Home > Enchanting Beauty (The Twisted Villain Chronicles #1)(33)

Enchanting Beauty (The Twisted Villain Chronicles #1)(33)
Author: Bianca Mckay

Aeson walked out, followed shortly by Wren.

"Alpha, I have examined the patient," Aeson said with a respectful bow of his head.

"And?" Aribelle snapped impatiently.

Goddess, she hated the theatrics, she groused internally. She hated the pregnant pauses and the word games. Couldn't anyone just say what they meant or tell the whole story anymore?

"And there is nothing I can do for him, other than assure he is comfortable up until the time of passing," Aeson said somberly.

"Leave," Aribelle ordered.

Wren and Aeson stared at her, uncomprehending her dismissal.

"Wren, go to your tent with Druas. Aeson, if there is nothing you can do, then I have no use of you here. Go back to the pack in case anyone falls ill or is injured," Aribelle said in a monotone.

She did not wait for either of them to acknowledge her command, nor did she wish to speak further with them. She needed a few minutes with Thame before it was too late. She was out of time to tell him how she felt, how much she appreciated his companionship this past week. She needed to tell him that he would always own that little piece of her heart that he stole. And she needed to explain just how sorry she was that the only other option for saving his life was turning him into a monster, like her.



Fourteen: Corrupted Hearts

“Do you promise to take me to the festival, Momma?”

“Even if I did promise, my beauty, you should know better by now to never trust anyone but yourself.”


"What are you doing here?" Dru sneered as Aribelle entered the tent.

He was sitting at Thame's side, tucking the blankets underneath him to ward off the chill of the evening air. Aribelle wrung her hands together nervously, not wanting to start a fight with him. What she needed was for him to leave so that she could have the chance to save Thame without anyone else knowing what she was about to do. If this worked, Thame's life could be saved in an excruciatingly painful manner. If she failed, his life would end sooner than expected, in an excruciatingly painful manner. Either way, she did not want the aggressive asshole brother in the room with her when she bit Thame.

"I-I just wanted to say goodbye," She stuttered, in an effort to sound timid.

When Dru snorted in disbelief, she knew that her performance was not the least bit convincing. She rolled the sleeves of her tunic up to her elbows, glaring at Dru menacingly.

"You either let me have a moment alone with him, or I knock you out and take my moment alone with him. You have had a screwed-up perception of Jurot from the instant I met you in that wood. Being a prince of another kingdom gives you no authority here. You do not get to tell me what I can and cannot do. What you have to do is get the fuck out of my way. Here, in my tent, in my kingdom, you have no say in anything.

"You've been sent here to spy or ambush Jurotian people, and I could have your head on a spike in the hands of a messenger headed to your father anytime I want. I would be within my rights; did you know that? According to Vildaheim laws, if any royal attempts to plot or scheme against another kingdom, it can and will be considered an immediate declaration of war. That law was enacted to protect your father's kingdom but gave him a loophole to send common folk off as spies and mercenaries. But here you and your brother are, caught in Jurot without stating your business was peaceful. You can call me a beast all you want, but as far as I am concerned, you've used all of the mercy I was prepared to allot you," Aribelle said.

"You have two minutes, beast," Dru snapped, vacating his seat beside Thame.

Aribelle nodded, though her stomach did an odd flip, as adrenaline flooded her veins. Two minutes was plenty of time to bite Thame, but it would have to be quick, and she would need to pray that he remained silent through the pain. She would not have the time to explain anything to him, to prepare him. Although he was unconscious, she had hoped to offer him the comfort of her voice, or some explanation to make herself feel better about what she was going to do.

She waited until the tent flap closed before rushing to Thame's side, brushing his long locks out of his clammy face. She leaned down and brushed her lips against his, feeling a spark of hope ignite in her heart. Pushing his head to the side, Aribelle exposed his throat, watching his pulse throb slowly in his neck.

"I'm so sorry, but this is the only chance I have to save you. Please don't hate me," Aribelle whispered, kissing down his neck.

Her fangs descended, moisture pooling in her mouth as she breathed in his scent. She bit down on his neck, sinking her fangs into his flesh. Thame jerked beneath the hand she had laid on his chest, a low groan emanating from his throat. Retracting her fangs, Aribelle licked off the droplets of blood that beaded where she bit. To her amazement, the holes closed within seconds, leaving behind no evidence of what she had done.

"Step away from him," Dru commanded by the tent flaps.

Aribelle's head snapped in his direction, wondering if he had witnessed her biting Thame. She backed away from Thame slowly, cocking her head as she studied Druas, who did not look any angrier than usual. Deciding that he did not bear witness to her actions, Aribelle let out an even breath, masking the optimism she now felt about Thame's chances of surviving.

"I will not go near him again, but I am staying, so make your peace with that," Aribelle said, sticking her nose up in the air.

Dru ignored her as he stomped towards Thame, inspecting him for signs of abuse. Dru jumped back with a yelp, his hands trembling.

"What is it?" Aribelle said with a smile that she couldn't quite hide.

Dru must have noticed Thame was healing, and the miraculous sight spooked him, she thought excitedly.

"He has a fever, hotter than I would have ever imagined someone could be," Dru grouched as if he would rather speak to anyone but her.

"That cannot be," Aribelle said, her heart sinking.

Did she do something wrong? She wondered. Should she have left her fangs in until he was completely healed? If so, she would have to find another way to get rid of Dru for a second time.

"Well, it is," Dru said. "I am not so daft that I cannot tell his temperature."

Aribelle raised a brow at Dru's back, not willing to argue with that because she really did think him that daft. Thinking fast, Aribelle said the first thing that came to her mind, a remedy Agatha used to do whenever Aribelle complained of feeling feverish.

"Send Wren for some water, we will pat him down with cool cloths, and that will bring his temperature down," Aribelle instructed. "Have her grab me a drink and some dried meat while you're at it," She added, knowing he wouldn't do anything for her.

Dru made it to the tent flaps before turning towards her and jabbing a finger in Thame's direction.

"Do not harm him, or I will kill you, beast," Dru barked.

Aribelle nodded, internally willing him just to go already. Dru walked out, and Aribelle rushed over to Thame as she heard Dru calling out for Wren. Aribelle touched the back of her hand to Thame's forehead, prepared for the heat that comes with high fevers, but he felt normal. Letting a relieved smile stretch across her face ,Aribelle ran her fingers over every inch of Thame's exposed skin, assuring herself that he was not in the throes of a fever.

"That's normal," She whispered to Thame. "It's the wolf joining with your soul. You'll feel feverish and ill the first several shifts as well, but it will pass."

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