Home > Black Moon (Alpha Pack #3)(68)

Black Moon (Alpha Pack #3)(68)
Author: J.D.Tyler

    “So Kalen’s going to save us?” Ryon asked.

    “Or destroy us all. I don’t know which way it goes, so if any of you want out, now’s the time to speak up. Anyone?”

    No one moved. Or spoke.

    Jax and Zan eased inside, Sariel after them. “What did you find?” Nick asked Jax.

    “There’s a huge army of Sluagh gathering a couple of miles west of here, in a clearing in the forest. There’s way too many, even with Grant’s forces meeting us and intercepting them.”

    Nick and Jarrod shared a look; then Nick repeated his question. “Could be we’re all about to meet our deaths. In or out?”

    Jax scoffed. “How could you even ask us that? In, dammit.”

    The rest echoed him, and the Pack took a few moments to center themselves. To contemplate the monumental task before them. Then they went to face their fate like the men of honor they were. Nick was the last out, but not before he took one more look around the room.

    And he wondered, as they all did, whether they’d make it home alive.




    Come to me, son. It’s time we end the commander and his men.

    “The shields are down,” he lied. “Come and get them.”

    To me, boy. We fight together.

    Kalen ignored the summons and waited. In the darkness, outside the compound, he knew Malik and his goons would start their way, and he’d gloat when he saw how very outnumbered the Pack was, even with the military black ops groups assisting them.

    But he’d soon be in for a very big surprise.

    The Pack filed out of the building, tense and battle-ready even though they must be exhausted. They’d already tackled the last research facility, and now they’d battle for their lives. They’d been up almost all night anticipating this, and still they showed. Ready to rumble.

    His pride in them, in being a part of them even for a short time, nearly overwhelmed him. If it was the last thing he did, he’d prove to them that he’d been worthy all along. He could resist the lure of evil because of his brothers. Because of Mac and their child. He just had to hold out a little longer.

    Kalen cloaked himself from their presence, though some of them sensed something off. He rode right next to Aric in the SUV on the way to the rendezvous point with Grant’s men, and the redhead never knew it. That made Kalen smile. Aric would hate that he hadn’t known.

    Soon the vehicles pulled over near a clearing. The forest edged the open space, and behind that was an outcropping of rock that formed a peak. It wasn’t high enough to be called a mountain like some in the distance, but was much more than a hill. Kalen thought that would make a fine vantage point for what he had planned.

    Nick and Grant gathered the soldiers and their instructions were simple. Grant took the lead.

    “Remember, heart and head. Those are the only two places to kill these bastards, and if you miss, you’re dead. What you see here tonight, you didn’t see it at all. You were never here. Correct?”

    “Yes, sir!” they shouted.

    “Excellent. Now, let’s beat these fuckers so we can go home!”

    More lightning and thunder followed his directive and heralded the beginning of the end. Rain was on the horizon, the scent of fresh earth rich in the air, when a horde of screeching Sluagh broke from the trees, came from every direction. Some men crossed themselves quickly—and then ran bravely toward the enemy.

    Dropping his invisibility cloak, Kalen shifted to his panther form and ran with them into the fray. The attack had happened much more swiftly than he’d expected.

    He didn’t see Malik. As the opposing forces clashed, both men and Sluagh screaming, he took out the first of the creatures and tried to scan for the Unseelie. It would be so like him to hang back and avoid the real fight.

    What are you doing, boy? Over here!

    Where? His inattention nearly got him decapitated. He fought on, slashing one creature after another. Lightning and thunder clapped again, and then the rain started. Cold, it stung him like needles in spite of the temperate night. He could hardly see, but he kept fighting. And searching for the one he needed to destroy.

    In the flashes of light, he could see the truth. His Pack was losing. They would all die if he didn’t do something. They were being overrun, three Sluagh replacing every single one who died. This was hopeless. Victory was up to him.

    Or horrible defeat.

* * *

    Mac couldn’t stand it any longer. She had to know what was happening. The site was close, she knew. Just a couple of miles, and there was only one good place close to the compound for a battle to take place.

    She borrowed one of the SUVs from the hangar and took off, rubber squealing. Finding the other vehicles didn’t take long. But she wasn’t expecting the fierce, bloody battle to be taking place so very close to where they’d parked.

    There were hundreds. The sight and sound of the conflict was terrible, unlike anything she’d ever witnessed. One Sluagh took notice of her vehicle and she ducked down, her heart in her throat. She waited, and when it didn’t approach, she peered out the window. The fight raged on, the Sluagh oblivious to her presence, and she waited.

    Please, keep him safe. Keep all of them safe.

    She sent love through her bond with Kalen. And prayed.

* * *

    Kalen spotted Malik beyond the fray, on the peak overlooking the fight, safely out of reach. Without a second thought, he transported himself from the middle of the battle to stand in front of the Unseelie.

    “What did you think to accomplish down there?” Malik snarled. “You were supposed to lower the shields and instead you led them here!” Stepping close, he backhanded Kalen hard across the face.

    “Fuck you!” Warmth filled his mouth and he spat blood over the edge of the cliff.

    “You’re mine and you will obey me! You fight with me. Is that clear?”

    “No, it’s not clear, asshole,” he called to be heard above the rising storm. Agony speared his brain and Kalen clutched his head, struggling to remain on his feet. Another wave hit, and another. Relentless. He yelled out in pain and anger, swaying.

    Through the haze, Kalen swiped at the blood streaming from his nose, glaring at Malik with all the hatred coursing through his body. “Not long ago, you told me that you were intent on creating a breed of super-shifter soldiers. That they would help us usher in a new era where humans were basically cattle and supernatural creatures would rule. Creatures like us.”

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