Home > Enchanting Beauty (The Twisted Villain Chronicles #1)(24)

Enchanting Beauty (The Twisted Villain Chronicles #1)(24)
Author: Bianca Mckay

Wren fidgeted where she stood, shuffling her feet impatiently as she gazed up at the few stars that twinkled above the canopy of leaves. The mist furled around them, wrapping them in a cold embrace. Aribelle could sense the excitement in the air; the pack had gathered and were ready for their hunt. And as hard as Wren had been fighting accepting her new life, Aribelle could feel the anticipation building around her new assistant.

“Because you will hunt us down like animals?” Dru asked sarcastically, flailing his arms about.

“Because it would not be wise,” Aribelle repeated, raising a brow. “Do as I say and follow me.”

Aribelle continued her trek down the path, pushing aside low hanging branches. A hand landed on her shoulder, squeezing gently. The bubbling fury inside her burst with surprising force, leaving only a whisper of calm washing over her like a warm breeze.

“Just tell us what is going on, Belle,” Thame said in a low whisper, his eyes pleading.

“Is it not enough to know that I am Alpha, and you should heed my orders or be eaten?” She asked without infliction.

Thame chuckled low and leaned forward, his breath fanning her face.

“It is not. Please, just explain,” He asked.

With a huff, Aribelle stepped away from Thame’s annoying soothing presence. His closeness calmed the rage that simmered in her blood, tamed the wildness that threatened to consume her, and made heat pool deep in her belly. It was wholly despicable, she thought, to have this reaction to a man, let alone one who was likely sent here for nefarious reasons.

“I didn’t want to say anything because your brother is, quite frankly, a whiny bitch. I’ve seen old women on their death beds with bigger balls than he.” Aribelle replied.

Thame’s mouth split in a wide grin, his eyes crinkling in the corners.

“I’m going to marry you, Belle, Queen of Beasts,” Thame said as he stared intensely into her eyes.

“I’m pretty sure she’ll eat you alive before she marries you.” Wren chimed in.

“Are you serious, Thame? Do you want to marry the beast? We didn’t come here for you to fall in love with the enemy.” Dru shouted shrilly.

Aribelle snorted loudly, giving Dru a withering stare that she hoped would communicate just how badly she wished for him to drop dead.

“I wouldn’t marry you if the Goddess herself told me to,” Aribelle said coolly, though her heart flipped over at his declaration.

It was a rare occurrence that anyone showed her affection or genuine interest. The few men she had been with either wanted the power that would come with being part of the Alpha pair, or they couldn’t handle her brashness and callous personality. Thame appeared to be genuinely interested in all parts of her, the angry cursed beast and the confused but determined woman. If she was honest with herself, she wanted to peel back his layers too. Find the ruthless prince under the womanizing whore, and see what other sides he hid beneath.

“We need to go,” Aribelle said curtly. “You’re both unchained because otherwise, you would be trapped prey to those who don’t have complete control over their wolf counterpart. It’ll be hard enough to ensure that the gentle prince here makes it to Rynoch alive because if there’s one thing the pack knows how to do, it’s picking off the weakest. Just follow me and keep quiet if you want to stay alive, because if you accidentally challenge someone or you become a sniveling spoiled brat, I will not intervene with our ways to save your sorry sack of skin and bones.”

Aribelle turned to continue down the path when Dru spoke again.

“What is stopping us from escaping or fleeing in the night?”

“The pack,” Aribelle said smugly. “You think my people docile?”

Aribelle laughed cruelly, mockingly, as she stepped towards Dru.

“They will look for a reason to hunt you down. They are likely praying to the Goddess right now that you do try to flee, just for an excuse to sink their fangs into your creamy flesh,” Aribelle warned.

Dru nodded his head, gulping loudly.

“Got it,” He assured.

“I really hope you do because I will not berate or punish my people for being who they are in reaction to intruders who didn’t know their place. And in case you didn’t know, your place was in Vildaheim. You chose to come here on whatever foolish quest you’re on. You can stop being pissed at me, stop crying about everything, and for all of our sakes put a stopper in your incessant whining. Neither myself nor my people brought you here or forced you to come here. If you’re going to continue to hate anyone, start with yourself,” Aribelle spat.

“I think he gets it, love,” Thame said as he put an arm around Aribelle’s shoulders, in an attempted to steer her forward.

Throwing his arm off of her, Aribelle bared her teeth at Thame, who walked along ahead of her following the path whilst whistling a jaunty tune.

“Do not touch me again,” Aribelle snarled after him.

“The next time I touch you, it will be because you begged it of me,” Thame said over his shoulder with a wink.

“Hold your breath while you wait, please!” Aribelle shouted at his back.

The group walked the path as it twisted and turned through the forest, jumping over fallen trees and swatting flying insects as they nipped are their flesh. It took another fifteen minutes of brisk walking before they reached a small field of wildflowers, where over two hundred men and women stood anxiously, shuffling their feet, talking excitedly, and drinking merrily together.

The men and women were dressed in leather or fur, with most of their skin exposed. Men were mostly shirtless or wearing vests, whilst the women wore mainly skirts with tops that barely covered their breasts. Many were nude, standing amongst the pack uncaring about having their nakedness on display before their peers. As Dru shifted uncomfortably, Aribelle rolled her eyes, thinking her earlier assessment of the young prince’s intact virginity was correct.

“They all look so…feral,” Dru whispered to Thame.

“They dress a little differently than we, but who cares?” Thame said, giving his brother a reproachful look.

“You cannot tell me that they don’t look untamed and uncivilized. They will kill us, can’t you see that?” Dru scoffed incredulously.

“I cannot tell their future actions by looking at their current appearance, no,” Thame replied.

“We can all hear your insulting but not so private conversation,” Aribelle stage whispered.

The blood drained from Dru’s face, making him nearly translucent in the moonlight. The crowd of wolves roared their laughter at the frightful expression on his face.

“Oh, calm down, you big pansy! No one is going to eat you… tonight,” Aribelle said with a wink.

She froze where she stood, feeling the stare of hundreds on her. Why in the Goddess’ name did she just joke with a prisoner? She thought wildly. She disliked the crybaby prince immensely, so why had it just felt so natural to tease the bastard? Goddess, she must be losing her mind.

“Are you alright?” Thame whispered beside her.

She stepped away from him quickly, wondering why her senses were so befuddled. She had not heard him step closer, or notice the heat of his arm brushing against her. Nor had she realized that she was subtly leaning into him, as though her body subconsciously sought his out for comfort.

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