Home > A Tree Frog and Her Honey Badger(25)

A Tree Frog and Her Honey Badger(25)
Author: Julia Mills

Her hands couldn’t stay still. She touched his chest and ran the back of her hand across his nipples, giving him a sexy chuckle as he shivered and growled low in his throat. She’d waited long enough. Freddie needed her mate more than she needed her next breath.

Sliding her hand between their bodies, she wrapped her fingers around his erection, bowing her back when he dipped his head and sucked as much of her breast into his mouth as would fit. Sucking her hardened nipple between his teeth, Buck tasted and teased as her fist worked his cock into hard perfection.

Pulling away with a gasp, lust and love shining brightly in his beautiful blue eyes, Buck growled, “I need to be inside you. I need you.” Kissing her jaw, nipping at her neck, and lavishing her shoulder with his lips, he whispered, “Only you, Freddie. Only you.”

“Yes…oh yes, yes, yes,” she gasped, letting go of his erection and digging her nails into his shoulder as her amazing honey badger balanced on the hand that was by her head and slid the other slowly up the inside of her thigh.

Teasing her already wet curls, Buck’s forehead touched her as he slipped first one and then another finger inside her pussy, sighing. “Oh, god, you are so wet, so ready. I want to have your taste on my tongue. I want it everywhere. I want the whole world to know I belong to you and only you.” Panting, a glorious sheen covering his olive complexion, he gasped. “But that will have to wait. I have to be inside you—right now. No more waiting.”

Working his digits in and out of her slick pussy, Buck looked deep into her eyes as his thumb began to taunt her swollen, throbbing clit and he purred, "But first, come for me, Freddie. Scream my name. Wet my hand. Come, my love, let me feel how much I turn you on.”

As the last word crossed his lips, her fabulous honey badger, the one man she’d been waiting for her whole life, squeezed her clit between his thumb and forefinger. In the blink of an eye, Winifred F. Lightfoot experienced the first-ever screaming, mind-blowing, almost-passing-out orgasm of her life. Not a single one, either with another guy or all by her lonesome, had ever compared. Everything she’d ever heard about being with her mate was true and then some.

It was fabulous, life-changing, and further confirmed that Buck Blackthorne was the man for her. Kissing her lips with all the passion and fire she could feel boiling between them, Buck slowly pulled his fingers from her still quivering body and, with a sensual roll of his hips, slid just the tip of his erection inside her.

Raising his head, capturing her with his smoldering gaze, Buck slowly, inch by glorious inch, pushed into her body. Filling Freddie so that she had no idea where he stopped and she started. It was like flying for the first time.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, taking just a little bit more of her mate into her body, she gasped as the blue of his eyes began to swirl, and in the most sincere, heartfelt tone, Buck murmured, “I love you, Dr. Freddie Lightfoot-Blackthorne. I love you more than I ever thought possible. To the bottom of the swamp to the top of the mountain and everywhere you go, I love you, and I'll always be by your side.”

Pulling back until she thought they would be separated, Buck stopped just in time and held perfectly still. Staring into not only his eyes but his soul, Freddie saw forever, and it was fucking awesome.

Then he drove back into her body. A man possessed with her pleasure before his, Buck created a rhythm that became frantic and more wonderful with each thrust.

All rational thought ceased. Her nails dug into his shoulders. She spoke in languages yet to be discovered and loved her man like there was no tomorrow. Tiny orgasms shot through her body as the tips of his canines scraped the tender spot where her neck met her shoulder.

Hips thrusting to his, Freddie’s fingers dove into her mate’s hair, fisting the blond curls and holding him tighter to her heated flesh. Opening her mouth, she tried to beg. She wanted to plead. Hell, she would’ve been happy to utter a single intelligent word, but her brain was in its happy place and refusing to help in the slightest.

Leaning back, Buck looked at her with beautifully hooded eyes and asked, “What is it, my stunning winged tree frog? What can I do for you?”

The glint in his eye was mesmerizing. He knew what she desired but wanted to hear her say it. Needed to hear the words. It was the sweetest, most endearing thing ever. Slowing his thrusts, he purred, “Say it, my love, tell me what you want.”

“B-bite me, d-damn you.” With her hips refusing to be still and her body needing what only Buck could give her, Freddie inhaled as deeply as she could and demanded, “Bite me, B-Buck. Dammit, I l-love you. Now, make me yo-yours.”

Smiling with male pride, a look that would’ve pissed her off on any other man but looked really damned good on hers, her mate resumed the amazing rhythm that made her body hum at the same time that he kissed down her neck, licked the spot he’d already been teasing, and said, “I love you, Freddie, and now, you’ll be mine forever.”

Canines sliding through her flesh, holding tight to her pounding pulse and shaking muscle, Buck's bite sent a fiery thrill of love and passion tearing through her body. Screaming her release as Buck held on tight and emptied his seed into her body, Freddie knew she was as close to Heaven as she had ever been. Floating back to earth, she whispered into her mate’s mind, “That’s a trip I wanna take again…lots.”

“Oh, darlin’, you have no idea the plans I have for us.”

Hours later, and after a few more trips to Buck and Freddie’s Happy Place, she was cuddled up with him, loving the feel of having someone she belonged to and who belonged to her, when Buck kissed the top of her head and whispered, “I have a present for you.”

Raising her head, Freddie shoved her hair over her shoulder and waggled her eyebrows. “More than what we just did? You sure we shouldn’t hydrate?”

Barking with laughter, Buck snorted. “That was not a present. That was a necessity. If you hadn’t agreed to let me mark you and love you for the rest of forever, I would’ve exploded all over the damned swamp.”

Patting his chest and rolling her eyes even though she was secretly thrilled beyond measure, Freddie playfully scoffed, “You would’ve been just fine. Remember, one of my degrees is in medicine.”

Moving so fast the room spun and she ended up on her back with a sexy, turned-on honey badger looming over her, Freddie's heart did that silly little pitter-pat thing as Buck kissed her until she was breathless and starry-eyed all over again. Pulling back long before she was ready and winking when she groaned and tried to keep him where he was, Freddie Lightfoot’s amazing mate rolled to the side, taking her along for the ride.

Stopping only when they were face to face with her left hand in his right, she was instantly lost in his eyes. So captivated that she almost missed the feel of something cold sliding down her ring finger.

Snapping her head to the side, all she could do was gasp. “What the…? For me? How did you…? Son of a gun, I’m gonna cry, and tears aren’t my thing. I just don’t… But I think I just might…”

Shaking his head, Buck looked more than a little scared as he stammered, “H-Happy te-tears, right?”

Looking away from the most gorgeous ring she'd ever seen—a platinum band set with seven perfect stones, one for each color in Bright's wings—Freddie closed the distance between them, pressed her lips to her mate’s, and whispered directly into his mind, “Yeah, they’re happy tears, ya big goofball.”

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