles and conversation the day before. “You okay?”

   “Yeah, just thinking a lot. Had a good talk with Reyes last night. It was about as personal as we’ve been with each other.”

   “Anything you want to share?”

   Levi shrugged but one corner of his mouth turned up in a half smile. “I guess I’m jealous of the strong relationship he has with Miles. The last time I trusted a man with my heart, I got burned. No, more like scorched. But I do want what Reyes and Miles have. One day. With the right person.”

   George didn’t let himself hope he could be that right person. Not when everything between him and Levi was still so young and fresh. Untested. “I think I’m jealous of them, too. Happier for them, though. I keep trying to get Orry to date but he always says he’s too busy working.”

   “Speaking of Orry working, did you ever ask him why he lied about bartending Thanksgiving night?”

   “No.” He’d mostly convinced himself not to think about it, that it wasn’t a big deal. But it still tickled at the back of his mind.

   “Do you think he’s lied about work before?”

   “I hope not. I mean, unless he’s out there drug dealing, I won’t care. Money is money.”

   The dig Adrian had made about Orry’s past this summer nudged its way under George’s skin like the tiniest shard of glass and stuck there. No way was Orry out there hooking for money. The only reason Orry had done it when he was sixteen was because he’d run away from home and lived on the streets. He’d been desperate and once confessed to George that he’d been ashamed of it. But it had allowed Orry to survive and come home to George when he’d needed him most. George’s income was steady, so even if Orry had lost one of his gigs, they weren’t cash strapped or anywhere close to broke.

   “You just went away on me for a while,” Levi said. “You don’t think he’s doing something illegal, do you?”

   “No.” He trusted his brother not to do anything that might separate them for the long term. “Maybe I’ll finally bring it up when we go home. Let’s not talk about sad stuff. It’s too fucking pretty up here. And also...” George glanced over his shoulder for someone nearby. “Hey, Rey, can you take our picture?”

   Rey grinned as he approached. George handed him his phone and positioned himself and Levi with the valley behind them. He kind of wanted to put his arm around Levi’s waist. Levi slid a friendly arm across his shoulders and leaned in slightly. Good enough. Rey took several from different angles before handing it back.

   “You two look good together,” he whispered, then wandered off toward his family.

   George’s face got hot but he still scrolled through the images. They did look good together. A great contrast of Levi’s tall and dark to his own slender and blond. He zoomed in on a close up and damn, but their blue eyes shined. Levi’s were a deeper, more cerulean blue, while George’s were a paler shade.

   “I think I agree with Rey,” Levi said.

   “Me too.” Even though Levi had introduced George as a close friend, Rey was clearly an observant guy. Or he was just projecting. George was unused to being around near-strangers on a regular basis, so his people-reading skills were pretty lacking. Thankfully, Levi never seemed to hold that against him.

   George took a few more pictures before they were all asked to mount up. He was getting better at that but still needed a boost from Levi to get himself situated properly. Then he stealthily took some video of Levi expertly swinging himself up into the saddle. Maybe ten seconds’ worth but damn, it showed off his ass nicely in those jeans.

   The group was mostly quiet on the return trip to the campsite, where Reyes and Hugo hitched the horse back up to the chuck wagon, before setting off to the southeast and the ranch. At least, George was pretty sure of the direction but without a compass, he was just guessing. He trusted the horsemen to get them home safely.

   Home. No, Clean Slate isn’t home, it’s just a vacation.

   But hot damn, George felt at peace up here with the big, open skies and millions of stars at night. The quiet beauty of roving wilderness and the animals that lived peacefully near their respectful human neighbors. As long as he had Wi-Fi for work, George could be happy living in a place like this. But Orry wouldn’t.

   And George couldn’t imagine moving this far away from his beloved twin.

   As soon as he had Wi-Fi again, George texted a bunch of pictures to Orry, assuring him that he was safe, undamaged and almost back from the camping trip. Orry replied fast, complimenting the pictures and thanking him for the update. George wanted to call and hear his brother’s voice, but he’d wait until he had more privacy.

   His stomach was growling for lunch by the time they got back, but everyone had to untack and brush down their horse first. A few of the other hands helped with the saddles and blankets—many hands made light work—and George nearly cheered when they were released to the guesthouse for lunch. A simple turkey sandwich with mustard and pickles had never tasted more like heaven. A platter of sliced vegetables and dip replaced the fruit bowl this meal, and George tried not to go overboard on his portions. He’d always loved raw veggie trays.

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