Home > Boone (Eternity Springs : The McBrides of Texas #3)(25)

Boone (Eternity Springs : The McBrides of Texas #3)(25)
Author: Emily March

“Thank you. So the outfit is appropriate? I shopped at the boutique you recommended, and the owner helped me pick it out.”

Boone gave her a slow once-over, allowing his appreciation to show. She wore skinny jeans with a long, gauzy purple top, belted at the waist. “Well, I’ll be honest, Hannah. Caroline Carruthers is a beautiful woman, but I’m afraid you might outshine the bride.”

“Do lines like that ever work for you, McBride?”

He shrugged and gave her a roguish grin.”It’s not a line if it’s true.” She rolled her eyes and smirked, then said, “Thank you for the flowers. They’re lovely. As were the ones from your cousin.”

“Jackson sent flowers?”

“He did. And a dozen cookies too.”

“Cookies! Shoot, I never thought of cookies. From Fresh?”

“Yes. Those things are everywhere. It’s like you’re all a bunch of cookie pushers—and I’m quickly becoming an addict.”

He escorted her to the car. Then, after sliding into his seat, glanced at her while starting the engine, noting her smile of bemusement. “What?”

“I was trying to remember the last time a man opened the door for me.”

“Uh-oh. Did I just step on your toes by opening your door? Break one of your principles? I grew up in West Texas, and my mama taught me that opening doors for ladies is good manners. It’s a hard habit to break.”

“No. No complaint. It’s nice. So tell me about your mama, and the rest of your family too. They’ll all be here tonight?”

“Yep.” Boone decided to take the long way around the lake to the Callahans’ North Forty, so at the end of his driveway, he turned right onto the road that circled the lake. He began answering her question. “I have two younger sisters, twins, Lara and Frankie—Francesca. My father’s name is Parker, my mother’s Marquetta, but she goes by Quetta. They live on a ranch in West Texas. Lara is a math nerd who works in Silicon Valley, doing something for a tech start-up that is beyond my capability to understand. Frankie is a makeup artist in Hollywood. She’s made some spectacular monsters. You should see the Halloween parties she throws.”

“I scare easily. Probably better that I don’t.”

He gave her a sidelong look. “Scaredy-cat, are you?”

“I am. Monsters give me nightmares. I saw Gremlins in the movie theater and didn’t make it past the thirty-minute mark.”

“What about psychological thrillers?”

“They’re even worse. I am a Hallmark movie girl all the way.”

Boone winced. “Oh, man. I guess I’ll need to keep the engagement ring in my pocket after all. I can’t marry a Hallmark movie girl.”

“Planning the wedding already, were you?” she asked drily.

“Fair warning,” he replied, thinking about his cousin Tucker. “McBride men tend to do that. And hey, I’m taking you to meet my parents on our first date, so it should be obvious.”

“Good thing we know from the first that we’re not compatible. So what’s your favorite movie?”

He rolled his tongue around his mouth and considered it. “That’s a hard one. I can’t say I have a single fav movie. I probably have a top five. The Natural is one. Braveheart. I watch Caddyshack at least once a year. Love Saving Private Ryan and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.”

“All good—wait. Seven Brides? Seriously?”

“Seriously. Good music, beautiful women, and a totally politically incorrect theme. What’s not to love?”

She was gawking at him. Grinning, he explained further. “The twins performed in summer musicals each year. Those girls can really sing. You couldn’t live with them and not learn the songs, so when a lunch buffet of bad enchiladas ran through the cast one day, they recruited my cousins and me to perform for the matinee.”

“You’re a singer too?”

“Not at all. But we did know how to fight. We had a good time. It’s a nice memory, and if you perchance hear one of us call another a lily-livered chicken-hearted lick-spittle, you’ll understand why. That’s a line we’ve never forgotten.” That solicited the laugh he’d expected. He gave her a quick glance and asked, “What about you? Do you sing?”

“Only if I’m trying to scare raccoons away.”

They spent the rest of the drive exchanging what Boone thought of as ordinary first-date, get-to-know-you small talk. Upon their arrival at the North Forty, he met her gaze and said, “Well, Ms. Dupree, ready or not. Prepare to meet the family.”



Chapter Eight

Hannah couldn’t say exactly what she expected upon her arrival at this McBride family event. But being hugged and kissed on the cheek by a Grammy-winning pop-music star wasn’t it. Nevertheless, that’s precisely what happened. Coco was demonstrably grateful for Hannah’s help with Haley.

The singer set the tone.

Boone’s parents, his sisters, his cousins—he had lots of cousins when you included the people named Callahan—all made a point to thank her and make her feel welcome. People came at her so fast that she didn’t have time to think about being on a date. Not that this was a real date. It was, however, the most social activity she’d had in the past three years.

The rehearsal itself was touching, with her friend from the boutique, Celeste Blessing, making the presentation of official Angel’s Rest blazons to the bride, groom, and flower girl—Haley. Boone was jealous. The music was fabulous. The food, delicious. To Hannah’s complete surprise, she had a very nice time.

Another surprise awaited her when the time came to leave. Rather than take the car he’d driven to the event, Boone led her down to the lake where half a dozen motorboats were docked. “If you’re okay with getting out on the lake, I figured it’d be a nice evening to take the water route home. You up for that?”

Hannah considered the idea. Was she up for a boat ride? She hadn’t been on the water since the girls died, but once upon a time, boating had been one of her favorite pastimes. Was she ready to take a boat ride? That push–pull of the lake.

Well, she’d already crept out on this limb. Might as well toddle on out to the end. “Sure. That sounds nice.”

“Great.” He gestured toward a beautiful wooden runabout, a luxury brand she recognized. “This one is mine.”

“Oh, wow, Boone. One of the doctors on our lake had one of those. I always wanted to take a ride.”

“It’s your lucky day.”

He stepped into the boat and offered her his hand for balance as she stepped into the cockpit. She asked, “What about your car?”

“My folks will drive it home. I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about the idea, so I planned options. They drove Escape over here, and now we’ll just switch vehicles. I didn’t want to bring you over here by the water. I grew up with three women in the house. I understand the importance of having good hair the first time you meet people.”

“Smart man,” she observed. “Escape is a good name for a boat.”

“You don’t have to sound so surprised.”

“Serenity Cabbage?”

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