Home > Black Moon (Alpha Pack #3)(33)

Black Moon (Alpha Pack #3)(33)
Author: J.D.Tyler

    Mac swept past the front desk, ignoring Noah’s tentative question.

    “Doc? You okay?”

    She kept going. When she reached the sanctity of her office, she slammed the door shut and stood there, chest heaving. A wave of dizziness swamped her and the room began to spin. She wavered, put out a hand, realizing she was about to go down—

    And a strong hand caught her arm, steadying her.

    “Whoa! Easy there,” Nick said soothingly. “Come on, sit down.” He helped her into one of the two guest chairs in front of her desk and took a seat beside her, patting her hand.

    “Thanks. I didn’t see you there.” She took a few deep breaths, rubbing the tears from her tired eyes.

    “I just got here, thought I’d sit down and wait for you. Better now?”

    “I think so.”

    “Do I have to ask what—” He halted in midsentence, eyes widening. “Oh, Mac. Christ, don’t tell me what I’m picking up is true.”

    “Depends on what you think it is,” she hedged.

    “Don’t tell me you’re pregnant with Kalen’s baby,” he said softly.

    She swallowed hard. “Jeez, it’s hard to keep a secret when you’re living with a bunch of Psy-wolves.”

    Her attempt to joke fell flat. Nick’s lips didn’t so much as twitch. “Does Kalen know? I met with him yesterday and I didn’t pick up on anything.”

    “If he knew, you would’ve been picking him up off the floor.” She sniffled. “Things between us have been a roller-coaster ride, to say the least. No, the perfect time to drop the bombshell hasn’t exactly presented itself.”

    “Not to mention how scared you are for your baby, and that’s getting in the way of telling him the truth.”

    She nodded miserably, trying not to cry again. “I know in my heart he would never intentionally harm our child.”

    “If he were in full control of himself.”


    “Are you feeling okay physically? Other than the dizzy spell, I mean.”

    “I’m fine, really. That was probably because I’ve just started having some morning sickness and can’t keep a lot down. I’m not as nauseated later in the afternoons, though, so I’m eating a little better then.”

    “That’s good.” The silence stretched between them as the commander absorbed the import of this development. Finally, he met her gaze and said, “What’s going on with you and Kalen doesn’t make what I’ve come to ask of you any easier. Quite the opposite.”

    “Whatever it is, you know I’ll help any way I can,” she told him with some unease.

    “I know, and I appreciate it. Thing is, Kalen needs a lot of help—”

    “Ya think?” Embarrassed by the sarcastic outburst in front of her boss, she grimaced. “Sorry. That wasn’t very professional of me.”

    He gave her an understanding half smile. “I’d say you’re entitled to some angst where our Sorcerer is concerned. I want you to know I’m just as worried about you as I am about Kalen.”

    “Nick, I’m fine,” she tried to reassure him. But he wasn’t buying.

    “Mac, I know why you left Dallas. And even though Kalen isn’t a patient of yours, the possible repercussions to you are just as devastating. He’s more troubled and volatile than anyone you’ve ever dealt with, even the man who attacked you years ago.”

    Why did the man always have to be so reasonable? “True. But I honestly don’t believe Kalen will hurt me.” She had to believe that.

    “I hope you’re right.” He leaned forward, his expression earnest. “We know Kalen is standing on the edge of a cliff, and it’s not going to take much more to send him over. He needs all of us to be there, showing our support, ready to yank him back, if he’s going to survive.”

    “I can’t disagree with that.” She paused. “Did you hear what happened at breakfast?”

    “About Ryon getting knocked out of his seat by one of his ghosts? I heard. And?” He waited for her to explain.

    “It wasn’t one of Ryon’s spirits,” she said. “Kalen created the thing as an illusion and scared the hell out of him for kicks.”

    “Damn, I was afraid of something like this happening.” He gazed at her, troubled. “But I didn’t pick up on it and neither did anyone else, as far as I know. How did you figure out what he’d done?”

    “I felt his emotions. I read his intent through them.”

    His brows drew together. “And just how did you manage that when no one else could?”

    “Because last night he claimed me as his Bondmate,” she said with difficulty. Her face grew hot. “Without my permission.”

    “He did what? Jesus fucking Christ!” His laugh was completely devoid of humor as he shook his head. “I ought to shoot him now and put him out of everyone’s misery.”

    She winced. “That might be a bit harsh. There were two of us getting hot and heavy, after all.” At hearing her own words, she finally began to think that she might have been a little too hard on her lover. He had tried to explain, and she hadn’t been willing to listen.

    “I’m sorry, but in my old clan of born shifters, the penalty for claiming a Bondmate without consent is either banishment or death.”

    Never before had she heard him refer to his old life. She wondered where this clan was located and where they might be now. Whether anyone there missed him. But as curious as she might be, that was a line she didn’t feel comfortable crossing with her boss, and they had a more immediate issue to discuss.

    She brought the topic back to the purpose of his visit. “Well, you’re not really going to shoot him or you wouldn’t be here discussing our well-being with me. What do you think I should do?”

    “He needs to talk with someone about his struggles, past and present,” Nick said. “I know things aren’t easy between the two of you right now, but he needs you.”

    “You think I should give him another chance.”

    “I think you should do what you know in your heart is right. I think his success in defeating Malik depends on his happiness with you.”

    “No pressure, huh?” Dammit! It was becoming very apparent he wasn’t going to give up until she saw his point. Slumping in defeat, she nodded. “Okay. I’ll try, but that’s all I can promise.”

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