Home > Entwined(20)

Author: Kat Catesby

It doesn’t take us long to reach my dorm and for Jackson to walk me to my door. It takes me a second longer than it should to realize that I didn’t tell him where I live. I raise my eyebrows in question and Jackson just shrugs in an are-you-really-that-bothered type of way.

After everything that’s happened this evening, probably not.

He leans forward, touching his lips gently to my forehead and I want him to stay and leave in equal measure.

“Try and get some sleep. Everything will seem better in the morning,” he promises.

I nod and walk through my door, closing it quietly behind me. I peel my jeans off as quickly as I can manage without falling over, and flop down onto my bed, curling up into a tight ball still wearing Jackson’s boxers and sweater.

I fall into a deep sleep surrounded by the scent of him.

Everything will seem better in the morning…

Everything was not better in the morning.



Chapter Nine


A persistent knocking on my door drags me into consciousness…I don’t go willingly.

Groaning in frustration, I roll over and see the time; I’ve overslept and missed all of my morning lectures thanks to last night’s vigorous nocturnal activities.

Before I can compose myself, the asshole at my door gives up knocking and proceeds to open my door with a key they apparently have.

My first thought is that it’s Jackson checking up on me, having somehow procured himself my room key just like he procured my address without me telling him…sadly, this isn’t the case.

I didn’t realize just how disappointing that could be until Sonya’s unmistakable red hair and pointy bitch-face waltz into my room.

My heart sinks.

“Oh, so you are in here.”

I sit up and try to rub the sleep from my eyes, my hands not quite visible through the long sleeves of Jackson’s sweater.

What is she doing here and why the fuck does she have a key?

I’m not the greatest morning person and I can feel a particularly foul mood developing at her annoying presence.

“You look tired...guess it was sloppy seconds for you after all. You’re going to need to work on your stamina though if you’re going to be one of Jackson’s fuck bunnies,” she smirks.

One of?

My heart thumps painfully in my chest, even though I know she’s just being a bitch to get a rise from me.

“What are you doing here?” quiet hatred burns in my veins.

“I’m your new roommate.”

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

“You’re a sophomore, I’m a freshman. That makes no sense, so fuck off and stop bothering me.”

“A lonely freshman who’s struggled to socialize and needs some help integrating into student life. At least, that’s what our mutual friends with influence persuaded the Dean to believe.”

“Why would Jackson persuade anyone to let you be my roommate? Pretty sure he picked up on my undertone of dislike and general hatred for you. If he didn’t want me to be alone, you would be the last person he would send.”

I’m exhausted, increasingly frustrated and, I hate to admit it, beginning to panic.

“Jackson didn’t send me. He’s not the be-all and end-all, despite his age and influence. There are Avidites that even he has to answer to, and they’re not thrilled that he spilled his supernatural secret to some freshman chick who’s un-vetted and apparently not a Donor. He had to answer some awkward questions about that this morning. Normally, if he’s not after a new Donor, he just fucks the girl without telling her his life story. So, why’d he tell you?” She demands.

My mind reels from what she’s just said and I can’t help stop the panic constricting my lungs. The only reason Jackson considered me safe was that no one had made the connection about my supernatural heritage. It seems that may no longer be the case, especially with Sonya’s here, asking questions. I’m just grateful I fell asleep before I took my contacts out, even if my eyes are now sore; I can’t have her figuring out what I am.

“What makes you all think he told me anything?”

“Because he returned in the middle of the night alone, distracted and majorly on edge. Combine that with him smashing his fists into Shaun’s face, which isn’t something that normally happens when he’s with a standard fuck bunny, and it’s enough to raise questions. Questions that Jackson was too distracted to lie about convincingly. They know he told you about himself, though he wouldn’t explain why. You’re an unknown quantity and you are to be watched. That’s where I come in.”

The bombshells just keep on coming.

I might’ve been able to come to terms with everything that was said and done last night…but now I’m being watched? This is too much.

My head starts to swim in a fuzzy and uncomfortable way that has my stomach-churning.

“Why would you do that?”

“Because there are other Avidites worth keeping on side and having them owe you one. Favors are currency with these people, and I plan on being rich. Your face is pale and green; are you sick?” she asks without patience or kindness.

I nod and I’m not kidding.

My body is clammy and my insides are clawing up my throat. My stomach roils and nausea makes it impossible for me to sit upright anymore so I flop back down onto my bed. I need to think of a way to escape this crazy nightmare that has become my reality.

“Do you want me to get Jackson for you?” she demands.

“Why would you do that for me?” I choke out.

“Because then he’d owe me one as well. He’s not thrilled that they’re enforcing me to watch you, but he’ll appreciate it and be less of a miserable asshole if he thinks I actually care for your wellbeing.”

“Please get him for me,” I say, a plan forming in my mind.

Sonya turns on her heels and struts out of our room.

When I’m sure she’s gone, I grab my mobile from my nightstand and speed dial my security detail.

It answers on the first ring.

“Miss. Vincent,” a clipped, professional voice greets me.

“Come get me. Now,” my voice cracks.

“Are you in immediate danger?”


“Are you in your room?”


“Stay there, we’ll be with you shortly.” The line disconnects.

Immediately I jump off my bed and onto my wobbly feet, grabbing my suitcase from my closet and start throwing in all my worldly possessions.

It doesn’t take me long as I never really settled and made my room feel like home and anything I forget I’m sure Dad will replace.

Once my case is packed, I stow my laptop in my rucksack and pull on a pair of leggings and last night’s ballet flats. Combined with Jackson’s oversized sweater that I refuse to take off and I look like a typical student who can’t be bothered to get dressed in front of a mirror.

When there’s nothing left to pack, I sit on my bed and pray my security detail get here before Jackson does. I may not want to take off his sweater, but I also can’t face seeing him; my resolve will crumble and for my own sanity I need to be far, far away from all of this.

I need to process what I’ve learned and what it means for me to be a Supernatural, and I can’t do that under the critical glare of that fucking bitch Sonya.

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