Home > Black Moon (Alpha Pack #3)(48)

Black Moon (Alpha Pack #3)(48)
Author: J.D.Tyler

    Oh, no. “Your parents?”

    “Dead, like for years. Maybe since I left home. Christ, they were mummified.”

    “Sweetie, I’m so sorry,” she whispered, aching for him. “It must’ve been such a shock, finding them like that.”

    “My mom was bound to their b-bed, and my father’s head was on the dresser. The killer made her watch and then left her there with him like that. Just left her to die.”

    She held him for a long time, tried to comfort him while he shook. She felt so helpless, uncertain what to say. “Who do you think did this?”

    “Malik’s signature was all over the wards he left on the house,” he said with difficulty. “Ryon said he killed them.”

    “What about the scene? Did you guys leave it alone?”

    “No. Nick wanted to call your dad and have him bring in a clean-up crew, but Aric offered to torch it instead. It’s gone, all except for Grandma’s photo albums. I brought those back.”

    “That’s good. I’m glad you were able to save something that belonged to her,” she said gently.

    He fell silent for a moment. At last she managed to extricate herself from his death grip and urged him into a chair. Taking a seat next to him, she held his hand. His eyes were red and he looked so lost, her heart went out to him.

    “I feel like it’s my fault that they’re dead,” he said quietly. He looked at her, his expression wretched.

    She put on her therapist hat. “That’s an understandable reaction. But let me ask you, were you there when they were killed?”


    “And why weren’t you?”

    “Because my father had thrown me out.”

    “And you were only a fourteen-year-old boy. Therefore, there’s nothing you could’ve done to save them. You might even have been killed along with them.”

    “Maybe, but I don’t think so.”

    “Really? Why not?”

    “They were the target of Malik’s revenge, not me. If he had wanted me dead, I would be by now. I’m too useful to him to die. He’s said as much.”

    She managed to hide her shiver of fear. They both knew that if the killer was Malik—and that seemed highly likely—the Unseelie could change his mind at any time. He could decide that Kalen was a liability he couldn’t afford, especially if he failed to win him to his side. Through their bond, she felt Kalen’s worry. He was strung out, on the edge.

    “Why don’t we go rest in my quarters before dinner? Zan was released earlier, so I’m free.” She tugged him up and linked her arm through his as they walked toward her apartment.

    “I don’t deserve you,” he murmured.

    She burrowed close to his side. “Don’t.”

    “It’s true. All of the bad shit that’s happening is about me.”

    “No. It’s about Malik’s quest for world domination. You had nothing to do with the birth of his plans.”

    “But from the time I was a child, those plans had something to do with me. He killed my parents, just like he’s murdered everyone who’s ever hurt me. And he hasn’t done those things out of love—I’m important to him. Or rather, my power is.” He gave a bitter laugh.

    “But you’re more important to me and to the Pack. Don’t forget that.”

    “I’ll do my best, baby.” Squeezing her hand, he gave her a grateful smile.

    The two of them continued to her apartment holding hands and she enjoyed their closeness, the warmth of his bigger palm enfolding hers. Inside, she slipped off his duster and tossed it on the sofa, then pulled him into her bedroom. He gave her a questioning look, hope and desire flaring in his eyes.

    “Make love to me, please,” she murmured, skimming a palm over his chest.

    He sucked in a breath. “Thought you’d never ask.”

    She took care of him, undressing him as he watched her, his expression as vulnerable as a boy’s. But his body was all man, as evidenced by the desire rising to kiss his stomach. He was breathtaking, made of sleek, lean muscle. Dark and dangerous. All hers.

    “I love you, Kalen.”

    “I don’t understand why, but I’m glad. You make me so happy,” he breathed. “Let me love you back.”

    He undressed her with just as much care as she’d shown him, then pushed her gently onto her back. This time there was wasn’t a lot of foreplay. A few heated kisses on her lips, and he parted her thighs, moved between them. Found her moist center with the head of his cock and slid inside. Made sweet, leisurely love to her with sure strokes, bringing them to a breathless peak. Then sending them over.

    Clinging together, they rode their climax until they lay spent. And afterward remained entwined, soaking up the golden glow of their bond.

    He sighed, sated and spent. When he spoke, his voice was filled with wonder. “God, that was wonderful. What does a beautiful, intelligent woman like you see in a freak like me, baby?”

    Rising up on her elbow, she frowned at him. “You are not a freak. You’re the man I love and I wouldn’t change anything about you, except for taking away your hurts.”

    He squeezed her tight. “I just wish I’d been born a normal kid from a regular, white-bread family. Then I could be an everyday guy for you.”

    “Well, if you had been born any different we wouldn’t even have met,” she said. “Besides, I love you exactly how you are. By saying you wish you were different, you’re questioning my choices and my intelligence. Is that what you mean to do?”

    Sucking in a breath, he hugged her tight as she cuddled into his side again, and dropped a kiss to the top of her head. “No, it’s not. You’re right and I’m sorry. You’re the one good thing to come out of all of this, you know that?”

    “We are the one good thing.” She nuzzled his bare chest.

    “Yeah. You make the darkness go away,” he whispered. “You’re my light.”

    Her throat tightened with emotion. “Then hang on a bit longer and we’ll beat it together.”

* * *

    Mac awoke to a persistent knocking coming from somewhere beyond the bedroom. Disoriented, she glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand and realized it was seven in the morning. She and Kalen had missed dinner and slept all night.

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