Home > Taming a Texas Rascal(13)

Taming a Texas Rascal(13)
Author: Katie Lane

But the cost for Sawyer’s riding had just gone up. This wasn’t about a few broken bones. This was about a broken brain and how it could cause Sawyer to suffer from long-term memory loss, bad headaches, erratic behavior, depression, and even death. No adrenaline rush was worth that.

Which was why Maisy decided she had to break her word.

“We can’t let Sawyer go back to the rodeo, Linc,” she said. “And I’m not just talking about this season. I’m talking about forever.” She put the phone on speaker and proceeded to tell him and Dixie what she’d overheard in the hospital. When she was finished, Dixie’s eyes glistened with tears and Lincoln cussed.

“Dammit. I knew he wasn’t being completely honest with me.”

“What are we going to do?” Dixie asked. “We can’t let him go back when he could already have sustained brain damage.”

Maisy shook her head. “I don’t know. I know how he feels about bronc riding and I can’t see him giving it up. I’m not sure I could if I was in his boots.”

“Which is crazy,” Lincoln said. “Especially when you’re sitting there with a broken clavicle because you were too stubborn to wear a neck roll and safety vest.”

He had a good point.

Maisy blew out her breath. “I promise I’ll wear them from now on. And a helmet. And I have no intention of heading back until I’m completely healed. Sawyer is just going to ignore what the doctor said and head back when his brain hasn’t even had a chance to heal from this concussion.”

“Well, we just can’t let him do that.” Dixie nibbled on her thumbnail. “There must be something that would keep him here. What about if Chester or Lucas faked an injury?”

“That’s not going to work,” Lincoln said. “He knows every single Double Diamond boy—and our wives—would be there in a flash to help.”

“But most of us have work, ranches, and family to worry about. Evie just had little Helen. And Devlin, Penny, and—” She cut off abruptly before she continued. “Devlin and Penny are pregnant.”

Maisy stared at her. Was Dixie pregnant? If so, why hadn’t she told Lincoln? Or was it Maisy she didn’t want to know? Obviously, Maisy wasn’t the only one keeping secrets from her friend.

“Wait a minute.” Dixie’s eyes lit up. “That’s it! Devlin and Penny’s baby shower is two weeks away. What about if we plan one of those Daddy-to-Be diaper parties for the Double Diamond boys at the same time, and they can guilt Sawyer into coming. Maybe by then, we can come up with a long term plan to get him to quit rodeo.”

“I don’t know if it will work,” Lincoln said. “But it’s worth a try. And, Maisy, I want you to stop this foolishness and let Dixie take you back to our apartment.”

“Not happening, cowboy. But thanks for the offer. I’m fine right here in my little house on wheels. Now tell me what you plan to do to help Angel.” She glanced at Dixie. “Sawyer and I found a horse last night on the way to the Double Diamond. He’s been seriously abused.”

Dixie scowled. “Some folks just don’t deserve God’s special gift of animals.”

“Whoever this person is certainly doesn’t,” Lincoln said. “I called animal control and they’re going to try and get out to the Double Diamond. And maybe that’s another way to get Sawyer to stay. I’ll tell him he needs to be there to make sure Chester and Lucas don’t offend whoever they send from animal control. Sawyer can charm a snake out of its skin.”

Amen to that. He’d certainly charmed Maisy out of her clothes. Not that he’d had to work that hard. And little good it had done her. He’d passed out before her fantasies had been fulfilled.

Dixie’s phone buzzed with an incoming call. “I need to go, honey. I’m getting another call. I love you to the moon and back.”

“Me too,” Lincoln said. “And I love you too, Maisy. Even if you’re too stubborn for your own good.”

Maisy laughed. “That’s why you love me. I remind you of yourself.”

He snorted before he hung up.

Dixie took the phone off speaker and answered the other call. It sounded like a fender bender had taken place in town. Dixie was all business as she asked for the details of the accident. Despite her perfect beauty queen appearance, Dixie had graduated top of her class at the police academy and was a damn good sheriff who could be tough when she needed to be.

Maybe that’s why she and Maisy got along so well. Dixie knew what it was like to have to prove yourself in a male-dominated occupation where women were judged by their lack of testosterone and physical strength.

As soon as Dixie hung up, she stood. “I need to go.”

Maisy walked her out to her SUV. “Thanks for the offer of your home, but I’m really okay.”

Dixie turned to her. “You want to stay out here because you want to look for your daddy’s body, don’t you?”

Maisy hesitated for only a moment before she nodded. “I know it’s crazy, but I just need to know that he’s gone.”

“It’s not crazy, honey. But you really need to leave the search to me and Lincoln. If he finds out what you’re up to, he’d not gonna be happy. This is a murder case and Sam’s body is evidence. You can’t just go digging around. The first set of tracking dogs didn’t find anything, but Lincoln is getting some cadaver dogs. I’m sure they’re gonna find your daddy. You need to let Lincoln do his job before you mess up important evidence in the case. You want your daddy’s murderer to pay for his crime, don’t you?”

Maisy did want the sheriff to pay. “Fine. I won’t go digging around. But I still want to stay here. I just need to . . . “ She shook head. “I don’t know how to explain it. If Sam is here, I guess I just want to be . . . close to him.”

“Aww, honey.” Dixie pulled her in for a hug. “I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling right now. You go to look for your daddy and find out he’s been murdered. That has to be a shock. And not having a body to bury is even more painful.” She drew back. “You stay here if you have to. You don’t need to explain it to anyone. But if you need anything—and I mean anything—all you have to do is call. I’ll be out here in a flash. If it’s an emergency, you call Sawyer.” She winked. “There’s nothing like a hot cowboy coming to your rescue. Now get better so we can have ourselves another margarita party.”

Since Dixie shouldn’t be drinking if she was pregnant, Maisy figured she’d just misunderstood. “Who says we can’t have another margarita party now? I’ll tell you what. You bring the margaritas and I’ll grill up some fajitas tomorrow night to go with them. I’ll even let you bring your ornery husband.”

Dixie laughed. “It’s a deal. Especially since Linc and I aren’t what you’d call the best cooks. If we aren’t eating at the pharmacy soda fountain, we’re begging for an invite to dinner at Dixon’s Boardinghouse.” She opened the door of her SUV. “Now I better get before Emma and Boone kill each other.”

“Emma and Boone were the ones in the fender bender?”

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