Home > Grown Enough For Love(8)

Grown Enough For Love(8)
Author: Chelsea Falin

Jay’s words about how he should date Savannah rang in Gabriel’s ears, and there was no doubt the idea was tempting. But Gabriel wasn’t certain Jay hadn’t been joking. He was never serious, and no matter that Gabriel had never been interested in Savannah, Jay had been adamant his little sister was off-limits.

Savannah glanced up and smiled awkwardly, one eyebrow raising in confusion. “What are you staring at, Gabriel?”

Had he been staring long? Gabriel shook his head. “Nothing. Just zoning out. I’m hot and tired. Sorry, kitten.”

Savannah shrugged and went back to her work. Gabriel stood and walked over to where she was, sitting beside her to help apply the sealer. “I appreciate you helping. I would’ve never been able to get this much done on my own. I only wish it wasn’t so hot.” Savannah laughed. “If you weren’t here, I’d be half-naked by now.”

Gabriel spoke before he had a chance to consider who he was speaking to. “Well, don’t stop on my account.”

Savannah looked at Gabriel again and set down her paintbrush. “Oh, would you like that, Gabe?” Her bright green eyes were teasing and laughter played on her lips.

“Oh yeah, kitten. That’s the only reason I came to help. Figured I’d get a strip show.” Gabriel didn’t look at her as he continued painting. Naturally, he assumed Savannah knew he was teasing.

Out of the corner of his eye, Gabriel saw a flash of movement and realized in horror Savannah was taking off her shirt. Averting his eyes, he cried out, “Whoa, Sav! I wasn’t serious. What are you doing? What if someone sees?”

Savannah giggled at his discomfort. Why was he so against seeing more of her? He’d been dreaming about it, hadn’t he? Yes, but Gabriel’s feelings were conflicting. On the one hand, he was so used to thinking of her as a little sister needing protection and care. On the other hand, Savannah was a grown woman now that Gabriel would love to get in bed.

“Oh, stop it. When are you such a prude, Gabriel? I’m wearing a sports bra.” Savannah’s voice sounded next to him.

Gabriel glanced over and, true to her word, Savannah was wearing a sports bra. One that did nothing to hide her small, firm breasts. Her stomach wasn’t flat. Instead, it was small and soft, with the smallest hint of roundness. It was exactly the way Gabriel liked his women... although he usually preferred larger breasts. Those would have looked ridiculous on Savannah’s small frame.

“Ah… so, you are.” Gabriel blushed and went back to his work with exaggerated purpose.

He heard Savannah snort. “Are you blushing? Your reaction has me half-tempted to start taking more off. Want me to?”

Gabriel sighed. “Nope. That’s not necessary.”

Savannah’s voice was quiet and she still worked on her task as she said, “You know, I’m not a little girl, anymore.”

Gabriel’s voice was equally as quiet when he answered. “I’ve noticed, kitten.”

He spared a glance in her direction. Savannah was biting her lip and a thoughtful expression played on her face as she moved on to a new board. “And how do you feel about it?”

“What kind of question is that?” Gabriel was confused.

“Well, how do you feel about it? You’ve noticed I’m not a little girl, anymore, but… does that make you feel differently about me?” Savannah looked nervous.

Gabriel shook his head. “You’ve always been like a little sister to me, Sav.”

“But I’m not your little sister,” Savannah stated. “You could feel different, you know.” Her voice had grown even softer, and Gabriel felt a strange stirring in his chest. Not quite lust. He knew that feeling. Something different.

“Kitten, do you still have a thing for me? After all these years?” Gabriel was speaking in a quiet tone, but his voice was louder than Savannah’s had been. It sounded too loud, like this conversation required the reverence of near-silence. “After college? Everything?”

Savannah didn’t answer right away. She placed too much focus on her project, which was moving them across the room to where Gabriel had been moments before. “What if I did? Would it matter?”

“I’m not sure, Sav.” He didn’t have any answers for himself, so he didn’t have any for her. Knowing Savannah, Gabriel was sure that the answer would drive her crazy. She always had to know everything.

Savannah turned to look at him, placing her brush back down on the side of the pail. She stared at him hard until he turned to face her. Gabriel met her eyes, and he saw a thousand emotions playing in them. Savannah’s emotions had always shown in her eyes. Her lovestruck gaze had been one of the biggest giveaways of her schoolgirl crush on him. Gabriel set his own brush in the pail and sighed.

“Am I not good enough for you, Gabriel?” The words seemed to echo against the walls of the large, empty attic.

He shook his head. “That isn’t it at all. You’re amazing. You know I love you.”

Savannah shook her head angrily now. “You don’t love me the way I’ve always wanted you to. I don’t want to be your little sister, I want to be your…” She huffed, cutting the sentence off.

“You want to be my what, Sav? My girlfriend? My lover? What do you want from me?” Gabriel’s voice was pleading and frustrated.

A single tear ran down Savannah’s face, and Gabriel wondered how things had escalated so quickly. Shrugging sadly, Savannah said, “I want to be your everything. I want you to love me… the way I want you to love me.”

Gabriel’s face fell. He scooted closer to Savannah, still sitting cross-legged. He reached out and wiped the single tear from Savannah’s face as she stared at the floor.

With gentle care, he tilted her face up so she looked at him again. Gabriel saw Savannah’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. There was a pain there that seemed to stretch through time. Had she always felt so seriously? A crush was one thing, but was Savannah in love with him? Had she always been? “Kitten… listen… I’m too old for you. I watched you grow up. That makes things different for me.”

Savannah shook her head. “That makes things perfect for you, for us. Don’t you see that?”

Gabriel sighed. “Savannah…” He started, but his words were cut off as Savannah leaned in and brushed her lips against his. Caught off guard, he stared dumb-struck as Savannah pulled back from the kiss. She stared back with a mixture of fear and excitement. “Savannah, you shouldn’t do that.”

Gabriel finished his sentence before Savannah leaned in and kissed his lips again. What the hell was she doing? And why the hell wasn’t he pulling away? Making her stop? She pulled back only inches this time, before kissing him again.

Something inside Gabriel broke then, and his resolve shattered. As Savannah pulled back yet another time, his hand grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her in. He kissed her with a ferocity and hunger he didn’t know existed. Her lips tasted like milk and honey. Was that the flavor of the Chapstick she’d put on several times tonight?

After an initial gasp that rendered her spine stiff, Savannah kissed Gabriel back with matching hunger. Her arms went about his neck even as he rose from his cross-legged position to his knees. He pulled her up with him and wrapped an arm about her waist to pull her closer. Savannah’s small body felt warm against his. The feeling of her bare skin beneath his calloused hand was too much.

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