Home > Entwined(8)

Author: Kat Catesby

“Good?” asks my companion with a lecherous smile that sends goosebumps prickling across my skin.

“It’s okay, I guess. Will Jackson be much longer?” this guy is making me increasingly uncomfortable.

“I don’t suppose so.”

“SHAUN,” yells a body from somewhere inside the throng. Mr. Southern Drawl looks towards the noise and waves his hand to say ‘two seconds’.

“Please excuse me,” he says to me.


I’ve wanted away from him since he first laid his sleazy eyes on me. The whole situation has me on edge and I want out of here as quickly as possible so decide to go looking for Jackson instead of waiting for him.

I quickly get to my feet, only for my brain to lurch causing me to grip the railing for support until the head rush passes. I only had a few mouthfuls of that stuff, but my body feels heavy and my mind fuzzy. I scramble to the top of the stairs before anyone notices me and make my way down a hallway, with no idea which room belongs to Jackson and tripping over my feet as I go.

I lean against a cool wall to support myself as I move further down the hall; my eyesight is starting to blur and that uncomfortable fainting feeling is hovering around the edges of my dwindling consciousness.

Shaun must’ve put something in my drink; I’ve never felt so drunk and disorientated in my life, certainly not after only two mouthfuls.

Panic starts to creep in and my stomach roils, revolting against the punch that’s churning my insides. I need to find a safe place to collapse in.

Through the thickening haze, I can hear a woman’s voice moaning. I follow the sound towards a slightly open door at the end of the hall. She groans again and it’s completely, erotically, sexual. The sounds become more frequent and louder, and not because I’m closer…she just can’t contain her ecstasy.




Chapter Four


My stomach roils furiously as she continues screaming Jackson’s name. “Harder, Jackson…fuck…yes.”

I sink to my knees – mostly because I’m too drugged to stand anymore – and peer through the opening. I know I don’t want to see this, but I can’t stop myself.

I regret it instantly.

His gloriously naked body, muscles glistening with sweat, is fucking some red-headed harpy powerfully up against a wall.

Her fiery hair is matted with sweat, her body slick against his, her seriously ample breasts bounce each time he drills his cock deep into her. She screams with every violent thrust, clawing at his back with her blood-red nails…squeezing her legs tighter around his waist and begging him for more.

The answering moan he gives her as she slams her hips down on top of him makes me want to rip her face off.

Jackson wraps his thickly muscled arm around her back and clamps down on her hip, holding her in place while he grinds into her over and over. The sculpted muscles of his ass flexing with each porn-worthy thrust.

The thumb of his other hand rubs hard and fast against her clit and I can hear her climax building through her moans and cries. Just as I decide I can’t watch anymore and am going to crawl away, I swear I see him bite her neck.

Not just some sexy little nibble…he sinks his teeth deep into her.

I must be seeing things because it looks like he drew blood, but instead of being alarmed by this she shivers and screams her way through an apparently epic climax.

“There you are, pretty girl,” Shaun’s voice startles me and makes my skin crawl.

In a panic to get away from him, I stumble completely through Jackson’s door. I land on my back as the world floats uncomfortably around me and the red-head screeches at my surprise entrance.

“What the fuck!” she squeals, all annoying and naked.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to lose control of my stomach and it’s contents, so roll awkwardly onto my side and into the fetal position, groaning as I do. Shaun, who burst into the room after me is apologizing profusely.

“Emilia?” Jackson whispers my name, but it’s still loud enough for me to hear.

He sounds pretty horrified to see me.

I don’t respond. I just lay on the floor with the hazy fog closing in around me.

Moments later he’s by my side, rolling me onto my back so he can see my face. I’m aware that he’s still naked and covered in her. Her scent hangs thick in the air and it’s disgusting.

“Emilia! Focus, look at me,” his voice is urgent but I can’t…there are too many of him floating in front of my eyes.

He tries to hold my head still with his hands, but I recoil away from him…I know where those hands have been and there’s no fucking way I’m letting him put them on my face. He gets the message and for a moment looks suitably ashamed.

My eyes start to roll and I’m pretty sure the fog is about to steal my tenuous grip on consciousness.

“EMILIA!” Jackson turns his sudden fury on Shaun. “What the FUCK did you do to her?” His shouting is so fierce it keeps me from passing out.

“Jackson? What the hell?” Squawks the redhead. Her voice really grates on me.

“PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON AND LEAVE,” he bellows at her. She huffs as she does it, but she apparently knows better than to argue.

“I thought she was here to party,” Shaun retorts petulantly.

“Did she say she was here to party?” He knows the answer to this one already and Shaun wisely decides against lying about it…Jackson looks utterly menacing, even with the haze clouding my vision.

“No,” Shaun admits. “She said she was here to see you.”

Jackson loses it completely at this point, I’ve never seen anything like it. He sounds like an enraged wild animal and lunges at Shaun, hitting him square in the chest and launching him into the air. His body flies across the room until he smashes into a bookcase on the other side.

What the…?

The drugs must be screwing with my eyes more than I thought.

“You were busy with Sonya, I thought I’d have some fun…it was only a standard roofie,” Shaun pleads, but Jackson doesn’t calm down.

“NOTHING ABOUT HER IS STANDARD.” Yells Jackson as his fist collides with Shaun’s face, which sounds like a skull-cracking against a boulder.

Their fight doesn’t distract me for long and soon the fog is back, swirling in front of my eyes like a sinister black cloud. As I drift on the edge of consciousness, a montage of images I never want to see again flashes through my mind: Jackson biting her naked body, a pain in my neck, her moans of ecstasy, my screams of terror as I lie in a street bleeding to death...

I make some sort of half-strangled, terrified noise that sounds very disconnected from me and clench my hands to my neck. Jackson says my name but I’m not listening; I want to escape – I desperately need to get out of here.

Something inside me agrees to cooperate with this idea, something long dormant and unfamiliar. Adrenaline floods my system, coursing through me, vital and electric. It pushes the fog back, allowing me enough clarity to scramble forwards until I find my feet. Strong arms encase me, but I don’t want them, I don’t even look at them as they flex around my waist, I just shove them away with as much power as I’m capable of.

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